After the treatment, Tsunade patted Suzumiya Musashi's back.

Starting from the back, to the waist, and then to the thighs, after treating Suzumiya Musashi's back, Tsunade patted his back.

"Turn around."

Suzumiya Musashi didn't move.

"I told you to turn around! The back is done, it's time to go to the front."

Suzumiya Musashi still didn't react.

Only his fingers clenched slightly.

Tsunade was a little puzzled, and then reacted.

[It should be that he didn't have the strength to turn around by himself. ]

Thinking this through, she took action herself, grabbed one of Suzumiya Musashi's hands and one of his legs, and lifted it up suddenly.

With a "pop", Suzumiya Musashi turned over.

Tsunade was about to make a move, but suddenly the whole person seemed to be frozen!

Suzumiya Musashi's face flushed, and he closed his eyes and said nothing.

Tsunade's mouth opened slightly, and her dull eyes looked somewhere.

At this moment, Suzumiya Musashi was like an old-fashioned iron thumbtack that was turned upside down.

A weapon that can easily hurt people, but it was high-spirited and firm.

The atmosphere fell silent.

Tsunade stood still.

She had never seen such a shocking scene in her life.

She had lived for so many years, but she had never seen such an arrogant person.

After a long while, she turned her head.

[I am old, what's the big deal! ]

[It's just a natural reaction. ]

Telling herself this in her heart, Tsunade forced herself to look away, but her face was slightly pink.

Turning her head, she saw Suzumiya Musashi with his eyes closed and his face flushed.

She suddenly relaxed a lot.

[Heh, just a kid.]

[I can only say that my charm is as good as ever.]

Tsunade reached out and grabbed the other person's arm, and continued the treatment.

However, as the treatment progressed, Suzumiya Musashi remained firm! Close your eyes!

She glanced at something from time to time.

[Curious, I'm just curious!]

She unconsciously tightened her grip on Suzumiya Musashi's arm.

As the treatment progressed, Tsunade felt her face getting hotter and hotter.

Even if she looked away and put her eyes on Suzumiya Musashi, there was no improvement.

Because Suzumiya Musashi's body was too perfect.

Over the years, she has treated many ninjas.

Men, women, old people...

Some bodies were covered with scars, and some were broken.

But no body could be like Suzumiya Musashi.

Slender, upright, and strong.

A well-proportioned and beautiful skeleton.

Perfect muscles cast like steel.

Neither bloated nor thin.

Just like a master sculptor, who has been carving out perfect works of art for more than ten years.

This is the most perfect male body she has ever seen.

In the ninja world, there is probably no one who can match him.

At this moment, this body is right in front of her, exuding a strong youthful vitality, allowing her to do whatever she wants.

The most lifelike and beautiful creature, she can touch, capture, and manipulate it at will as long as she reaches out her hand.

[Tsunade, Tsunade, what are you thinking about! ]

She shook her head and tried to dispel the chaotic thoughts in her mind, but she couldn't do it at all.

This little man she met in a foreign country.

A powerful little man.

Although there were some frictions when they met, by chance, he helped her in her fight with Orochimaru.

Well, it seems that except for age, everything else is good.

His personality is a bit eccentric, but he is warm and sunny, so she can't hate him.

She looked at Suzumiya Musashi's handsome face, which was red and youthful.

Her eyes flickered.

Holding back the unprecedented throbbing in her heart, Tsunade felt that this treatment was much more difficult than before.

When the treatment was about to end, she finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, she suddenly looked at Suzumiya Musashi's determination. After the throbbing in her heart was suppressed, a trace of resentment surged up.

[I worked hard to treat you, and you just lie down and enjoy it. ]

[You are still so energetic, disturbing my mind! ]

[Damn it! ]

Just thinking about it, she suddenly turned her head as if she had realized something, and looked at Suzumiya Musashi who had opened his eyes at some point.

Maybe it was a ghost, or she was angry because her gaze was discovered.

Tsunade stretched out her hand and slapped Suzumiya Musashi's determination under the cloth.


Suzumiya Musashi sat up in shock!

He turned to Tsunade angrily.

Red face, red eyes.

The mixed emotions that had been suppressed for a long time suddenly burst out when the weakness was hit.

Tsunade was not the first woman to attack him.


Including, Tsunami from Wave Country was the first one.

Because the other party might have made an unintentional mistake, and in order to leave the memory to Ayame, he pretended to be confused and endured it.

Uzuki Yugao was the second one, and he didn't have that idea in the first place, so he endured it.

Tsunade was the third one.

It was also the one he had the most difficulty enduring.

Before he took action, he had already had a lot of thoughts and forced himself to suppress himself.

But he didn't expect that he lay down honestly and it stood up honestly.

You can treat it, why move it! ?

He looked at Tsunade, his eyes were full of anger... murderous!

"What are you looking at! It's over, get out!"

Suzumiya Musashi's murderous aura stagnated.

Tsunade looked at him, her voice seductive and dangerous: "What, what do you want to do?"

"I... I... I don't want to do anything. It's uncomfortable to lie down, get up and move around."


Tsunade chuckled.

"Okay, pack up and get out."

Suzumiya Musashi could only bend over and start packing. Tsunade's medical skills are really strong. The serious sequelae of the Eight Gates have disappeared at this moment, and even the movement is not painful.

Before leaving, Tsunade suddenly said: "I'm leaving."

Suzumiya Musashi stopped: "I know."

Tsunade said: "Thank you for what happened in the past two days."

"Although you helped me a lot, I still have to tell you that we are not suitable."

"I have never planned to develop feelings or get married with someone."

Suzumiya Musashi was a little confused.

Tsunade looked at his absent-minded look and sighed: "I will remember you in my heart."

"Although I can't be with you, if you need help in the future, just come to me, I will never refuse."

Suzumiya Musashi's eyes lit up.

He didn't expect that there would be a bright future after the dark clouds.

Turning suddenly, he looked at Tsunade and said in disbelief: "Really?"

Tsunade was forced to take a half step back by his fiery gaze: "Really...really, giving birth to a child is not okay!"

Suzumiya Musashi didn't pay attention to the second half of her sentence, and then asked: "Then if one day I ask you for something, you won't refuse, right?"

Tsunade vaguely regretted what she had just said.

But now that things have come to this, she can't break her promise.

After thinking for a moment, he said: "As long as you don't ask me to do anything ** with you and don't hurt Konoha, I'll keep my word."

Suzumiya Musashi was overjoyed!

He couldn't help but take two steps forward, and gave Tsunade a big hug and patted her back while she was in a panic.

"It's a deal!"

After saying that, he let go of her hand and turned to leave.

Tsunade breathed a sigh of relief.

Just as she reached the door, Suzumiya Musashi suddenly stopped.

After a moment of hesitation, he couldn't help but ask, "Is it really impossible to have a baby?"

Tsunade came back to her senses and snorted, "Get lost!"

Suzumiya Musashi left tactfully.

The second half of Tsunade's words came from behind.

"When you don't need to overdraw your body and your strength exceeds mine, then we can talk."

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