The golden pool was filled with earth-attributed energy that was almost condensed into substance.

In the golden pool, a stream of earth-attributed energy that was almost condensed into substance spread out in front of the face. As the energy spread far away, the fluctuations in the golden pool immediately subsided, and from the original boiling, it suddenly became as smooth as a mirror.

Is everything okay?

Suzumiya Musashi wondered.

As soon as the thought came up, a stronger energy wave exploded!

In the golden pool, the golden liquid suddenly rushed up to the sky!

"F*ck! Something's wrong!" Suzumiya Musashi instantly dodged and blocked the three people.

The golden liquid rushed up to the sky, and then twisted and entangled in the air, turning into a golden worm more than ten meters long.

It kept changing with its fangs and claws.

[What's going on? The golden liquid has become a spirit! ? 】

Suzumiya Musashi thought to himself, worried whether the worm would rush over the next moment.

The lifelike golden worm suddenly flew into the sky.

Flying higher and higher! When it was nearly a hundred meters away from the ground, in Suzumiya Musashi's wide eyes, the golden worm exploded!


It was like thunder in the clear sky.

The golden liquid exploded into mist all over the sky, and in the blink of an eye it spread between heaven and earth. Everything in sight was golden.

The energy tide of earth attribute swept across the world.

Suzumiya Musashi felt that all the chakra in his body seemed to be aroused to boil, as if it was changing to earth attribute. Tiantian and the other three were even more unbearable. Their blood and qi were stimulated by energy, and their eyes were like drunken.

"Be careful!" Suzumiya Musashi shouted to remind him, and Tiantian and others came back to their senses.

The golden mist was diffused, and then slowly drifted, soaking the earth and trees like frost and rain.

As the golden mist fell in the afternoon, the gold in the sky slowly began to thin.

Until it returned to normal.

[It should be okay this time, right? ] Suzumiya Musashi guessed.

The mist and the golden pool had disappeared, leaving only the original forests around. Just when he breathed a sigh of relief, something suddenly changed again.

Why are the trees around shorter? ... Wait! It's not shorter, it's the trees that are descending!

Whether it's shrubs or giant trees, all the vegetation around is slowly sinking. The ground, which was originally quite solid, seemed to soften at this time, and the roots of the trees were swallowed up by the ground bit by bit.

"The ground is sinking!" Uzumaki Karin shouted.

Her feet had already sunk slightly into the mud.

Suzumiya Musashi had already reached into his arms.

As the scroll unfolded in front of him, the technique was activated, and an eagle's cry sounded.

"Get up!"

Uzumaki Karin stomped the ground hard, and as the mud splashed, the impact force made her rise on the spot, and then landed on the back of the black giant eagle.

Tenten's strength was not as good as Uzumaki Karin, so she didn't dare to step directly on the gradually softening mud. She threw a long whip from her body and wrapped it around the giant eagle's claws. As the giant eagle's wings flapped, she grabbed Bai, and the two of them were also pulled up, and then turned over to the giant eagle.


"Here it comes!" Seeing that the three of them were on the back of the giant eagle, Suzumiya Musashi no longer hesitated, slightly bent his knees, and then suddenly straightened!

Accompanied by a bang! The feet that had already sunk into the ground suddenly burst out a ball of chakra! The ground instantly exploded as if it was hit by a detonating talisman!

The ground rolled up, revealing the black mud underneath!

There was also a black figure hidden in the mud that had not yet appeared.

With his feet on the giant eagle's back, Suzumiya Musashi quickly flew into the sky with the giant eagle.

After rising to a high altitude, several people looked down, and their bodies stiffened and their pupils dilated.

The forest under their feet had disappeared in a short period of time. Whether it was flowers or trees, there was no trace.

Looking around, the forest turned into a large black mud swamp, which was almost endless.

In the swamp, the black mud was surging, and the surging figures were looming.

"Teacher, what is this?" Tiantian asked in horror.

Suzumiya Musashi smiled bitterly and shook his head: "I don't know either."

"I didn't expect it to become like this suddenly. My actions just now were too hasty."

"Let's not talk about this for now, let's retreat first." Uzumaki Karin suggested.

Suzumiya Musashi also thought so. The giant eagle under his feet cried and turned to fly away.

But before they could fly a hundred meters, they heard roars from under their feet.

They looked down and were shocked by the scene.

In the black mud, the surging figure finally appeared.

How to say it... It makes people feel scared and disgusted.

The figure, which ranged from several meters to more than ten meters long, was covered with black mud.

Under the cover, it looks like a leech or a poisonous snake.

One end of the body is shaped like a suction cup, and at the other end, the ferocious mouthparts almost occupy the entire head, with shiny sharp teeth overlapping and interlaced.

"What kind of monster is this!?" Tiantian asked tremblingly.

In the swamp on the ground, the mud kept surging, and there were too many strange snakes like this to count at a glance.

She didn't dare to imagine what a terrible scene it would be if she fell down at this time. Not to mention her, even Bai, who has always been calm, looked uncomfortable at this moment.

No one knows the answer.

The strange snake is still roaring below.

Tiantian endured the fear and bared his teeth to sneer.

"What are you yelling for!"

"Come up if you have the guts!"

"You still dare to scare us, we can fly, can you? Lululu..."

After the taunt, Tiantian finally felt that the fear in his heart dissipated a little.

At this moment, Tiantian suddenly stumbled!

On the giant eagle, she seemed to be a little unstable and almost fell to the ground. Bai hurriedly held her up: "Be careful. It will be troublesome if you fall down."

Tiantian was afraid, and she just thought that she just didn't stand firmly, but at this moment, Suzumiya Musashi and Uzumaki Karin's faces suddenly changed!

Uzumaki Karin said in a deep voice: "It's not that I didn't stand firmly! It's that the eagle is sinking!"

"Sinking?" Tiantian said in surprise: "How can a giant eagle sink!"

Uzumaki Karin didn't answer, but stuck her head out and looked down.

The hideous mouthparts of strange snakes stretched out from the mud, and the big mouths full of sharp teeth opened, roaring fiercely at the sky.

What terrified her was that this strange snake was not just one, nor a few.

At a glance, there were probably hundreds or thousands of densely packed sharp teeth. Even this did not include the number that could not be seen clearly in the distance.

As the monster snake roared, waves of energy spread from the earth. With the heart-shaking roar, the giant eagle flapped its wings no matter how hard it flapped, but its body continued to fall.

"The gravity has become stronger!" Uzumaki Karin said, "Brother Oki's giant eagle can't fly!"

Suzumiya Musashi tried his best to control the giant eagle and injected more chakra into the scroll, trying to increase the power of the giant eagle.

However, it was in vain.

No matter how fiercely the giant eagle flapped its wings, its body did not rise, but continued to fall. As the giant eagle moved, a little bit of ink began to precipitate and drip from its body.

Then it was sucked into the swamp below at a very fast speed.

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