"Well, are there any seeds for spring planting and summer harvest?"

Ji Lin chatted with the priests standing next to him, but there was nothing formal about it. He had seen priests with much higher status than these priests.

“Sowing in spring and harvesting in autumn?”

The priest was stunned for a moment, not quite understanding what Ji Lin said, and scratched his head.

Ji Lin then gestured with his hands and told him that the so-called seeds planted in spring and harvested in summer are crops that can be fully grown and harvested within two months.

The wheat and rice planted in the winter cannot be harvested until spring and summer. After harvesting, new crops are sown and harvested in autumn. Plant in winter and harvest in spring, plant in summer and harvest in autumn. In this two-season cycle, the territory will be harvested one after another.

Ji Lin expects that each agricultural group will be responsible for 50 acres of land after iron farm tools are fully popularized, with an average of 5 acres for each group. Now, on average, each 그 is responsible for three acres of land, and there is room for continued expansion of the planting area in agricultural areas.

There are one thousand new 그껙 flowing into the territory every month, and these 그껙 are also given priority to be put into work in the agricultural area. Those with professional skills such as carpenters and blacksmiths will enter the corresponding jobs after being tested.

With this, their 그껙 will increase by 3,000 그 during spring plowing in February, and they will have at least 녦 to invest 깇1,000 acres of labor.

It is slightly less than the 10,000 acres that the territory currently owns, but it is also double the territory's existing planting area. The agricultural area of ​​​​the territory will reach 20,000 acres.

There are no crops in the territory that can be planted in spring and harvested in summer. These crops can be fully grown in 30-50 days.

If we also plant rice and wheat, I wonder if we will have enough time to plant them in the summer, or if we don’t have enough time left to make the second season ripe for the autumn harvest. That's really a big loss - crops that have been exposed to sufficient sunlight in summer can accumulate sufficient organic matter and produce large and plump ears.

But they can't just let the good land in the agricultural area of ​​the territory go to waste. Preliminary estimates of the cultivated land on their side of the flood plain total 200,000 acres.

With 200,000 acres of farmland, there is no need to worry about insufficient water resources.

"What do you think of these seeds? These are the best-selling green plant seeds."

The priest trotted into the trading station, lowered his head and rummaged through various boxes. The various boxes that were moved out of the site were arranged in a messy manner and were not labeled specifically, so it was clear that they were still newbies on the road.

He ran to Ji Lin with a bag of green wild vegetable seeds on the label and handed it over.

‘Crisp leafy vegetables’

‘Growth cycle 40-60 days’

‘A rather ordinary green leafy vegetable, crisp and slightly sweet...but some people like to call it bland. During the planting period, more water is needed for irrigation, and it is not very resistant to low temperatures. ’

‘It conforms to the characteristics of green leafy vegetables, but the taste can only barely satisfy 그’

Vegetables? ...It's a good thing.

The territory is lacking vegetables. The wild vegetables collected in the wild cannot be grown in the territory, but they grow vigorously in the wild. The field collection team can collect a large amount of edible wild vegetables every time. Of course, the main supply of vegetables in the territory comes from the market.

"By the way, do you have any popular fruit trees that are relatively easy to care for? Preferably, they are lower and easier to collect."

The priest thought hard. These agricultural concepts were a bit difficult for him, and then he realized that he should be the priest of the goddess of light instead of the priest of the goddess of life.

"We did not bring any trees in this batch. Fruit trees will be transported as saplings. If you need them, we can replenish resources next time."

Ji Lin nodded, picked up a piece of paper from somewhere, marked the purchase of crop seeds with a '√', and then.

"That's it. All the green leafy vegetable seeds you have here will help me measure five acres of land, and I will try planting them."

Catch the elf wandering the territory doing nothing and let her catalyze the rapid growth of green leafy vegetables. By shortening the two-month growth cycle to a few days, Ji Lin can choose the best one among a variety of green leafy vegetables.

"I still need glass storage..."

The priest felt his head itch as he listened to Ji Lin announcing the supplies he needed to purchase like the name of a dish.

The various luxury goods they brought were not on Ji Lin's purchase list, but the resources he had never heard of were listed one by one.

Just when the priest stopped writing, thinking that the lord in front of him had finally finished speaking, he turned to the next page.

Ji Lin looked at the rows of handwriting written down on it and began to recite the plan compiled by Zhongshan to the priest in charge of trade in front of him.

At this time, the holy city's trade caravan with all priests sent seemed a little helpless. They were not proficient in business. As for ordinary merchants, it was a symbol of distrust in their eyes. In addition, a group of merchants had just been purged a few days ago, so they could not be included in the plan.

These report records are finally sent back to the headquarters for verification to avoid loss of resources due to fraud.

There was a group of merchants there who committed crimes and made meritorious service at the inspection office.

"There is also a question about 눕껙... Our territory currently has a variety of products... as follows... I hope 녦 can give 눕 a specific purchase price..."

The priest was thinking while writing down his needs. He was not thinking about the types of products, but thinking about which brand of hair conditioner to use to better protect his hair.

Ji Lin took a breath and felt relaxed. It felt good to have the initiative in his own hands.

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