This memory of the past life caused a lot of discussion among the audience.

While they were amazed at the powerful performance of the mecha, they also had a new understanding of Tony.

Especially at the end, Tony risked being hit by a fighter plane.

He had to open the pilot's parachute device first.

It shocked and moved countless people.

Many people turned from passers-by to fans, and from haters to passers-by.

At the same time, many people began to doubt the so-called artificial intelligence world-destroying wheel.

The Tiandao Administration.

Everyone in the expert group had a different expression.

Most people were amazed at Tony's behavior.

Tibetan fox Xiaoliang smiled and said,"If a selfish person who can't control himself encounters such extreme danger, will he choose to protect himself or outsiders?"

Someone replied,"It must be important to save your life!"

"Tony is a genius with feelings and righteousness, how could he be a devil who destroys the world?"

"As for the so-called artificial intelligence, I have only seen it assisting its master wholeheartedly."

"Teacher Zhang is right. If artificial intelligence wants to control machinery, Tony would have been dead in the air battle."

Historian Huang frowned and said,"If it wasn't AI that destroyed the world, why did this part of Blue Star's history disappear?"

"Or perhaps, a powerful unknown force?"

Everyone suddenly felt a tingling horror.

"Self-destruction in war is obviously unrealistic. If it is not AI robots destroying the world, what kind of power would it be?"

"The more I think about it, the more I feel that it might as well be artificial intelligence! At least we know"

"Some people have awakened memories with some extraordinary powers, but they are limited to a very small ability and cannot cause a historical fault."

"The difficulty now is that only one person's previous life can be reincarnated for a hundred generations. In this era, other people have not yet discovered their contemporaries."

"In addition, how did he solve the problem of palladium poisoning in his body?"

"If it is not resolved and ultimately leads to death, then wouldn’t we have no way of knowing what exactly happened in that era?"

"Not only that, the time that Bai Shi Lun Hui has persisted has now exceeded 1 hour!"

"He is only eight years old. I am worried that the backlash has already begun. If it continues, will it lead to major problems?"

"I still hold the view that artificial intelligence is a threat."

Humanities and Sociology Feng Xiaotian did not speak.

Suddenly, a military industry leader said:"The performance of this mecha is too good."

"You may not know how powerful the continuous output of the two-handed energy cannon is when he is destroying the base!"

"Even if it is just one energy cannon, it is difficult to complete it."

The memory content of the Hundred Reincarnations, in addition to playing a significant role in the study of history, is more about the powerful mecha.

"Now the Blue Star Federation has similar attack modes, only air cannon and sonic attack methods"

"But the effect is too bad"

"Energy source, continuous output structure, I think it must be more than just Seraph material."

"Not only that, he can actually reach supersonic flight! The creation and breaking of the sound barrier must be a burden, how did he do it?"

"Director, have you found the author of Hundred Lifetimes Reincarnation?"

This is the nth time they have asked who is the author of Hundred Lifetimes Reincarnation.

The director shook his head again.

"Not yet, but I see in the memory fragments, there are many research and development processes, based on this, can't it be restored?"

The military system said:"It cannot be restored, many difficulties cannot be overcome"

"Don't be afraid of you laughing at me. As for the arc reactor, we have only made a model. It will take a short time to form a stable cold nuclear/fusion output."

The director was surprised.

The technology of the Blue Star Federation has been very strong after several changes and upgrades.

The research and development results of the brain-computer interface are one of the manifestations.

As a result, the military-industrial group cannot even restore part of the structure by copying.

However, at this moment, there is something that makes him more panic.

That huge mechanical steel whale!

He found that some of his ideas might have big problems!

At the beginning, he and the expert team thought about cloning the huge mechanical whale.

They thought that it was a technological product or life in the history of Blue Star.

After all, the mechanical whale was wandering over the entire city at that time.

No one thought that the mechanical whale was destructive to humans!

Seeing Tony's righteous act and Jarvis's wholehearted assistance, the director suddenly woke up.

"Could it be that the huge mechanical whale brought an irreparable blow to the history of Blue Star?"

This situation is very likely to happen.

Thinking of this, he could no longer remain calm.

Listening, the expert group was still discussing some issues such as artificial intelligence.

He walked out of the office in a panic and went to another hidden compartment.

He took out his mobile phone and called Elder Wu directly.

After the call was connected, the director took a deep breath.

"Elder Wu, I think Mr. Duan, who is calm about this period of history, is not because of the threat of artificial intelligence."

"It was probably caused by the huge mechanical whale."

Elder Wu said in surprise:

"Mechanical whale, when was it a mechanical whale?"

Evidently, Elder Wu did not notice the flashing scene at first.

The director quickly sent a screenshot he had saved to Elder Wu.

The huge mechanical whale in the screenshot was very shocking.

The ribs on both sides of the mechanical whale opened.

Rows of humanoid creatures flew out from it.

The director's voice was a little horrified.

"At first I thought these were some of the key scientific and technological achievements in the history of Blue Planet.���

"I even wondered if I could clone and replicate this terrifying mechanical creature."

"To help us conquer new planets with life"

"But I suddenly realized that if these creatures came to destroy Blue Star, it seemed more likely."

When the director said these words, his body was shaking.

If this mechanical whale was the destroyer of Nanjing, it means that in the history of Blue Star, technology is not as powerful as they have discussed.

Instead, the power of unknown forces is stronger? How did the humans on Blue Star resist at that time?

Relying on Tony's mecha?

Judging from the performance of the mecha,

I am afraid that they cannot beat the huge mechanical whale.

Especially among the mechanical whales, there are many other unknown humanoid creatures running out.

After telling Elder Wu his guess, there was a long silence on the other end of the phone.

After a while, Elder Wu's voice continued to ring.

"I see"

"Let's keep watching. Tony's palladium poisoning is inevitable. If he doesn't die in the end"

"Then your speculation has a certain reference value."

The director swallowed his saliva.

He wanted Tony to die!

Then after he died, artificial intelligence controlled the mecha and destroyed the history of Blue Star.

Then now they can be sure that the culprit of this historical destruction is artificial intelligence.

In reality, as long as they follow the original plan, they can stop AI research and development indefinitely!

The only thing to be afraid of is that Tony is not dead!

The reason for the historical fault is still unknown.

After the call was hung up, the director looked dazed.

Back in the office, the director rubbed his eyebrows vigorously.

Suddenly, the assistant pushed open the door.

He rushed to the director:"Director! I found someone!"


Today's update starts! The author is ready to update all night!

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