Chapter 110 Rest Time (21)

During these four days, Alicia took him around the entire Teran and saw all the magnificent wonders.

With the Pope's pass, no one would stop her, even if she brought a person who was obviously not a priest to various places where only priests could enter and exit freely.

But in most cases, the priest girl was more surprised than him, surprised at the wonders and buildings that had developed over thousands of years.

He, an outsider, was actually a tour guide.

Although she had the potential to be three-no, she couldn't hide her emotions. Ji Lin could immediately understand her emotions just by talking to her for a few words.

It's not that she showed herself with joy.

It's a kind of almost pure and unconcealed.

There is an obvious benefit.

For example, when Ji Lin wanted to ask her if he could do something, he could get an unusually clear answer.

This is why he can now secretly hold Alicia's hand.

He cannot do this in public. After doing this, Ji Lin should consider that he cannot leave this area alive.

Since he walked beside Alicia, the look in his eyes has never contained the emotion of friendliness.

There are even some looks from other lords, hoping that they just regard him as one of the natives.

He chose to wear the brim of his hat to cover his identity.

It's not that he did nothing except touring with the priest girl.

Ji Lin purchased a batch of eighteen large mechanical clocks at an internal price from the Church of Light. When he leaves, he will bring these clocks back to the territory. These mechanical clocks will be important timekeeping tools in the territory.

He decided to add another layer of rewards for territory, adding various physical rewards, such as practical items such as clocks.

Originally, the labor reward was only to restore the initial laborers to freemen and allocate housing, and his original idea was that those who worked well could get their own one acre of land, and this amount would increase with the number of times they worked well until it reached the upper limit.

This was all to prepare for promoting production enthusiasm in the future.

His current planned economic model can only be a transition for the medium and short term. The social structure that was almost slavery at the beginning had a great negative impact on his productivity. He spent a lot of energy and time to transform it. Now, I don’t know how many things have been stitched together. After the planned economic model, productivity has been rapidly improving.

This is mainly due to the fact that these people’s starting point is too low.

Being able to have enough meat has already made their living standards comparable to those of landlords.

Even if the material is up to date, the spirit still needs to keep up.

The people will eventually have their own needs. Only by satisfying their needs can productivity continue to rise. This tax-sharing and planned economic model is not a long-term strategy.

As for those lords who are still engaged in slavery and kowtow three times and nine times...

Ji Lin does not make any comments.

Improving productivity and cultivating high-quality talents is always a gradual process. He does not have strong abilities, but steady progress is also good.

With Alicia's identity, he can purchase goods from the church's internal special supply store at a low price. There are also magic items such as lamps that can absorb sunlight, heating rods engraved with heating symbols, etc. that can be brought to his territory as rewards.

The night lighting in the territory is still the most simple and uses firewood, and there is no lamp oil.

The neighborhood watch organization guard team must warn people every day about the precautions of using stoves for lighting and heating indoors, because someone was really rushed to the hospital due to carbon monoxide poisoning. Fortunately, the guard team rescued him in time and no one died.

After using the Fu lamp, the safety risk of lighting can be significantly reduced...

The Fu craftsmen... have not been trained yet! With them, Ji Lin can improve the living conditions of the territory.

Alicia picked a piece of fallen wool from his shoulder, which touched Ji Lin who was thinking.

"Ji, where do you like."

Ji Lin was still thinking about the territory, and he was still in the working state at this time.

"God of Teran."

She tilted her head. In her impression, it was just a mountain with some trees growing on it. Ji Lin's thinking had not yet switched back from the working mode, and then he explained to her in the working mode brain circuit.

"Because setting up artillery on the top of the cloud can completely control the nearby area, and the view there is very good."

Ji Lin took out a branch, drew a fan-shaped on the ground, and then left three landing points in the fan-shaped, representing three traffic intersections within the range.

A gun group deployed here can perfectly cover all the surrounding traffic intersections, making it difficult for the attackers to move. It is simply the artillery position in the dream of all commanders.

"The three traffic nodes here can be controlled by the gun group here, and this is also a commanding height..."

Alicia nodded to him in a confused manner.

"Um, what do you want to eat for dinner?"

Ji Lin suddenly reacted and changed the topic abruptly... Anyway, talking about this topic in front of a girl is a bit unfunny.

"Just make me a tofu before the season."

Alicia nodded.

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