Chapter 295

Wang Ye didn’t speak too much, but took out the cell phone in his arms and dialed the stored number of Shen Mubai.


“Crook… Is this Daoist Wang Ye?”

The familiar and pleasant female voice came from Wang Ye’s mobile phone call.

Wang Ye quickly picked up the phone and said, “Yes, hello, Director Shen, this is Wang Ye, I am sorry to contact you at this time period today, mainly this phone number is very important, there are no other people next to you, right? ”

Wang Ye’s cautious voice made Shen Mubai’s relaxed and free face instantly dignified.

Shen Mubai, dressed in a white coat, sat on the own chair and glanced at his room. Only Na Qin Yin was busy studying.

Immediately, Shen Mubai sternly shook his cell phone and said, “Now I am absolutely safe and confidential here. Regarding security alone, please rest assured that our capital is not official.”

“Naturally know the importance of keeping a lot of things confidential. So, Mr. Wang Ye, do you have any important things to notify or do you mean that there is an old ancestor behind this?”

Shen Mubai is such a smart person, naturally knowing that just a second-generation Wudang disciple can’t be serious enough to contact the capital official immediately.

In this regard, Zhang Changsheng must have known that Wang Ye called her.

Maybe in accordance with Shen Mubai’s thoughts, this matter was instructed by the ancestor Zhang Changsheng to ask Wang Ye to find her from the beginning.

Obviously, this news was too important. It directly contacted her. This incident suddenly caused Shen Mubai to imagine a bad direction in his heart.

Wang Ye nodded solemnly and said to his mobile phone, “This thing is naturally what the Patriarch and his elders told me to do. Director Shen is too important. This has something to do with the feelings of the Patriarch in the morning, and he used it afterwards. 々〃 surveyed by the method of calculation.”

“And this matter is related to the fact that the bottom of the Leifeng Pagoda has been suppressed for thousands of years, the mythical white snake. The Patriarch felt that once such a powerful creature breaks through the barrier, it will definitely explode, naturally, ordinary people. It must be impossible to withstand the revenge of such a powerful creature.”

“Fortunately, I hurriedly asked me to use my mobile phone to notify you. It was also to see how the capital official at your side arranged such things. After all, you have a close relationship with the capital official high-level officials. Of course, you are really thinking about how to solve such things. .”

Wang Ye didn’t say everything he knew and what the ancestor wanted to do from the beginning, but he also wanted to know what Shen Mubai’s views and determinations would be on such things.

After listening to Wang Ye’s general introduction of the bad situation that must occur next, Shen Mubai was also in chaos inside.

But he was still holding on to his brain that was not yet chaotic, and he trembled, “I don’t know if this kind of thing, the old ancestor, can the old man reach out and help us defeat the mythical white snake that is about to be born? I must admit here too. , Our capital government really has no way to deal with the conditions of this mythical white snake.”

“The only thing we can do right now, and only the capital official can do it, is to disperse the people so that they don’t lose too much, and to prevent them from knowing what’s inside the Leifeng Pagoda as much as possible!”

After Shen Mubai finished talking about his own thoughts, his body appeared weak and paralyzed and sat on the chair.

Qin Yin, who was studying in the distance, also stopped his busy work because of the abnormal sound, and walked to Shen Mubai’s position.

Qin Yin just wanted to ask what kind of big things happened to this pale-faced Shen Mubai, that would make this calm and calm Shen Mubai’s face suddenly so bad when Mount Tai collapsed.

And Shen Mubai silently shook his head at Qin Yin. Naturally, at this time, he didn’t want to talk more with her.

Wang Ye’s mobile phone amplifier was on. Naturally, everything that Shen Mubai said was exactly what the ancestor Zhang Changsheng had heard.

At this moment, Wang Ye looked at the old Patriarch whose expression still hadn’t changed. He also knew that Wang Ye had decided to speak about this matter now.

Fortunately, Wang Ye gritted his teeth and solemnly lifted his phone and said, “Then this is the arrangement, and you can rest assured that since the capital officials value people’s lives so much, then we Wudang Mountain naturally have the heart to remove this Demonic Beasts.”

“It’s less than three days before the mythological white snake breaks through. The tortoise on our side will rush to the Leifeng Pagoda within two days to deal with the mythical white snake. How about this? How is the arrangement for this time, are you satisfied?”

Wang Ye’s words instantly ignited a fire of hope in Shen Mubai, who already felt that he could give up the 100-kilometer territory of Leifeng Tower.

She also knew that with the character of the ancestor Zhang Changsheng, he would not stand idly by, otherwise it would not be possible to tell her the news in a hurry at this time.

The original intention is also that the very tricky and terrifying mythical white snake of the Cultivation Base is handed over to Wudang Mountain to deal with, and the people on the side are handled by the capital official to handle the evacuation.

“.”Huh… there really is the old ancestor, the Dinghai Shenzhen, and our country will definitely survive before and after the outbreak of Spiritual Recovery.”

Shen Mubai also slowly breathed a sigh of relief now, and then turned to say the words in her heart that moved her involuntarily because of what the ancestor Zhang Changsheng did.

Wang Ye smiled softly and hung up the phone.

He knew that many things didn’t need to be said in detail. Shen Mubai, who was also a wise man, could naturally explain the situation to the capital official. If there is no accident, I am afraid that it will take less than an hour to wait.

(Obtained) The city around Leifeng Pagoda will have big moves. This is what Zhang Changsheng is happy about.

After hanging up the phone, Shen Mubai was tired in those beautiful eyes, put down the phone, and massaged his own temple with the white jade hands of Qianqianyu.

And Qin Yin on the side also whispered with curiosity in his heart, “Sister Shen, is there something big again? How do you feel that your mood is depressed and relieved?”

“What kind of terrible big thing is that makes you tired and anxious now like this.”

And that Shen Mubai looked at the Qin Yin in front of him and was a little tired and said, “With the Martial Emperor level Realm Cultivation Base, the mythical white snake suppressed under the Leifeng Pagoda will break through the barriers and take revenge in the world in these two days!”


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