Chapter 535


“It seems that you guy really wants to die?”

Lin Jiada Elder, hinted at the white-haired old man next to him, and the white-haired old man naturally understood what his own Elder meant.

Lin’s white-haired Elder didn’t care at first, his eyes were just a random glance, The next moment, his pupils shrank suddenly, and his whole body trembled.

“This, this is…”

His mouth was dry, and he couldn’t wait to stare out his eyes. His face was sometimes excited, sometimes in awe, and sometimes obsessed.

A horror Sword intent that seemed to tear the world and the earth struck him.

Cold, killing, arrogant, domineering!

For Zhang Changsheng, who had slowly drawn out the sword of killing the sky, Lin Elder was greedy and shocked in his heart.

He seemed to be on this long sword with rust stains, finally knowing what is real kendo, what is real Sword intent…

How did Zhang Changsheng get this long sword?

“Damn it!”

“Old Master Wudang, right? I am going to kill you here today and get this long sword by the way.”

Lin’s Elder, after finishing talking, also carried infinite thunder light, and attacked Zhang Changsheng.

Lin Jiada Elder seems to have reached a conclusion about this battle.

The Elder of his own, his strength is clear.

With the Law of Lightning, he can now completely and perfectly control the power of the Law of Lightning. With such a violent power, the battle has a great advantage.

“Thunder Prison Ninth Stage Robbery 々〃!”

In an instant, the Lin family’s Elder turned thunder with both hands, and infinite thunder light emerged in this Kunlun sacred mountain.

What was revealed was exceptionally amazing.

Zhang Changsheng half-squinted those eye-catching eyes, then squeezed the sword of slaying the sky, and slightly swung down at the Lin family Elder.

boom! ! !

A golden Sword Ray carrying a silver glow in the sky instantly drowned the Lin family Elder who was about to attack him.

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