"Those who can still move, retreat with us into the inner city. We will use the fortifications in the inner city for defense."

The human mage was finally able to hear what the elf mage was saying. The other party roared and asked everyone who could still move to retreat.

He struggled to stand up from the ground and leaned back on the tower, which was only half a ruin. He waved his hand to let the elf mage help other war mages who were injured in the first round of attacks by the enemy.

The mage armor he released saved his life. The sudden shock wave fell on the mage armor and made his mind temporarily stop in this chaotic information flow.

It also blocked the fragments and aftermath generated by the edge of the explosion.

The shock wave of the explosion made him temporarily deaf, and even his voice was a little weird when it was transmitted to his ears.

He took a deep breath with difficulty, and the turbid air filled with the pungent smell of gunpowder squeezed into his nasal cavity, making him cough violently a few times.

This smell is very similar to the gunpowder he had touched before, but it is mixed with some unclear smells, and lacks a trace of sulfur.

It is not poisonous gas, the air is safe.

Taking a deep breath to wake up his spirit, the human mage looked around the battlefield that was hit by an unknown force. He was lucky, there was a crater on the ground not far from him caused by the explosion.

There were no soldiers in the center of the crater. He suspected that the remaining parts of the soldiers who fell to the ground not far away were the line infantry who were originally standing in the center of the crater. A few soldiers were lying a little further away from the crater, and they were lying on the ground as if they had fallen.

The range of the shock wave generated by the close-range explosion is far greater than the range of the flames that can be observed by the naked eye.

Everyone around the landing point was dead. The human mage could use the detection spell to feel that the organs of these line infantry lying on the ground had been messed up by the previous attack.

He noticed that most of the bombardment was directed at the city wall, and the thick city wall that had stood firm under the enemy's rain of lead bullets became shaky - just the few shots that passed over the city wall caused them such serious injuries.

Was the previous bombardment the power of the enemy's main weapon? It was terrible.

If so, then surrender was their only choice.

Or, use the flying spell to escape before the things floating in the sky approached the fortress.

The mage's eyes fell on the tower he had originally defended, which was washed by the rain of lead bullets and had a lot of surface shatters - this tower was like a rock structure with only the lower half left, and the incomplete structure of the upper half was still collapsing in the falling sand and gravel.

In any case, this tower was impossible to be put into battle again.

The human mage's eyes fell on the arcane focus generator not far away. Its main body was severely damaged in the bombardment, and large cracks appeared on the smooth and transparent surface of the prism. Most of the frames used to support the arcane focus generator were missing, leaving only a relatively solid main frame against the gray rock wall.

The war equipment they had tried hard to protect before was also on the verge of being scrapped, and the unstable elemental energy inside the prism flowed and overflowed on the surface of the prism.

They could abandon the entire outer wall and evacuate to the inner fortress.

It is still unknown when the opponent's second round of such attacks will arrive.

I hope that the opponent can prepare for such a powerful bombardment for a longer time...

With this level of lethality, the preparation time will not be too short.

"Go, don't stand there."

He carried a war mage who was lying on the ground and still had some breath on his back and wanted to drag him back to the second wall. If he couldn't retreat, he could rescue one.

The opponent focused his eyes behind him, in the air behind him.

A new light blue meteor streaked across the small sky in the city. Everyone knew that this was not a meteor that could calm people down.

It was a sign of the arrival of the dead.

The continuous explosions in the distance sounded as expected.

The second round of attacks began.

Fly up, and you can avoid the attack by flying up.

The human mage squeezed his already limited mental and mana reserves, stretched out his long wings to lift him up, and dragged the war mage into the sky.

In the air, he saw the muzzle flames that were still disappearing in the air not far away, as hot and bright as the flames that had once risen in front of them.

The firelight illuminated the dense gray soldiers' prepared offensive line, and the front ends of their rifles flashed with a cold light.

Illuminating the mechanical structures flashing with blue arcs, the firelight reflected them even more cold and ruthless, and the human mage had no way of noticing that there were so many mechanical structures hidden in the shadows.

The bombardment ended, and the dazzling flames seemed to have never appeared. The enemy's blades and machines sank into the darkness again.

The bright orange-yellow light came into his field of vision.

He quickly realized that this was what the enemy's artillery fired.

Their figures were hidden in the night, and each bullet had an orange-yellow light spot on it, crossing the two-meter distance at a slow speed visible to the naked eye.

Passing by the rising mage, he smelled a smell similar to the pungent smell on the ground, which was the smell of burning.

The orange-yellow light spot extinguished and disappeared before landing.

Since it passed by him, it means that the trajectory of this batch of ballistic arcs... The target is not the wall...

No, it is not extinguished.

The human mage looked at his own troops on the ground, which were as chaotic as scattered rice grains. They vaguely realized what was about to happen.

He could do nothing but watch in vain as orange flames extinguished one after another beside him.

The disappearance of the light spot does not mean the end.

It has burned out and will bloom its most terrifying sparks among the enemy.

The second round of attacks arrived.

A semi-arc flame ball rose on the brown surface, and the shock wave that could be observed carried the floating dust and destroyed everything in front of it.

The rock wall was meaningless, the mage's armor was as brittle as paper, and all defensive spells seemed powerless. Only a mage who spread his wings and flew into the sky like him could escape.

The area within sight was only the rising flame ball and dust haze, and even if he was hovering in the air at an altitude of 10 meters, he could feel the ground shaking.

There was no wailing, no call for help, and all the sounds were drowned in the silent roar.

The third round of attacks entered the preparation state, and the angle of the barrel was raised again, and the amount of gunpowder in the barrel was increased. The target was the main structure of the entire castle.

As always, the projectile strikes destroyed the last bit of will of the resistance with overwhelming firepower. Whether it was the city walls or the towers, whether it was the mages or the soldiers, they had to face the deadly threat sent to them.

After three rounds of strikes, the human mages saw in the air that the soldiers finally left their shelters in the shadows, and the indifferent mechanical constructs abandoned their shields and walked out of the fortifications and began to move forward.

The human mages looked at the other side's forward steps, and their hearts became calmer than ever before.

This battle is finally over, whether it is death in battle or surrender, there is no need to worry about it.

They walked out of the shadows, crossing the remaining obstacles on the battlefield in an orderly and rapid manner like a gray tide, with the mechanical constructs accompanying them.

This time, there will be no more light streams from the arcane focuser to block the steps of these steel creations, they will stride forward without any cover.

Nothing will be able to stop their forward steps.

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