Civilization of Azeroth: Start the Great Pyramid

Chapter 93: Rebuilding Stormwind City (Part 2)

Rebuilding a country will require enormous amounts of money.

However, the small size of Stormwind Kingdom is there. If assistance is provided at the national level and shared by several countries, the pressure of spending a few years is not great.

But if the aristocrats of a country were to pay to rebuild their own country, it would really be like "the dust of the times is a mountain when it falls on a person." Don't care if this nonsense is really reasonable, at least the nobles are sure. would think so.

When Terenas proposed to rebuild the Kingdom of Stormwind, he chose to ignore the nobles because he was the king of the nobles. The history of the real rise of the human race is very short, and the population of the seven countries together is not three million.

The nobles who ruled these three million people were essentially a group of people. It is quite normal for nobles from various countries in the mainland to marry each other, so it often happens that nobles with the same surname have people in several countries.

Therefore, showing affection to the nobles of Stormwind Kingdom means showing affection to the nobles of Lordaeron, which means showing affection to the nobles of Stromgarde, and showing affection to the nobles of Gilneas.

Since the Second War, as Lothar's prestige has reached its peak, Terenas has also received some rumors. It seems that the nobles of Stormwind City want to abolish Varian and elect Lothar as king.

Terenas has yet to see Lothar's attitude on this matter, so he still publicly supports Varian.

One thing that happened recently, in Terenas' view, was that the little prince Varian felt the crisis, and that was the canonization of Li De as Grand Duke.

A little prince who has not yet succeeded to the throne, hurriedly canonizing a newly-rising battlefield hero as the grand duke, this matter seems to win over the new nobles to suppress the old nobles.

At this time at the meeting, Li De's speech confirmed Terenas' idea.

It's just that Terenas still has some doubts. Whether it is Varian's informal canonization of Li De or Li De's speech at the moment, Lothar seems to be indifferent. Could it be that Lothar has never really been tempted by the throne. pass?

To be honest, Li De is actually not interested in power struggles between nobles, because in his eyes, those old nobles lying on the ground sucking blood are no different from dead people. ?

The production relations in this world must change, at least not by letting such a group of rotten guys control the land. It's not that Li De, the manor owner of the human race, has never seen it before. The generals of other countries in the Alliance Army are almost all the manor owners.

However, these manor owners who have the courage to join the army and defend the country with their hands are at least the manor owners who can unite and possibly transform them. Those guys like Stormwind Kingdom are really worthless insects.

"The Kingdom of Stormwind has suffered great damage in the war. I'm afraid that with the Kingdom of Stormwind's own strength, it will be difficult to rebuild the Kingdom of Stormwind alone."

Terenas said carefully, watching Lothar's reaction.

The result was beyond Terenas's expectations, Lothar said suddenly.

"The Kingdom of Stormwind needs to learn to be self-reliant. Of course, I respect Varian's opinion on this matter."

For or against, that attitude is fine. But Lothar's ambiguous statement made Terenas uncertain again.

So Terenas made some small tricks. He not only invited Varian, but also invited several great nobles of Stormwind Kingdom.

When all the interested parties appeared, Lothar, the key figure, would inevitably reveal his true thoughts. Terenas urgently needed Lothar's truth to make judgments.

After Varian was invited to the crowd and informed of the current situation, the thriving teenager hesitated.

And standing opposite Varian are several dukes temporarily living in Lordaeron:

Grayson Sandonbrick, Boris Vishak and Greg Lescova.

Among the three great nobles, Grayson is a believer in the Holy Light and a more upright person, but he has always been very opinionated.

Boris is the richest noble. In addition to a large amount of land, he has his winery in Lordaeron, Gilneas and other places, so the orc invasion did not cause much damage to his property.

This duke, even if he lived in Lordaeron, could still live a life of indulgence every day.

The third is Duke Greg. He is the oldest of the three dukes. Although he is not as rich as Boris, he is still not to be underestimated. More importantly, he has the support of many marquis and earls.

Moreover, compared to the other two, he has the deepest city, and always looks like a wily man.

Behind the three dukes were dozens of middle and small nobles, all of the property of these people added up to almost two-thirds of the wealth of Stormwind Kingdom.

Looking at these people with different expressions, Varian couldn't help but think of the night of Lothar's triumph.

That night, he and Lothar were in tears.

Archbishop Fao pointed out the sinister intentions of some nobles, and inquired about Lothar's plans in a refined tone.

To the Archbishop's relief, Lothar gave a clear answer.

He was the one who dared to die for the Stormwind Kingdom, and he expressed his true thoughts in front of Li De, so he did not hesitate to repeat the words in front of the archbishop he respected and trusted.

Recalling those words at this moment, Varian looked at the nobles with a trace of anger in his eyes.

This kind of anger belongs to the young people who are not deep in the world, the most simple anger.

He may not understand the deeper logic, but he knows that these people did not play any role in taking back the country; when he was practicing swordsmanship in the palace of Lordaeron incompetently and furiously, they only cared about their own good life, and they also wanted to Do it yourself!

"Prince Varian, sirs, we are discussing how to rebuild the Kingdom of Stormwind.

Although I believe in the strength of the people of Stormwind, I will not be stingy when you need help. "

It's up to you to decide how to rebuild the Kingdom of Stormwind now.

As soon as Terenas finished speaking, Boris said with some dissatisfaction.

"It was King Ryan who died in the assassination that led to the collapse of the whole line.

House Wrynn, as the leader of the nation, should take its responsibilities, not blackmail his people like cowards. "

Boris shamelessly equated "aristocrats" with "people". To put it bluntly, he believed that the Wrynn family should pay for the reconstruction of Stormwind Kingdom, rather than blackmail the nobles.

What if Varian couldn't get the money? Of course, it is with the dignity of the royal family to ask for it, to borrow it, what does it have to do with him.

Boris' brainless speech immediately caused Greg to frown.

He is an old fox among the nobles, and he is also the most opposed to the king's suppression of the nobles, but he will never show disrespect to the king with great fanfare.

Now that he didn't know how to call the other party an idiot, he felt that he had to teach this rough embryo:

The real elegant noble is to know how to use the muddy method to push the ball into the opponent's hand.

Only in this way can I silently express my opposition without hurting my anger.

"I agree that Prince Varian will be a wise monarch, but for now, our lord is too young.

He's just a kid, isn't he?

For such a major event as rebuilding the Kingdom of Stormwind, it may be that His Highness Varian is not ready yet, and perhaps he is in need of your majesty's help. "

Grayson was originally disgusted by Boris's words. He respects King Ryan very much, and Bores's death of Ryan made him sullen.

But after Greg's words were finished, he felt it made sense.

As a great nobleman, although he may have good personal morals, he can't look at problems from his own class.

He was taught that the king could not use his power to forcibly infringe on the interests of the nobles, even if he was emotionally respectful.

The problem was pushed to Varian again. The teenager was not used to expressing himself in public, but at this moment he saw Li De.

In the days after the triumph of the heroes, apart from Lothar, Li De was probably the one Varian took the initiative to talk to the most.

Boys who consider themselves to be mature are most eager to gain recognition from real adults, and they are less eager to communicate with middle-aged and elderly people.

Especially when he learned that not only the officer who saved him, but also the special troll army was under his command, Varian was even more curious.

The matter of Li De's establishment of the Protector of the Seas, Varian even listened to it as a legend.

But what impressed Varian the most was what Li De said:

"Recognizing one's own weakness requires enormous moral pressure.

But after recognizing the weakness, it does not mean that you have to give up the will to fight.

Since we are weak, we must learn to hide the truest thoughts in our hearts.

At the same time, you must also know how to use your own weakness to gain sympathy and help from others. "

These words seemed to be echoing in his ears at this time, Varian took a deep breath, and bowed solemnly to everyone, even the rude Boris.

"I want to tell you a story. The protagonist of this story is the Grand Duke Li De who is present..."

Most of the nobles frowned when they heard the name.

If it weren't for Li De's title as an overseas grand duke without real power, and because of his heroic reputation, he would have been boycotted by nobles long ago.

But even so, hearing Variant about him also made many people uncomfortable.

"There are only 1,000 people, but they can build a new home in the most barren desert. And they can come back here and take back our country with their own hands.

From the grand duke and the 1,000 people, I saw the strength of the people of Stormwind.

Now that the war is over, is it possible that the difficulties before us can still be saddened by the difficulties encountered by the Grand Duke and the 1,000 people at that time?

Destroyed homes, no matter how dilapidated they are, are much better than life restricted areas.

Countries helped us defeat the orcs together, why do we still need countries to help us build our homeland?

Do you want people from all over the world to think that the Kingdom of Stormwind is a group of people who can't endure hardship and only have fun?

I'm really just a kid, and I've never done a civilian job for a day.

But the living examples are out there, can't those of us who can still go back home?

I want to go back to my homeland, and if everyone really loses hope in the Wrynn family, I will take everyone and rebuild the homeland with my hands.

I will live in tents with everyone, knowing that everyone has their own house. "

Varian's true feelings are revealed, but they are more touching than the performance.

His words expressed a child's yearning for rebuilding his homeland, his determination to be independent and self-improvement, and his cry for his own weakness.

He didn't persecute anyone, but honest people bowed their heads.

"People of the Stormwind Kingdom, aren't you ashamed to let a child say such a thing?"

Lothar finally got up and said the first words after Varian arrived.

"We defeated the enemy with our hands, but we cannot rebuild our homeland with our hands?

Did our ancestors build the majestic city of Stormwind in one day?

If you have a tent, live in a tent, if you have a thatched hut, live in a thatched hut. Show your backbone!

If I cannot contribute your strength, I, Anduin Lothar, will cast aside you with my blood and honor! "

Lothar's words were Suddenly one of the three dukes came out, it was Grayson, who had always had no opinion.

"His Royal Highness Varian, I understand. We should let everyone understand the strength of Stormwind Kingdom.

Running away in a hurry and abandoning the country has already brought us a shame.

Defeating the enemy seems to have regained the honor. But it's not enough, only by rebuilding our homeland can we truly get our honor back! "

Regardless of the shocking eyes others looked at him, Grayson seemed to understand at this moment:

He has always believed in the Holy Light, but the Holy Light has never favored him. Perhaps it is because he lacks a firm Sacred Heart.



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