Clash of Lords: Civilization Game Comes to Reality

Chapter 310 Steam Machine and Preparation for Departure

"Is it still impossible for the steam machine soldiers to be controlled independently by soldiers?"

Ji Lin took the rifle and a paper shell fixed bullet handed over by the officer beside him, pushed the barrel, and rotated the fixed bolt.

He raised the sight.

The 12.7mm caliber rifle bullet rolled and rotated in the air at twice the speed of sound, and shattered at the moment of hitting the target, turning into a deformed lead stream to release its energy.

Hit the head and knock down.

A precise shot.

If you have a breech-loading gun, you can install a side sight.

It's just that the preservation requirements of paper shell fixed bullets are high, and the bullets must be placed in a dry environment. The territory also has no extra production capacity to produce metal fixed bullets, and the production of metal fixed bullets requires copper and machine tools.

They need to design a brand new bullet that is completely different from the one on Earth.

"Seven days is enough to simplify the structure."

The dean shrugged, looking at the steam mechs stumbling forward not far away, and the demons who were angry because their companions were killed and crawled from the ground.

From a distance, I watched these humanoid machines made of steel and magic materials, carrying spinning gears, moving step by step under the hydraulic transmission mechanism. Compared with the steam spiders the size of cars, the bodies of the upright steam mechs can be described as slender.

The arms of the right arm are human arms, but the blood vessels and muscles are replaced by small steam engines and gears, flashing with a faint blue-purple luster representing runes and floating stones. The entire forearm and palm of the right arm were removed and replaced with a square spear tip engraved with complex runes and surrounded by weak electric sparks. The long strips and fine rings formed an electromagnetic coil.


Everyone watching couldn't help but think of this.

But the steam mecha is a war structure that can move at a speed of ten kilometers per hour and continuously advance.

A creation of technology and runes.

Originated from the steam spider.

They will not remove their safety restrictions without engaging in real combat. On the one hand, this is to ensure the endurance of these creations, and on the other hand, it is to increase their continuous combat time after the restrictions are lifted.

In this era of backward combat fire, the seemingly staggering steam mecha can take a 75mm cannon without falling, and its body also gives it a much smaller impact area than the steam spider.

It is quite difficult for artillery to hit such a thing at a long distance.

They cannot be driven by them, and the cost of driving them is too high.

The steam mecha is already a unit that is completely produced independently by the territory and is the most effective unit to fight against monster infantry at close range.

Ji Lin looked at these steam mechs, and finally sent them to a monster nest near the territory to let them have a simple actual combat.

Actual combat is always the best way to test weapons.

The target is a group of demons that have not been cleared. Perhaps their residence is in the mountains and forests, so they were ignored by the cleaning team led by Chang Heng.

They have built a small camp of their own, just like those goblins. They gather, multiply, and form their own tribes and clans.

Finally, they attack humans.

The steam mech raised its head, reflecting the violent demon's face, and raised the arc generator on its right arm to aim at the target.

Or, aim at the general direction of the target-the arc will automatically lock the nearest physical unit in the arc range, and they don't need good aiming ability.

But don't get close, there is also a considerable risk of misfire.

The arc flashed, and the arc extending from the tip of the spear instantly bit the body of the demon, pouring its violent and terrifying energy into the body.

Liquefying soft tissue, destroying the nervous system, and finally carbonizing the target's surface skin at high temperature.

The steam mechanized soldier used his arm to resist the hammer of a demon, and the steel frame also made a sound of unloading.

No longer firing arcs to kill demons from a long distance, the steam mechanized soldier raised his gun-shaped right arm, which was still in a charging state, and increased the pressure, allowing the long spear to directly break through the demon's strong skin and pierce through the body.

Grayish-white steam gushed out from the steam mechanized soldier's pressure regulating valve. The steam engine he carried was producing steam at the fastest speed, and the gun-shaped right arm began to burst out dazzling bright blue arcs.

Release electrical energy.

Their death was not painful, and the demons fell to the ground with a bang.

The steam mechanized soldier indifferently pulled out the gun-shaped arc launcher from the demon's body, with blood and internal organs on the tip of the gun. If someone stood next to the steam mechanized soldier at this time, they could smell a fresh smell.

That was the low concentration of ozone produced after the air was ionized by the arc, which would be quickly diluted in the air, allowing people around to smell a faint fresh smell like wild.

Six five-meter standard-sized steam mechanized soldiers and six miniaturized steam mechanized soldiers with a height of only three meters and two meters ended their battle almost at the same time.

Moving forward, hunting for possible enemies around.

The arc coils on their right arms were by no means extremely fragile equipment. Ji Lin had seen these steam mechanized soldiers use the gun-shaped spearhead at the front end of the arc launcher on their right arms to resist more than once.

If the opponent's weapon was a simple iron smelting weapon, the current would penetrate along the spearhead. At the moment when the target lost consciousness, the steam mechanized soldier would complete a pressurization of the thrust mechanism on the right arm.

The sudden eruption of misty steam will drive the arc generator to penetrate the armor and flesh in front of it.

Ji Lin has tested that this strength can easily penetrate the steam spider's armor plate, and even a double-thick armor plate will be penetrated.

The weapon power of the steamer is only 놋120, but this does not mean that the weapon power of 돗 stops there. The fatality of 돗 lies in the secondary damage caused by hitting the target.

Then there will be a fatal current release, which will completely destroy the nearby magic and rune creations in the form of violent energy.

돗It may not be able to destroy pure metal parts - but runes and magical creations cannot resist the impact of electric energy.

He finally knew why these steam robots could kill steam spiders in one shot. Which contemporary structure could withstand this thing and discharge it with one shot.

The power of 돗 is unquestionable.

The miniaturized three-meter-tall steam robot is not inferior to 돗's 'brothers'. Relying on the burden reduction provided by the floating stone, 돗 has gained 70% of the flexibility of humans.

When fighting against monster infantry, 돗 even performed better than 돗's brothers because of his flexibility.

The battle of the Steam Troopers was over, and it was an extremely efficient cleanup. Our battlefield was not covered with blood and severed limbs, nor was there a strong smell of gunpowder.

There is only a faint smell of ozone and the smell of a lot of meat being cooked.

Under the long-distance control of the dean, all the steam robots entered the standby state and inserted the gun-shaped arc generator into the soil to release the remaining electrical energy in the body.

The steam robot is a war machine created by humans in that world to fight against each other. Like the steam spider, it has shown unusual efficiency when fighting against targets.

Ji Lin nodded and looked at the countdown panel beside him. The troops in the territory were ready to go.

‘1 hour, 3 minutes and 11 seconds. ’

Just wait for the system to deliver them.

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