In response to the attack by the supply troops, this is the only way that the local civilization can produce a relatively good-looking battle loss ratio.

But each time there were heavy casualties.

When the local civilization took out the magic rifle for the first time, the members of the supply escort team fell into a state of confusion. They did not understand why the white troops on the opposite side were able to pick up the same weapons as the advance team.

Even though they were in a panic and were half a beat behind their opponents when they fired in the first round, they were still reacting. The War Officer roared and reacted.

"Fire! Free fire!"

In terms of shooting accuracy, the advance team's supply escort troops had the upper hand, and the local soldiers who had only received basic fire training were far inferior to the advance team's line infantry in terms of shooting literacy.

However, relying on the natural protection facility of the jungle to attack the supply troops did not lag behind in the counter-fire.

There is no longer an infantry charge, but two teams of infantry armed with magic rifles are pouring deadly ammunition at the enemy with their hand-held weapons.

Go around and attack the supply line.

This can only be done when the advance team has reduced its strength. The advance team has reduced its support and escort for the supply troops due to Ji Lin.

Ji Lin rarely attacks the supply troops. Attacking the supply troops will expose his own position and reveal where and when he has appeared to the advance team.

When the enemy realized that there was only one unit, they directly ordered the advance team to attack when they attacked the supplies.

At that time, Ji Lin had absolutely no time to rush over to support the local civilization's defense. He could only sit back and watch the local civilization's front be penetrated.

It only takes six hours, four hours to complete the move, and the remaining two hours are used to penetrate the local civilization's defense line.

His troops are too short.

So scarce that only one strategic goal can be implemented at the same time.

He could only maintain deterrence with a small number of troops. Generally speaking, this deterrence was quite successful and delayed the opponent's attack.

Let the local civilization blockades in the south and north survive until now, and continue to strengthen their camps.

Fire rains like streams, leaving orange-red burning traces in the air. The special flame spell breaks when the target is hit or reaches the constraint limit.

It turns into a ball of fireworks that blooms in a small area.

The flame ignites the wood, and when it touches the organic material, it is carbonized at high temperature.

The siege heavy crossbows took away the lives of the armored demons one after another. The rune armor they wore could only protect them from small projectile attacks. When faced with heavy arrows...

Still flesh and blood.

But a flesh and blood body can also hold up the enemy's magic rifle and move forward with its own clumsy body.

The forest was shining with silver-white light, and the supply troops and guards all opened their eyes.

Dozens of light armored cavalry armed with heavy lances stood in the forest, using their own four-meter heavy lances to form a defense line against the demonic charge.

"Why do they still have cavalry? Haven't they all been killed in the previous battle?"

The line infantry could hear the war supervisor's roar full of anger and dissatisfaction, and there was also a hint of fear in his words.

"Forget about letting the infantry go around, why can the cavalry also penetrate the defense line with siege engines?"

He lay on the ground, trying his best to avoid the sky and the rain of fire, gritting his teeth and reloading.

There are no bunkers and no fortifications.

It is extremely dangerous to shoot at the enemy in an open area. If the war mage does not react in time to create a wall of earth for them, the enemy will focus part of their firepower on the armored demon like a novice.

The magic rifle's lethality against the armored demon is beyond words. As long as its head is not killed, the damage it can cause is minimal.

But humans are different. The line infantry takes one shot, and the standard magic rifle shoots a fireball that directly kills and carbonizes nearby pieces of flesh and blood along with the clothes.

The flesh and blood are roasted until the aroma is charred, and the overheating and high temperature will directly complete the carbonization process, revealing the unpleasant stench.

Then more soldiers would fall under the fireballs fired by the magic rifle,

"Fire, don't lie on the ground, fire back immediately!"

The line infantry heard the war supervisor roaring, and he asked the line infantry to immediately raise their guns and shoot to suppress the jungle, raise their lances, and attack the cavalry.

He lay on his stomach and slowly moved towards the earthen wall closest to him, thinking that it would be nice to have the Arcane Focus Generator.

In this way, even if the enemy is hiding in the woods, the thermal light flow will be enough to completely clear the enemy's protective woods.

The earth walls were shaped to be used by supply carriages, and the rock and soil on both sides were raised from the ground as barriers to protect the convoys. The line infantry, which were already consumables, had no value and allowed the war mage to create protection for them.

Not long after, the silvery white luster began to tremble, and the spear in his hand was lowered with a radiant pattern, aiming directly at the demon on the charging road.

No one could suppress these cavalry. Sporadic flames fell on them, and they were quickly engraved with armor and runes corresponding to protective spells.

Instead of dealing with the demonic threat 꾫꺶놅 cavalry, the line infantry focused their firepower on suppressing the 뀘놅 magic rifle fire. The flames had already begun to dry up in the autumn. The forest could ignite the entire tree... and then ignite the entire tree. A forest.

The heavy hammer fell, and the cavalry was knocked away and smashed to pieces.

The remaining cavalry roared and roared, swinging their hammers at the demon.

More lances turned into a forest of lances, and with the power of the double charge, the deadly kinetic energy was focused on the lance tip to penetrate the body of the demon. The armor protection of the demon was like thin paper in front of the heavy lance thrust, and the nearly four-meter-long lance pierced the enemy's body like an anchor.

Penetration, tearing, death.

Two lancers fought against an armored demon, and the lance and hammer clashed.

The lancers were not superior in number, but they knew that this was the best solution they could get - in the past, the lancers did not even have the opportunity to see the enemy, and the arcane focus generator was the most malicious to the cavalry.

Fire rain passed over their heads, and both ranged infantrymen avoided the fighting cavalry and monster infantry in front of them, and turned to suppress the enemy's ranged firepower.

No fire, no magic.

At the forefront of the encounter, there was still a collision of flesh and blood.

One wielded a heavy lance used to fight monsters, and the other raised a blunt weapon used to fight infantry.

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