If they survive the floating rays, there will be no other flying creatures in the future.

Ji Lin drew a batch of wood from the territory and surrounded the wooden wall with wooden musket towers.

Although the territory has a lot of iron ore and iron mines, the wood resources are quite rich. A world with suitable temperature, abundant water sources and fertile soil will never lack forestry resources.

Thirty wooden sentry towers can be used by thirty squads of musketeers.

These sentry towers, built with a large number of logs, use thick wood layers to block external projectiles, and the top of the sentry tower is a square tower that can be stationed.

In this way, if there are hostile creatures attacking in the future, each musketeer can be stationed in the tower to shoot safely.

Use the narrow space in the house to fight a difficult battle.

After observing the whole process of Hackett dissecting the floating rays and recording the details of the work, the officers of each team returned to their own teams and began to teach the soldiers how to divide these creatures.

Turn them into the territory's prey.

Two hundred and ten floating rays, a huge fortune.

The white bone blades cut from the floating rays have a slight arc and extend along their open soft wings.

If these bone blades are made into swords, they are quite good, lighter, and with a little polishing, they will be much sharper than the standard daggers and bayonets of the territory soldiers.

After confirming with the adventurers, the bone blades from the floating rays can be sold at a high price, and the more bone blades, the more expensive. These bone blades have excellent energy conduction and can be engraved with runes to make excellent rune swords.

After being ground into powder, all the bone blades have the same price.

The adventurers were still thinking excitedly, but Ji Lin asked them to take this batch of bone blades to the trading market on the sky island to sell them.

After getting the answer, Ji Lin turned around and left, and put the classified bone blades on the trading market, leaving a group of confused adventurers.

For Ji Lin, there is no special demand for melee weapons, and the current bayonet dagger is enough. The short bone blades will be sent back to the territory and ground into powder to contribute to the territory's scientific and technological research and development, and the long bone blades and long spines with tail spines growing on the floating rays will be put on the market and sold at a high price.

One pair is 150 gold, and the long spine is the same price, so everyone bargains.

The current market is a pure seller's market.

If any lord wants to buy a few bone blades and process them into rune swords, that's for sure.

There's no need to take a big risk and let your hands follow a group of guys with questionable loyalty to do a business that is not very profitable.

But Ji Lin still wanted to see what the so-called camp and trading market of magic civilization look like. It really tells the story of adventurers wearing colorful clothes and vendors shouting everywhere in Japanese comics.

'Bone meal, powder made from the bones of magical creatures, can be used as a general conductor of magic and rune energy. '

'You can also use it as fertilizer for farming. The energy contained in it can promote the rapid growth of surrounding plants... That's quite a waste. ’

‘The floating resonance amplification chamber can be produced by the island creatures living around the floating body, which can be used as a better substitute for ordinary floating bodies. ’

‘Everything created by nature over tens of thousands of years is much more exquisite than human creations. It can directly produce a larger floating field to reduce the impact of gravity on you. ’

Except for these two special materials, the skin of the floating ray is only a natural waterproof and warm material with good performance. The meat of the floating ray...

Ji Lin picked up a piece of meat that was sizzling on the fire and put it in his mouth. The meat was firm and tender. There was no ammonia smell as imagined. The ray is a relative of the shark and excretes impurities in the body through the skin. The floating ray tastes like chicken, and is softer and more tender than chicken.

The garlic paste made from minced ginger from the territory and chopped green onions and minced garlic from the market tasted great.

There was no chef in the expedition team, but they had a full range of seasonings.

These stingrays living on the sky island only look similar to stingrays in the sea, but their organs are closer to birds.

It's really interesting.

These meats are not easy to store without refrigeration equipment, so part of the cut stingray meat is covered with a layer of salt and sent back to the territory for the people to make into jerky. The other part is used as food for the expedition team during these days.

Ji Lin missed the refrigerator very much, a modern product that can preserve fresh food for a long time. The dean replied: The student research group has done its best to learn the structure of the rune lamp, imitate the delicate supply structure inside the rune lamp, replace the light module with a cooling module, and add a type storage module.

This is not a difficult problem for highly skilled rune craftsmen. The territory... can be said to be a novice, or a novice.

Try to provide refrigeration equipment for the territory as soon as possible.

Ji Lin approved and tried to install air conditioners in the office, canteen, school, and teahouse of the territory before summer, and also built a special cold storage for storing fresh food.

And the disposal rights of all type floating ray bone blades, spines and bones were handed over to the dean.

With the refrigeration device made by runes, the shelf life of food can be extended to 2-3 weeks. If it is not two or three days, there is a risk of spoilage, which greatly improves the food storage in the territory.

A year before the crossing, Ji Lin also suffered a wave of high temperature weather, which left him with some shadows.

The soldiers sat on the ground in groups, set up wooden racks, let the flames lick and roast the floating ray meat, and talked to each other.

A simple and delicious barbecue was used to relieve the pressure on them. Many of them saw their comrades die for the first time.

They were all holding back a rage.

"Take some to the prisoners."

Ji Lin took a bite of the floating ray meat and nodded, seeing that it was getting late.

He called an officer who had some impression of him, the officer in charge of supervising the adventurer captives, and asked him to take some roasted floating ray meat and steamed rice in a wooden barrel to the adventurers.

After Hackett and several female spellcasters were untied, Ji Lin acquiesced to a certain degree of freedom of movement - they were no longer tied up like dumplings, but they could not leave the room where they were imprisoned.

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