"Well, it's delicious."

Jeanne picked a fruit, put it in her mouth, bit it, and the slightly sweet juice splashed everywhere.

A trace of joy flashed in his eyes.

He picked another ripe fruit and fed it to Sister Elf 께 who was standing aside.


After preliminary experiments, only one of the ten plants is more suitable for planting in the field.

The plant must conflict with the existing plants in the territory, that is, the dominant range of the hedge plant must also be able to adapt to the territory environment, the yield must be acceptable, and the care difficulty is low.

Crispy leaf vegetables were also the seeds of the plant that the priest recommended to Ji Lin for the first time. They could be picked in 30 days. He actually wasn't lying. The broad and thin leaves of this green leafy vegetable are serrated. When you press the veins of the leaves and break them, you can hear a very crisp snapping sound. Except for the plant fiber at the root that is too hard to be eaten, all other parts of the plant are edible.

Beetroot is the same as the former. The edible part of the beetroot is underground and can be fully mature in 70 days. There are large tooth-shaped leaves growing on the ground, and large rhizomes growing underground are similar to those of sweet potatoes, but are softer and more tender - closer to sugar beets, not potato plants.

The last one is fragrant leaves, which are used as seasoning plants for spices. They can be picked in 60 days. The leaves are slightly spicy and pungent. When crushed and placed in front of the nose, an aroma will overflow. It is not used as a substitute for chili pepper, but it can be used as a spice seasoning.

"Ji, since there are early-maturing plants, should the land on the other side of the river bank be replanted?"

Jeanne poked at the white mist floating in front of her, and the elemental elf swayed back with a "pop" sound, shaping her body and struggling to express her satisfaction.

"If you want to plant it, can you try it?"

Ji Lin thought about it, thinking that only half of the land was exploited, and there was still the other half, and he couldn't help but feel pity in his heart.

As the fields on this side of the territory are expanded to both sides, more and more fields are planted with crops. The problem of too wide a planting area and too long commuting time is also on the table.

Most people walk to work, and the beasts pulling the carts have to get up early in the morning and take a cart full of people to work, but even if the entire territory of beasts of burden is invested, it is only a drop in the bucket. The number of staff in the agricultural zone, including the agricultural product processing zone, has reached more than 4,000, and the number is still increasing.

The residents often have to walk half an hour or even an hour from the entrance to the agricultural area to reach the farmland they are responsible for farming. If it is profitable enough, the land on the other side of the river can be lifted up so that the residents can reach themselves faster. jobs.

Ji Lin ate the ripe fruit that Jeanne handed to him. He felt that this kind of plant, which was only as big as a thumb but looked like a tomato, could also be planted in the territory.

It looks like a tomato and tastes like a tomato.

The land on the other side of the river suffered floods during the flood season. As more than a month passed, the accumulated water that spread on the plains during the flood season also merged into the ground. Wet depressions were left one after another, and the plant ecology that was originally a floodplain became closer to a wetland or a swamp after being covered with water.

Fortunately, because there is a large enough buffer area, the water flow covering this flat plain did not carry away nutrients from it. Instead, it was retained on the plain, leaving behind the nutrients in the water. . It's just that these water-rich silt areas are not suitable for the cultivation of ordinary plants, nor are they suitable for civil work.

The soil with such sufficient moisture is obviously not suitable for planting ginger and radishes. They will be suffocated and rot in the soil. In the territory, the only type of plant grown in soil with such a high water content is rice. Other unexperimented plants...놊It's easy to say.

To regulate the other side of the river bank and allow the other side to exert its due agricultural value, a nine-kilometer-long flood control dam must be built at the same time. 뇾Flood control dykes resist flooding and protect the river banks on both sides from the hazards of flooding every 뎃flood season

Of course, just plant some early-maturing plants that will grow and bear fruit within 2-4 months and 60-120 days, and take advantage of the gaps in each flood period to sow seeds and harvest.

Farmland can also be placed on this kind of land, just like it is placed on an empty island. The farmland will show different adaptive properties according to the soil quality and environment.

‘Farmland (swamp field)’

‘It is recommended to plant bog or aquatic adapted plants’

‘The soil here has absorbed excessive moisture. Although it is rich in nutrients, it is not suitable for growing ordinary plants. Maybe you can use it to grow some special plants? ’

Although Ji Lin can buy lotus seeds with a time-increasing seed selection opportunity, he wants to save this time-increased seed selection opportunity to get soybean, corn, or potato seeds, and then promote them in his territory. Come.

께Wheat, rice, soybeans, corn, potatoes, perfect!

It can not only be used as industrial raw materials, but also widely processed into various foods.

"Since there are plants that can grow here...are there any plants that can grow in the mire?"

Jeanne poked at the fog and asked softly at them.

The elemental elves shook their heads, not quite understanding what she meant by the quagmire.

Sister Elf 께stepped aside, took out the water spoon she usually used for watering, scooped up a spoon and poured it on the ground, then took two steps back to let the elemental elves come over.

The land soaked with a large amount of water immediately became soft and rotten.

The elemental elves surrounded a piece of swamp that was soaked and soft, and the soil flew into the air and was swallowed by it. It stood up and flew to another experimental field that specialized in growing vines. The experimental field was full of branches for the plants to climb. It picked the fruit with difficulty and held it up to show Jeanna.

The slightly purple fruit exuded a full luster in the sun.

The caravan from the Holy City brought them more than ten kinds of seeds and plants that were more popular, including plants with relatively high yields in basic environments. Basically all plants can germinate and grow normally, but they must not bear fruit.

The elf sister thought for a moment and said to Jeanna.

"This is wisteria fruit. It only takes about 90 days to grow and bear fruit, and the fruit yield is low. After that, it bears fruit every 90 days. It is more suitable for growing in a relatively humid environment."

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