Clash of Lords: Civilization Game Comes to Reality

Chapter 114 Interlude: Tran Mathematics Competition (1)

In the casino in front of him, Xu Shan sat on a chair and wrote out mathematical questions. These accumulated questions will be officially recorded in the normal question bank after being tested by the dealers.

They were preparing for the holy day celebration, and the entire casino was already turning around the dean to serve his plan.

The dealers are also considered knowledgeable.

Those who can't do arithmetic are only qualified to serve tea and water here. No, they have no place in serving tea and water. They are only allowed to stand guard at the door and say to the guests, "Welcome." ’

These dealers, who have rich experience in mathematics and gambling, looked embarrassed when faced with the mathematical problems raised by Xu Shan.

Xu Shan is also looking at the teaching materials here, and confirms the difficulty of his questions based on the feedback from the dealers, and controls the difficulty of the questions within a stable limit.

That's Xu Shan's plan, to put the money into holding a math competition on the holy day celebration, inviting students of Tran's age to try it out.

The top 100 winners will receive fifty gold medals and an admission notice from their territory. If they refuse admission, they will receive ten gold medals and their qualifications will be extended.

The top ten will receive a hundred gold coins, and will also have an admission letter and include four years of free teaching fees, which cannot be transferred.

In addition to the previous results, the top three students will also receive weekly guidance from the dean.

There are also consolation prizes and various gifts for those who don't get ranked. Unfortunately, the territory does not have any special products at this time, otherwise this would be an excellent publicity opportunity.

All the gambling money was invested in this project by Xu Shan.


Doesn't arouse any suspicion.

These newly adult children will think that this is an opportunity they have earned, have hope for it, and are curious about the outside world.

The engineering college in the territory has not been expanded, but although it is well-equipped, it is sufficient to provide education for one hundred or even two hundred students... If it fails, let the lord ask Zhongshan and Changheng to help him. Classes and courses are absolutely adequate.

Use this method to convert the money you earn from the casino into high-quality students to provide talents for the territory.

It would be harmful rather than beneficial to him to directly give so many resources to the lord. Converting them into high-quality students to prepare for the industrialization of the territory was the best plan Xu Shan could think of. There are only one out of ten children who are talented enough in mathematics, and they are willing to work for the territory, which is beneficial.

The current average knowledge/education level in the territory, let’s put it this way, junior high school students are considered to have advanced knowledge.

As for other territories in the 땢 era, the level of education was quite high, as was the burning of books and entrapment of Confucians.

And these students from Tran, even though they are in a missionary school, they still study in a serious way until they reach adulthood.

Proper advanced knowledge 늁떚.

For this reason, he spent a lot of money to bribe newspapers in the city and bribed the bishops to let them publicize this event in their own parishes. Among them, the old dealer also contributed a lot of effort to his plan.

‘Mr. Xu, a well-known foreign educator, is preparing to launch a mathematics competition recently. ’

‘Mr. Xu cordially discussed mathematical issues with the local patriarch. ’

During this time, he was also well-known in the Holy City, and his own skills were excellent. The patriarch shared his interests and saved him a lot of money, and the publicity effect was also excellent.

Xu Shan felt a little proud of his plan.

As the dean of the college, although his research ability is not as good as that of the scientific research director, his ability to plan activities, projects, and management is comparable to that of the scientific research director.

Members holding events can directly use the casino's facilities, from waiters to proctors to hosts.

They have their own way of cheating.

The reservations for various tradesmen, blacksmiths, carpenters, tailors, and chefs were also completed at extremely fast speeds by the old dealers of the casino using their own skills. Of course, they were not very willing to go to the unknown place with Xu Shan. A famous land.

After all, these skilled workers are still citizens, and they are unwilling to go to lands where they do not understand themselves.

It's very troublesome. Xu Shan didn't consider this at all before, and there was nothing the old dealer could do about it.

This is understandable. After all, they are there to make money, not to die. Some territories are so dangerous that even the Zhengshen Church dare not go there. If civilians like them go there, there will be no return, and they will die without life.

How to confirm that your territory is safe requires a certificate from the local Jeongshen Church that is running in the area. They will prove that your territory is safe. The credibility of the certificates issued by different churches varies. For example, the Goddess of Life has the highest credibility, while the God of Light ranks at the bottom.

Having the territory of the Orthodox Church proves that they at least still follow the rules.

They are only willing to go if they have proof.

Ji Lin's territory happened to have a church of the Goddess of Life that could issue such a safety certificate. After contacting Wu Bai, the territory's errand specialist, and getting the certificate, these technicians were willing to pack their bags and prepare to leave.

The other group of slave laborers, fishermen, did not have so many demands. They are slaves, and a contract document represents their life.

Life or death is not decided by them.

Slave trading is not allowed in the Holy City, but slavery still widely exists in this broken world. As for where the old dealer got these slaves, Xu Shan didn't ask much.

The lord who follows him is stable enough to provide them with a good meal.

Four hundred and thirty-one fishermen.

Originally, 400 fishermen were needed, but they seemed to be sold with their families, so Xu Shan bought them all and did not purchase other slaves.

The territory now has 3,600 people, and the daily meat consumption is already a high number. Simply relying on musketeers to go out hunting can no longer provide enough meat. Ecological recovery takes time. After hunting, it takes a long time to restore the meat supply in an area.

The food obtained through hunting will only get less and less.

In order to obtain meat supply, these shooters with hunting spiders can only keep going deeper and deeper, sweeping the surroundings indiscriminately.

Only then can they barely withstand the surge in meat consumption.

It's a way of exhausting the pond to catch fish.

Therefore, Jilin urgently needs to recruit fishermen and develop marine biological resources. Fisheries have always been an important means of obtaining meat. It is too late to develop animal husbandry now. The existing fishery can bring rich meat income.

"Mr. Xu..."

A young dealer walked in front of him, looking a little restrained.

"Can I go to school..."

Xu Shan smiled and said that he understood, pointing to the pile of discarded test papers over there.

"Okay, if you get 90 points on any paper over there, I will accept you as a student."

When the dealer thought of the difficulty above, he immediately lost his temper. He barely got 90 points after so many times.

For these dealers, Xu Shan has also considered taking them back for use. But they are too old and their life concepts have been fixed. Except for a few extremely talented guys, Xu Shan would not take too much from them.

The tables and chairs in the casino have been cleared and replaced with banners and various decorations used in the holy day celebration.

"Hey, hey, hey, this banner is not sewn right, return it to the tailor shop and let them change it!"

"What, the printing and typesetting are wrong? Go and change it quickly!"

The old dealer stood in the casino, put on a vigorous suit, and shouted at other people like an old man. He hadn't been so passionate for a long time. This kind of work that is completely different from his usual work has aroused his interest.

Very interesting.

The old dealer is full of energy.

(There will be another update later. I was a little tired yesterday, so there was no three updates. I will put the extra update on the next day. There are only two chapters in the interlude)

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