Sky Island No. 3, March 20, the military camp was stationed on Kong Island.

A wall made of wood and earth surrounds the central camp, with numerous gun sentry towers. The thick wall and scattered temporary wooden houses surround a small, clear and bright lake in the center.

All the trees within a radius of 100 meters around the camp have been cut down, and a canal has been dug leading outside the camp, where there is a smaller man-made pool. Fawns with tender antlers and some small rabbit-like animals with soft fur were drinking water leisurely beside them, occasionally looking at the soldiers standing guard in the gun tower not far away.

There will also be predators that pounce from the forest or the sky and take away animals that are not vigilant enough.

In the camp, an exclusive helipad for docking and maintaining aerospace ships has been planned, and three aerospace ships are currently moored there as a garrison for the Ring Island.

"The patrol ship pilot is ready! After inspection, take off!"

The pilot wearing a special pilot's cap shouted to the ground crew next to him, fearing that he wouldn't hear.

Ground crews are checking one by one whether the modified gunboat meets the take-off standards.

The gun pod carries six people, and each 75mm ship-borne front-loading gun is manned by three soldiers who have undergone preliminary training. Most of them are composed of the original gun crew responsible for the 30mm infantry small-caliber 꾊support gun, and An additional loader is added to speed up the cannon rotation.

After each firing, the gun needs to be rotated on the mechanical base in the cabin, and the soldiers clean the gun bore and then reload it.

One person adjusts the mechanical base, one person cleans the barrel, and one person aims and shoots.

During this period, two Seagull-class carriers were officially converted into gun cruisers with three gun pods and two ammunition pods.

The 꾉-section Seagull-class carrier ship has an ammunition pod between every two 뀙gun pods to facilitate the supply of ammunition.

The cruiser's self-weight and the presence of the aerostat engine are very effective in offsetting the recoil of the 75-meter cannon, which is not too large, so that the continuous firing of the cannon will not have a great impact on the aerostat's flight attitude.

However, it is unlikely that the continuous firing of the six 75-gun guns on the ship will not have any impact on the flight attitude.

It can only be said that we try our best to let the soldiers get used to the relatively stable gun platform during training, and let the pilots control the flight stability of this floating ship.

After preliminary training and test firing exercises with a large number of artillery shells, they were able to maintain a 40% hit rate within 400 meters, leaving a pitiful 20% hit rate as far as 800 meters away.

As for your question about where to go to test-fire and get the results...

There are quite a lot of floating stone veins on the super large sky island, and there are a lot of things living in these floating stone veins - not all things can fly.

The territory does not have enough manpower to control the floating stone veins, but this does not prevent them from using ultra-long-range power every now and then to train shooting accuracy while weakening the number of monsters.

The driver glanced out the window. The ground crew in orange vests were communicating with the running officers.

"grounded, new orders have arrived."

The officer waved his ground command flag and shouted to the driver.

"Supreme order, all armed aerospace ships in the territory take off with all anti-ship weapons and prepare to meet the enemy."


"Relax, they can't catch up with you yet."

Jiang Liu comforted Hackett, who was still a little panicked next to him. The pile of moving bones did look a little scary. He was not as shocked as the first time he saw it several times.

The aerostat produced in the territory is not fast, but compared to a group of short people, it is still quite tall.

The cargo-modified Seagull class is not fully loaded, and its speed is further improved compared to the fully loaded 4km/h.

Jiang Liu looked at the twenty floating ships behind him that were made of skeletons. The gray-white skeletons were mixed with lavender stars, and there were some high-efficiency floating ships picked directly from objects. Stone resonance chamber.

They did not adopt the fully enclosed structure like normal aerostats, but adopted an open structure and only built a strong skeleton.

There is a large number of sword-wielding skeleton soldiers huddled inside this large shelf, and a special platform is set aside on the top for a white bone structure to perform long-range throwing attacks. A group of skeletons stand at the feet of the white bone structure and feel that it will be broken by a touch. Archer.

Therefore, the Bone Battleship has the ability to conduct long-range attacks on closer targets.

Jiang Liu smacked his lips, feeling a little emotional.

Also, there is no flesh on these skeletons at all, so there is no need to worry about being discovered by cloud-dwelling creatures. Naturally, this lower-cost shipbuilding plan is adopted.

Predatory cloud dwellers only like to eat meat and have no interest in bones... The only thing that can arouse their interest is the small amount of floating stone contained in the bones.

It was really hard and biting, and it could be beaten. The few predators tried it a few times and gave up on this behavior.

Chasing the merchant ships were twenty bone warships that were only shorter than the Seagull class. The combat effectiveness of these bone warships was unknown, but their number far exceeded the territory of only eight Seagull class aerostats.

There is definitely a fighting force that cannot be underestimated here.

No wonder they chose to follow their trail. Jiang Liu sighed and licked his chapped lips.

The refitted cargo ship has not been replenished with water for some time, and the water tank on board has been exhausted. He and Aina's water-making skills are relied on to maintain the fresh water needs of the 12 people on the ship.

He squeezed out some water to moisten the tree seeds on board to ensure that they would not die of thirst.

However, his leader should also see the information that he entered the combat state. He maintained a straight route to allow the guards to find his position better.

He hoped that the airship that would save him would come sooner, after all, the ship was carrying a large number of seeds.

He looked up and looked into the distance. A red and yellow flag on the steel frame was waving at him.

He knew what that meant. The flag bearer was conveying information to him through the flag.


Jiang Liu changed the state from forward to elevation. The forward speed of the entire airship decreased, and the bone warship chasing him from behind also became excited and gathered closer.

The ship rose to leave an attack channel for the artillery fire.

The steel projectile drew a significant trajectory in the cloud, and the sound of the supersonic projectile tearing the air spread to the ears of the merchant ship captain along with the split cloud.

The sound of breaking through the air continued.

The first round of calibration shells landed on the skeletal warship that was hunting the merchant ship in the distance.

The steel crushed the bones.

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