The fat sea fish jumped in the knotted fishing net. It was difficult to catch these big fish from the sea and bring them to the fishing boat without trying hard.

"I wonder how much of this we can get..."

The young fisherman looked at the fish jumping in the fishing net and smiled.

"Don't be too happy too soon. They may not give us food later. We don't have much of the fish we caught. This is our fishing ground."

The old fisherman sighed and realized that such a good fishing ground would not be given to us for free. In the previous villages, fishermen needed to take a small fishing boat to go out to sea for several kilometers or even dozens of kilometers to catch some satisfactory catches.

They were just hired workers who simply helped the lord to work.

It was naturally impossible to share the profits of such a rich fishing ground with slaves like us. That was an extremely greedy act. The old fisherman had never thought of this.

But with such a good fishing ground, this territory will not be poor. In a non-poor territory, they can also share some nourishment. They can add two more grains of rice and a piece of fish meat to the porridge, which will make it thicker.

Thinking of last night's meal, the old fisherman's throat can't help rolling.

The old fisherman suspected that this might be the best meal he had ever eaten in his life. Thinking of the full grains of white porridge, and the meat slices and pickles filled in it, they also ate black bread that could be preserved very well when they were in the fishing village. Where have they seen rice with distinct grains?

Unfortunately, each person is limited to one bowl, and the fishermen eat only half full.

This undoubtedly proves the wealth of the territory.

The slave traders provided them with some porridge every day, just to ensure that they could maintain a little physical strength. These people with a little skill were still more expensive than those who could work hard, and the food they ate was naturally a little better - there were a few more grains of rice in a bowl of porridge.

Ji Lin provided them with porridge, because the lord was afraid that these slaves would damage their bodies if they ate too much. If people who were too hungry ate a lot of meat and solid food.

It is easy to cause indigestion, damage the stomach and intestines, and cause acute gastric dilatation or gastric rupture.

The medical facilities in the territory have herb rooms, which can treat minor illnesses and injuries, and the rest is left to fate.

It is necessary to use porridge, a liquid or semi-liquid food, as a transition to let their stomachs slowly adapt to digesting large amounts of food before feeding them normal meals.

The dormitory they were assigned to live in was simple, but it was several times better than the shacks they had imagined with dozens of people in one room.

The old fishermen were motivated again, and they worked hard with the young fishermen to pull up the fishing net.


Ji Lin gave the fishermen some time to rest and familiarize themselves with the tools and the newly built fishing boats.

The fishing port provided the simplest knotted fishing nets used by the fishermen. They used coarse cloth and hemp as raw materials, and many ropes were used to weave the nets and then thrown into the water.

This kind of fishing net is easy to rot, has poor toughness, and is heavier.

It cannot be compared with the modern light and highly ductile synthetic fiber fishing nets.

But when thrown into the water, a full bag of fish can still be pulled up. The silver scales in the nets are jumping, unwilling to leave the ocean. They are big fish at least as thick as the fishermen's arms. The fish leaped, reflecting a colorful fish.

This undeveloped light blue ocean still has abundant fish.

The fishermen looked at the full catch in the fishing net and were delighted.

In the past, they didn't have to go out to sea to fish for a whole week to see such a full catch in the fishing village.

These fishermen who started fishing again were a little unfamiliar, but they quickly found their previous fishing skills in the work.

All the fish caught were weighed and recorded immediately when the fishing boat arrived at the shore. The militiamen in clothes would watch them process it, and finally put the processed fish into wooden barrels and carts.

They were immediately sent to the kitchen.

Fish are not easy to preserve, so they need to be processed as soon as possible.

The clerk with glasses and gentle manners, the young fisherman remembered that kind of person was a clerk or a tax officer.

The weight of our catch will be recorded on our group, representing the catch of our group. On the last day, the excellent labor group will be assigned according to the weight of our catch. A total of two groups can obtain the status of free people.

The fishermen can't read a single word, otherwise they can see that Xu Xiao is holding a simplified version of the assessment form, which is settled every fifteen days. If it weren't for the size of the paper, it would have to be recorded as thirty days.

I don't understand much about the group mentioned by Xiao, but the status of free people is still extremely attractive, and it's good to be a hope.

At first, Ji Lin's plan was to set up a board and write the catch data on it so that everyone can see it.

Our fishing boats consist of five people, and the boats can just accommodate five people. Excluding some disabled people who cannot work, we finally gathered eighty-five fishing groups. Eighty-five groups are too many, and using a large board to record the abnormality takes up space, so we gave up.

The Engineering College is not far from the fishing port, so the responsibility of this record falls on Xu Xiao, who is closest.

Not only the record, but also the management responsibilities fall on the dean, who also accepts it. The workload of the territory management is getting bigger and bigger, and our few hero units are not enough.

This rapidly expanding management work is often the last straw that overwhelms many lords in the previous life. The pressure of population will quickly overload the administrative capacity-not everyone has experience in government management and personnel allocation.

Many lords will choose to give up some management work due to lack of ability, resulting in a large waste of resources, increased regional crime rate, and reduced productivity.

Or some areas will be directly entrusted to the church.

Ji Lin has only three internal affairs personnel, not counting the lord himself, Chong, Wubai, and Li Erlang. They have also found their own assistants and some subordinates. The dean is a temporary secondment, and his main responsibility is still scientific research and training personnel.

For slaves, Ji Lin is not as confident as the normal residents. The normal residents will have a certain sense of belonging to the territory from the moment they arrive. Slaves are still in the stage of supervision.

The supervision method adopted by Xu is very simple. All the steam spiders that have been maintained will be transferred here. The safety of these steam spiders has been strengthened to reduce the internal pressure and will not spray due to excessive pressure.

Ten dormant steam spiders spread out at equal distances, surrounding this small residential area.

There are also forty garrison soldiers converted from light crossbows. These light crossbows are used to farm when they are not needed, and they can shoot when they are needed. Their discipline is much better than that of ordinary untrained villagers.

It is also a good choice to second them to manage these fishermen. They will temporarily serve as guards and be responsible for transporting supplies from here back to the main residential area.

Ji Lin did not expect them to feel a sense of belonging to the territory immediately.

But the surrounding environment, outside the protection area of ​​the territory, is full of various monster camps and caves.

The wild is never safe.

Only Chang Heng dared to take the gun hunters with him, relying on the reconnaissance advantage of the hunting spiders and dared to go deep into the dense forest.

The fishermen ran away and died without knowing how.

This is a kind of protection for them.

The moving steel objects also made the slave fishermen feel awe for the territory. The existence of these steam spiders was a great deterrent, and even a few people who wanted to escape gave up their thoughts.

The young and old fishermen looked at their full boats of catches on the scale, calculated the weight, and then waited for the clerk to record the data, and sent their catches aside for them to deal with themselves. The fish with good vitality were first placed in the large pool in the fishing port for storage, and those with poor vitality or dead fish would be dealt with first.

"Mr. Xu, no more fish is needed."

A figure ran to Xu's side, and the dean raised his head and shouted.

"The kitchen is full of fish, and the next three days' supply is enough!"

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