(All descriptions have been adjusted to the final version that is more suitable for viewing, probably...)

Ji Lin has been carrying a 12mm muzzle-loading rifle for nearly three hours. He is wearing a steel plate armor to protect the key parts of his body, and a large backpack with a blanket for sleeping.

He was lucky that he did not become a soldier fighting in the trenches on the front line.

He led a team of breastplate musketeers to march on the wilderness with the main force, and Chongshan and Changheng became musketeers under him. He had to take time to teach them how to load bullets and how to follow the combat logic of close infantry. Although Changheng and Chongshan were stupid, the musketeers accompanying them looked like they had no desire to live.

They are not dead yet, but on the way to die.

A six-legged mechanical spider staggered along with the troops. These car-sized mechanical spiders only had a simple shell, and the steam boiler that was still spraying boiling water was visible directly inside.

Ji Lin ordered his team to stay away from these steam spiders when marching. This was not sensational, and he saw with his own eyes that several people in the team next door were injured and burned by the super-high temperature steam sprayed by the steam spiders.

There were six such steam spiders, each standing next to a team of musketeers, moving forward with six mechanical legs.

These steam spiders were not so much protecting the troops as preventing them from escaping.

Yesterday, the commander who led the troops shot another deserter, and the body was thrown on the ground, and everyone passing by saw it.

From the tactical manual distributed to everyone, Ji Lin could see that this unit called mechanical spiders formed the cavalry-like position of their expeditionary force.

And the tactical manual pointed out that this thing was not their priority target. Their mission was to line up and shoot the enemy's infantry units, but if the order was issued, they had to fire at the enemy's mechanical units.

As for whether the 12mm caliber muzzle-loading musket in his hand would be effective against this thing, it was a matter of opinion. Ji Lin felt that the ninety people under his command would be sprayed with steam in the face after firing two rounds at most.

Ji Lin glanced at the tactical manual, automatically filtered out the nonsense full of classical militarism, and concluded that he would lie down and wait for death.

He could only pray that this thing would rush towards him.

[Name]: Vika Musketeers

[Number]: 90

[Melee Defense]: 40

[Moving Speed]: 5km/h

[Armor Strength]: 25

[Ammunition Capacity]: 20

[Weapon Range]: 200

[Weapon Power]: 45


Military formation, cannon fodder,

Armor-piercing incendiary projectiles: Vika Musketeers use special incendiary projectiles to penetrate armor, +10 armor-piercing.

Slow firing: Weapons using crystal ore powder are prone to high temperatures when shooting, and need to wait for natural cooling before reloading and shooting for the second time. The shooting speed is 1.2 times that of normal Musketeers.

[Introduction]: For the glory of the kingdom! Wait, hey, cannon fodder!

Compared to ordinary soldiers, Vika Musketeers have two more attributes, 'Ammunition Capacity' and 'Weapon Range'.

The twenty points of weapon ammunition refer to the ninety Vika musketeers firing twenty times in total, and each of them only carries twenty rounds of ammunition. The weapon range refers to the effective range of the muskets in the hands of these musketeers, which is 200. This is an additional attribute that only long-range units have.

The primitive slingers in the Dark Age have corresponding long-range power and ammunition capacity, but the attributes are completely incomparable to those of the Vika musketeers.

The musketeers who are close to the steam age have a full 45 points of weapon power. Compared with this, the pikemen in the Classic Age, which only have 15 points of weapon power, are really impressive. The 45 points of weapon power are enough to penetrate all the plate armor in the normal age within the effective range. Although there are multiple slow-fire entries, this extremely high weapon power and range are completely worth it.

Multiple hits will pose a threat to special heavy infantry with up to 80 points of armor. As for the super iron can with 120 points of armor strength, you have to get that kind of soldiers yourself. The regular infantry without magic runes given by the system has a maximum armor strength of 40, and the infantry with magic bonus has an armor strength that can be stacked up.

The same is true for the plate armor you wear, which is limited by the vehicle platform.

That's the joke you often heard before you traveled through time: Why does our infantry firepower always increase? Because the physical fitness of the human race is so weak that you can hold a 12.7 hip shot! You can walk briskly with a full sixth-level plate!

As for the breastplate tied to his body, although it is made of thickened steel plate, it is limited by the physical characteristics of humans. It is barely enough to block a direct hit from a muzzle-loading musket. Only with luck can it resist another one.

The attributes of the Vika musketeers have surpassed the ordinary musketeers given by the system during colonization, and have their own special bonuses.

And the cannon fodder in this feature...tsk.

But this feature is correct. These musketeers look very strong, but considering that their opponents are units like the rampaging mechanical spiders, they are only worthy of being used as cannon fodder in front of them.

This feature states that it is too hurtful. Fortunately, the cannon fodder attribute can be washed away through training later. Cannon fodder will be beneficial to the upgrade of the army.

And the last armor-piercing incendiary bomb, the military manual states that it can effectively fight against armor, and it also needs a little for the glory of the kingdom.

He turned his head and glanced at the steam spider next to him.

[Name]: Mechanical Spider

[Number]: 12

[Melee Defense]: 15 (the larger the size, the lower the melee defense, and large units will return to zero)

[Movement Speed]: 35km/h

[Armor Strength]: 70

[Weapon Power]: 185


Steam Jet: When the unit enters the melee state, it will randomly spray high-temperature steam in various directions.

Stabilized Boiler: The unit launches a charge with an overloaded boiler, and there is a risk of self-explosion as the boiler is overloaded.

Permanently defeated: This unit has no morale and will be affected by morale.

Horrify the enemy: This unit will cause continuous organizational damage to the surrounding enemy.

Infantry: The unit is excellent against infantry due to its special attack mode, and quickly outputs a lot of damage to any unit smaller than or equal to the horse.

Charge: The unit can launch a charge and enjoy a lot of charge bonuses.

Formation destroyer: This unit can remove the formation bonus after being caught in close combat.

[Introduction]: Zi-a small combat weapon powered by special fuel, with a built-in thinking circuit to execute simple commands-don't get too close to them! If you want your skin to melt!

Up to 185 points of weapon power! And 70 points of armor strength! With seven characteristic entries, horrify the enemy and permanently defeat, multiple characteristics are combined to rush into the enemy formation and become a walking harvester.

It smells so good, so good!

Compared with Vika musketeers, the properties of mechanical spiders are generally strong.

Ji Lin reluctantly sighed in his heart. How could this unit be under his command? Even if he took it back, he could at least have some fun here. A team of twelve mechanical spiders was an invincible charging cavalry on the battlefield. It was difficult for anything to stop their charging momentum.

When he thought about it, he felt very painful to fight this kind of thing.

The "effective counter-armor" written in the tactical manual had been completely abandoned. Kingdom Glory, ha... This thing was the best for engaging in battle.

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