The school was full of excitement.

Ninja school.

The new students gathered on the playground, chattering non-stop.

Parents on the side were either gathered in groups to laugh or told their children something.

Outside the lively crowd, a yellow-haired freshman sat alone on the swing.

There was envy and loneliness in his eyes looking at the crowd.

Uzumaki Naruto also wanted to join in.

But when he approached, the children would walk away.

At the same time, there were voices like "demon fox", "ominous guy", "monster".

The attitude of the adults made him even more sad.

A pair of strange eyes stared at him with disgust and indifference.

He was afraid.

Those eyes were like knives, deeply hurting him.

[I also hope to gain your recognition. ]

Looking up, people looked at him with disgust and exclusion.

So he lowered his head, as if he was seriously watching the mottled light and shadow of the sun passing through the leaves and falling on the ground.

"Hey, Naruto!"

The familiar voice immediately dispelled the darkness in his heart.

Uzumaki Naruto raised his head suddenly, and the joy in his eyes was about to overflow.


"Why are you here!" Uzumaki Naruto certainly wanted Suzumiya Musashi to accompany him to the entrance ceremony.

But Suzumiya Musashi was still on a mission some time ago.

As a person who wanted to become a Hokage, how could he let Suzumiya Musashi delay his mission to send him to school.

"Haha, today is the day you enter school, Naruto, of course I have to come!" Suzumiya Musashi laughed.

"Boss, aren't you on a mission? How do you have time to come here?"

"The mission has been completed, and there shouldn't be any missions recently."

"Really? Great!~" Uzumaki Naruto jumped up happily.

"I can play with you again, boss!"

"Naruto!" Suzumiya Musashi pretended to be serious: "You are already in school. From today on, you can't think about playing all day. You must practice hard and be an excellent ninja."

"Well, well, I know, boss." Uzumaki Naruto scratched the back of his head.

"Also, you must listen to your teacher after school and study hard. You can't be the last one."

"Ha!" Uzumaki Naruto was full of confidence: "Boss, who am I? I am Uzumaki Naruto~"

"It's impossible to be the last one. I, Uzumaki Naruto! I will definitely become the strongest ninja here! Let everyone recognize me."

"Very good, very energetic!" Suzumiya Musashi gave a bright smile like Might Guy!

"Naruto, remember what you said, you must become the strongest ninja!"

"If I find out that you are lazy in school, the iron fist of youth will meet your face unexpectedly~"

"Don't worry, boss, I am the strongest Uzumaki Naruto!"

"Yo!~ The power of youth is excited!"

"Come on, Naruto!"

"No problem, boss!"

"Tsk~" A disgusted voice sounded, and the smile on Uzumaki Naruto's face froze instantly.

His eyes found the guy who made the sound.

A freshman with black hair, dark short sleeves, hands in pockets and a cocky face.

"Hey! You, why did you make that sound?" Uzumaki Naruto asked.

"What sound? I only heard the arrogant and boastful voice."

"Damn, you are so arrogant!" Uzumaki Naruto clenched his fist and was a little crazy.

"It's better than a boastful guy." The cocky boy replied with a look of contempt.

"What's your name? My name is Uzumaki Naruto, I will definitely let you see how powerful I am!"

"Tsk~" Still responded with disdain.

"Ah~" Uzumaki Naruto got even crazier.

"Okay Naruto." Suzumiya Musashi stopped the crazy Naruto and looked at the person behind the boy with a look of surprise.

"Itachi, it's you! Long time no see!"

"Musashi." Behind the boy, Itachi, who was dressed in military uniform, nodded in response.

"We haven't seen each other much since you graduated. Itachi, have you become a jonin now?"


"Yoshi! Itachi, you are still as good as ever. Ah~ It's so nice to see old friends, I feel the power of youth starting to boil. Itachi!"

"Musashi, you are still so... full of energy."

"Hahaha~, why are you wearing the clothes for the mission?"

"I'm busy with the mission, I took the time to come here."

"Swoosh, is this Sasuke? You've changed a lot. The last time we met, you were still a baby who only knew how to sleep. In the blink of an eye, you've reached school age."

Uchiha Sasuke looked at the weirdo in front of him and said strangely.

Uchiha Sasuke looked up in confusion: "You... know me?"

"More than just knowing." Suzumiya Musashi lowered his head slightly: "Back in school, I was Itachi's best friend. When I saw you at that time, you had to be hugged by Itachi to fall asleep. You would move around when I hugged you. That's right - I hugged you~"

Uchiha Sasuke: "( ̄~ ̄;)"

I couldn't help but look at Itachi, as if asking if this weirdo was lying to me.

The latter actually nodded.

Uchiha Sasuke pouted unconsciously.

It seemed that he was complaining that his brother was hugged by others when he was a child.

He was still that weird guy in tights!

"Itachi, your brother is a little shy. Hahaha..."

"Let me introduce myself. This is my brother, Uzumaki Naruto!"

"Naruto, this is Itachi-senpai, the classmate and friend of the boss."

"Hello, Itachi-senpai." Naruto simply greeted him, and then looked at Uchiha Sasuke: "What? It turns out that he is the brother of the boss's friend. My name is Uzumaki Naruto, and I will be your friend too!"

Uchiha Sasuke: "Tsk~"

Uzumaki Naruto: "(/// ̄皿 ̄)!"

"You guy! When I go to school, I will definitely let you know how powerful I am!..."

Uchiha Sasuke: "Brother, it seems that we are about to gather. Let's go."

Naruto: o( ̄皿 ̄╬).


After greeting Suzumiya Musashi, Uchiha Itachi took Sasuke's hand and left.

Suzumiya Musashi's hearing was good enough to hear the conversation between the two brothers from a distance.

"Brother, is that guy in tights really your classmate?"


"Is he as powerful as brother?"

"Just a Genin."

Musashi: o( ̄皿 ̄╬).

Uzumaki Naruto: "Boss, your friend's brother is so abominable!"

Suzumiya Musashi: "When we go to school, find a chance to beat him up! How can a young boy be without physical contact!"

Uzumaki Naruto: "Oh? Isn't he the brother of your friend? You said you hugged him?"

Suzumiya Musashi: "That's why we have to supervise his growth!"

After Uzumaki Naruto vowed that he would definitely make Sasuke look good when he went to school, the entrance ceremony began.

The Third Hokage stood on the stage and spoke to the freshmen with great emotion.

The will of fire gushed out, and people including Suzumiya Musashi were greatly affected.

The children even had tears in their eyes, and the will of fire was firm in their hearts.

Uzumaki Naruto's eyes welled up with tears, and he clenched his fists with a firm face.

"Children, today is the day you enter school, here..."

"Where the leaves of Konoha fly, the fire will also continue, and the flames will..."

"I will emphasize one point below..."

"It mainly includes three points..."

As he listened, Suzumiya Musashi found something wrong.

Why does it sound so familiar?

The speech of the third generation old man was boring and long, and when it ended, there was applause from the audience.

Suzumiya Musashi glanced in the direction of Sasuke and found that Uchiha Itachi had left.

[This guy, the aura on his body is getting more and more gloomy. ]

[It seems that the night of genocide will not be too far away. ]

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