Clash of Lords: Civilization Game Comes to Reality

Chapter 347 Airborne Operations (V)

Chapter 347 Airborne War (5)

The aerostat is emptying the ship of all explosives and dropping a large number of dense and scattered bombs along its route.

Transform a deadly route.

Only after the explosives are cleared can the rifles be safely distributed to each of the subordinate soldiers, so that the weapons that produce heat and flowers can be fired in the carrier ship.

The explosives that have not been emptied are moved out of the cabin and stored in the central storage compartment.

"I'm just going to help you repel them temporarily, okay?"

Alicia raised her head, looked at Ji Lin who was sitting in the command room and drew three attack routes with the tip of his pen, tilted his head and said.

There are just twenty-six mid-level mages who master complete protective spells and flying skills.

"Just repel them temporarily 깊...don't get hurt."

Ji Lin coughed lightly. Although Alicia, a high-level priest, had been considered to be included in the territory's battle system... he still had to let her join the battle.

His few good friends also felt a little bit guilty.

She is a specific person, not a group like the Skitarii and Territorial Soldiers who were born to carry out orders.

"The external armor carried by the sacrificed payload should be able to support it for a while..."

Ji Lin measured the distance on the regional map, and the aerospace ship was still moving forward according to the established plan.

Additional steel plates on the outside can support the aeroplane for longer when it takes a lot of damage.

With the assistance of the system, he can feel the general status of each floating ship.

The aerospace ship does not have a very fragile external engine structure. Instead, it becomes an iron lump flying in the sky. It gives up its maneuverability to gain a large carrying capacity and has no obvious external weaknesses.

"There are still six hundred meters to go, ready to reach the defenses of the inner circle."

Ten minutes.

The aerospace ship moves four thousand meters per hour and sixty-six meters per minute.

The closer to the inner circle, the thicker the defenses became. The opponent did not expect their fighting method, and was still arranged according to the conventional defensive battle mode.

Save Ji Lin a lot of trouble.

Ten minutes is enough for the aerospace ship to cross the innermost city wall and reach the planned position, but can the reaction speed of the camp garrison be enough to assemble a defense force within ten minutes?

The aerospace ships have dispersed and expanded into a three-dimensional discrete structure, which is convenient for opening from both sides without accidentally injuring friendly aerospace ships - this is an order that has been issued before the war. Once the enemy war mage approaches the fleet, The formation must be deployed to leave enough space for the battle.

Ji Lin no longer has the means to issue orders through signal flares, and not every floating ship is equipped with a skitarii dedicated to transmitting information. Once the signal to command the entire group is sent, they will be attacked by a group.

Looking at Alicia walking to the door with the auxiliary spell-casting structure, is Alicia a high-level priest...

Load a new flare into the gun chamber. Since someone is protecting you, you can no longer hesitate.

He was waiting for the next opportunity to issue an order.


뀙Ball Technique, a spell that every mage must master to advance to the intermediate level.

Heat, power, destruction.

High cost, large range, medium casting.

There is no explosion process, but it directly hits the target in the form of a blazing ball of flame.

Burn, carbonize.

This is the best way to describe the target hit by the ball technique.

With the coordinated casting of twenty-six war mages, the orange-red flames suddenly bloomed, causing the ground to be briefly illuminated by a flickering halo. The dazzling orange-red light quickly took away the sight of the line infantry on the ground, making their morale, which had been slumped under the air attack, rise at this moment.

They cheered and celebrated as their war mage troops defeated the enemy's air ships.

But steel is not a thing. It is hard and cold, with a melting point of 1,500 degrees.

The steel in the molten state can form a semi-liquid protective layer, which greatly absorbs the projected heat until it is broken down by the heat.

One layer after another.


The additional steel plates fell off the aerial ship's hull as they melted themselves, and the additional armor plates that were hit one after another turned into scattered droplets or red iron blocks and fell.

Like a blazing red rain.

Thanks to the additional armor, the main structure of the aerospace ship was not damaged.

The ten aerostats located on the war mage's attack route removed their outermost additional armor shields, and the aerostat cabins that completed the array deployment also responded to these approaching uninvited guests.

The splashing barrage composed of lead bullets fell on the hexagonal all-round protective mage armors opened by the mages, making the sound of raindrops hitting steel.

It cannot be penetrated, and at the same time it consumes the mental power of the war mages at a high speed.

"The attack is effective, and those who can continue to cast spells will organize a second round of attack with me."

The war mages who had avoided the barrage of lead bullets retrieved the casting materials from their arms and held them in their hands, concentrating their energy to start casting spells for the second time.

Distort limbs, fold reality, and control elements.

Three elements of spellcasting.

Casting materials, words, gestures.

medium, spell, action.

Take one point away, and those spells that require words will be blocked/unable to be released.

Alicia opened the cabin door, closed her eyes, and felt the breeze mixed with some unburned heat.

The wind, which had become disordered by the heat, blew over the corners of her clothes and blew up her hair. The auxiliary structures floating behind her split and unfolded to form an enhanced divine posture.

"God said, be silent."


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