"Clean up the bodies. If they are not dead yet, help them end their suffering."

Ji Lin looked at the bursts of white mist in the distance and realized that it was the steam spiders cleaning up the battlefield according to the action mode in the current thinking circuit.

Confirm that no living creatures survived.

When they finish their work, they will go back to sleep.

"Check the data to see if there is anything that can be improved on this model of steam spider."

Ji Lin did not linger too much on this group of outsiders. He felt sorry for them only because he felt sorry for the loss of part of the labor that the leader should have received.

We had the opportunity to put down our status and enter the territory to work. If we cooperated, we would not kill them all. We had to make a fighting statement and expect Ji Lin to make concessions for us.

He wanted to use his status as a fierce dragon to force us to make concessions in exchange for the privileges of the territory.

If it were another lord, he might have obeyed. After all, ten armored warriors and a monk were a very powerful force.

The disadvantage is that these people will bring their rules and habits to the territory, which will delay the efficiency of the territory's operation and add a lot of expenses for the territory to support them.

Production capacity and efficiency, fairness and distribution.

They are endangering the core elements that promote the development of the territory.

Then we can only do as you wish.

Let you die with your own thoughts.

"Xu Shan, you will temporarily replace Wu Bai to continue the resettlement of immigrants. In the future, some steam spiders will be deployed here to assist the immigration work."

Ji Lin thought and issued a series of instructions.

In the distance, the steam spiders retracted their six limbs, covered their bodies, and entered standby mode.

"Send some militia to help burn all the bodies, use cremation to deal with them more cleanly, and then count the spoils and make a report to the city hall."

Ji Lin was indeed quite interested in the monk's method of swinging the sword to cut out the light blade and attacking two hundred meters away... He also dreamed of traveling the world with a sword, but the source substance would automatically explode ten meters away from the body... No, it would dissipate.


The captain of the guard team saluted and ran over with his militiamen to deal with the corpse that had fallen down in a very miserable state.

But since the monk came, it means that the system still recognizes the leader's spell development path and adjusts the reinforcements to normal, refreshing the caster's mouth.

The light curtain unfolded in front of the leader, and the prompt from the system appeared.

'It is detected that the leader has launched a targeted cleansing of the nobles, and the reinforcements will be adjusted accordingly. The weight of the noble monks is -80%, and the weighted mouth will be redistributed to the weight of the mouth of their class, and the total mouth quality remains unchanged. ’

‘The average quality of the casters in the reinforcements is -20%, the average number of casters is -50%, and the population with higher education level is -50%. ’

‘The weights have been adjusted, and the quality of the total population remains unchanged. ’

‘If you don’t like us, we won’t risk death to arrive in this territory... This may not be a bad thing. ’

This is a system notification, not a choice for Ji Lin.

It looks like a lot of deductions, but Ji Lin doesn’t mind, as long as the system provides a lot of supply population.

No matter how the weights change, the quality of the total population will not change. This is the fundamental principle of the system to allocate population to each lord.

After all, the territory has a barely operational education system, and currently maintains a number of teachers to ensure that both adults and children receive a high-grade primary education. Education can support new citizens to read simple texts and have a basic understanding of physics and mathematics after arriving in the territory for 1 month.

As long as the system sends it to the territory, even if it is an ordinary blank paper, after taking the first-level blood purification and learning efficiency increase, it can complete the high-grade primary education course within 1 month.

This is the necessity of universal education, which can turn every input territory into a place where people can work in the territory.

If we want to advance to the steam age, we need to popularize junior high school for all members, and then we will have to add a considerable amount of education expenditure.

When Ji Lin thought about the nearly 20,000 yuan re-education fund, which was needed to maintain their full-time education and then assign them suitable jobs, his head began to hurt.

It was all money!

Without popularizing education for the people in the territory, they could not become qualified workers in terms of their current quality. Only with workers can we promote the development of various industries in the territory, upgrade the industries, and replace the old industries with advanced industries...

The brain is growing out.

"Ji, the data from the experimental field should be out in a few days, right?"

Jiangna tilted her head, looked at the distressed Ji Lin, took out a thread-bound notebook, looked at the contents on it and said softly. She decided to use a new topic to distract Ji Lin's attention. She originally wanted to go up and kill them all.

Popular notebooks are bound with cotton thread made from cotton produced in the region. This material has higher toughness and tensile strength, is more wear-resistant, and can withstand higher temperatures. It is excellent for punching holes and threading the edges to bind paper.

Once launched, it was warmly welcomed by the officials who still use wooden and iron clips.

The dean also ordered hundreds of orders for the middle school students in the college.

"Let's go and take a look."

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