Clash of Lords: Civilization Game Comes to Reality

Chapter 345 Airborne Operations (Part 3)

No optical sights, no tail stabilizer.

It is just a very simple matter of measuring the wind speed and direction, installing a counterweight to reduce the influence of wind speed, reaching the target and throwing it out of the cabin.

The soldiers lit the fuse and pushed down the explosive package, aiming directly at the weapons warehouse and material warehouse below.

Let the twenty-kilogram explosive package with a fuse fall in mid-air, pulled by gravity.

Broken wooden buildings were mixed with flesh and blood, and smoke and dust were mixed with shouts. The horrifying sounds could be heard in the distance even from hundreds of meters away.

Whether it is a line of infantry, a war mage who masters defensive spells, or an army of tree men stationed in the original location.

There was no fire, only a large amount of visible smoke and dust, indicating that the target was suffering heavy firepower.

All the explosive packets falling along the wind fell within the scope of the weapons warehouse, using diffuse shock waves and thermal damage to tear apart all buildings within a radius of five meters.

The magic rifle stored in the warehouse that was hit was destroyed along with the materials.

The destroyed magic rifle erupted into a burst of flashing arcane sparks during the fracture, and the unstable arcane magic crystals stored in the warehouse also burst one after another under the impact.

The hot wind carried the flames and began to spread in the camp. From time to time, the swaying flames flashed with a blue-purple arcane light that represented the destruction of magical creations.

Burning, rising black smoke represents the destruction of this place.

The city wall was meaningless. The three-layered nested city wall they had painstakingly built was meaningless to the rain of dead fire falling from an altitude of one thousand two hundred meters.

Enemy troops launched an attack across the city walls.

"We also have an arcane tower..."

The soldiers looked expectantly at the stream of white light with a hint of light yellow rising from the surface, pointing towards the sky, and realized that they did not seem to have no means of fighting back.

The battalion's arcane focuser began to work under the control of the war mage, and the operating prism array focused light flow began to surge toward the enemy in mid-air.

The sudden rise of more than twenty streams of heat light pointed at the air fleet that was indiscriminately dropping fatal blows on the leader in the air, leaving a short arc in the sky.

All the thermal light streams, without exception, dissipated in the air before touching the aerospace ship. The enemy's height was far more than 700 meters, far exceeding the limit of the arcane focusing device's range.

For defenses and fortifications, the expected enemies are those who would normally attack.

And when the enemy actually launched an attack and launched a strike from the air, they suddenly became helpless.

One aerial carrier has a carrying capacity of two densities of explosives, and four aerial carriers can dump two densities of explosives at one point, which can carry out four such range bombing operations.

Two density, one hundred simple fuzed aerial bombs with increased counterweight.

These are simple aerial bombs with poor hit rate but greater power.

Falling in a circular area is enough to destroy the warehouse built in the camp.

But before that, the line infantrymen who witnessed the scene of the building being covered by the rain of death had already been frightened.

The soldiers huddled in the nearby buildings in panic, praying that the same death would not befall them.

Facing the God of Death in the sky, non-flying humans could only hide in their own defenses and pray for the end of the offensive, while flying humans spread their wings to avoid the area where the rain of death was falling.

For those who are still asleep, the bombing from the aerospace ship is the first bell that rings when they wake up today.

Perhaps the most deafening wake-up call they had ever heard.

The camp council hall has not yet been bombed.

They felt the vibration spreading from not far away. Every sound sounded, and the countdown to the end of the camp moved forward by one moment.

"This is our material warehouse, where we store spellcasting resources and food."

In the huge command room, Eno took a deep breath and began to quickly give orders to his colleagues who had arrived.

There are not many war mages who come temporarily to take command positions. Most of them work on night shifts. And none of the mages who were resting in their own residence came over.

But the outside was being bombed, being bombarded indiscriminately by the enemy's air force, and there was no way he could wait for everyone to gather.

"Supply warehouse...this is a weapons warehouse, damn..."

The aerospace ship is not here to kill people, but to destroy every weapons warehouse in the camp as quickly as possible.

Losing the weapons warehouse means that the most basic and extensive combat power of the advance team loses its role. Some materials and mana crystals that mages need to use to cast spells were also wiped out under the bombing.

Using magic never means being without supplies, and resources are also an extremely important part of spellcasting.

And the other side is continuing to destroy their combat capabilities.

Eno spoke in a very fast voice, and even he didn't realize that his voice turned into a roar.

"You, you, and you, call out to me all the war mages who are still resting! Immediately lead the team to take off to intercept the ships in the sky... They should have rested enough after a night's rest!"

The other war mages looked at the three named unlucky men and watched them quickly walk out of the command hall with grimaces.

The commander-in-chief of the portal camp knew that he had to name a few people, otherwise these war mages would kill anyone who intercepted the enemy fleet.

It is a simple matter to deliver a message, but leading a team to intercept the enemy's air fleet... has a mortality rate.

Eno did not delay, but instead issued a new order.

"Let the messenger deliver the message, no, it's too slow. You, go to notify the north, you go to notify the west, you go to notify the south, and let each weapon warehouse immediately transfer the supplies out."


If they delay here for a second, a building outside will be destroyed by the bombing from the north.

And the end of their bombing route.

The commander of the portal camp took a deep breath and overlapped the direction of their ships with the map in front of them.

A very simple proposition, you don't even need to think to get the answer.

It points to the portal they have always relied on, which is their real goal.

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