"From now on, cancel all artificial intelligence research in the world!"

"Seal the existing artificial intelligence system indefinitely!"

The director was stunned.

The Federal Supreme Court believes in the theory of the threat of world destruction?

Or has it been confirmed?

Full of doubts, the director waited quietly.

Every emergency meeting of the Supreme Court must be opened by three elders at the same time.

The initiators of this emergency meeting are Wu Chengen, Mohande, and Li Longshen.

After Wu Chengen directly announced the request.

Li Longshen continued:"This decision mainly takes into account several directions. Zhang Tian, listen first, the specific implementation still needs you."

The director nodded immediately

"First, at present, the history of Blue Planet cannot be studied now, and it must have been caused by a huge and comprehensive disaster."

"The war cannot be a global war. The only possibility is that artificial intelligence controls the machinery."

"Second, we didn't intend to give this order directly, but after our analysis, we found that his previous life, Tony, was about to die."

"Once Tony dies, the artificial intelligence system Jarvis will most likely control these mechas, which will cause endless troubles."

"We speculate that with the level of technological development on Blue Star at that time, it would not be too difficult to produce a large number of such mechas."

"Third, the Blue Star Federation is preparing to carry out a plan to find a new home, and will not allow any possible mistakes."

"Everything must not be repeated!" Tony, is he going to die soon?......

The director was confused and asked,"Elder Li, why is Tony dying soon? I think he is in good condition."

Li Longshen smiled, and Mohande beside him explained:


The director was surprised and asked,"Palladium?"

Mohand nodded and said,"The current situation of Blue Star is completely consistent with that of Blue Star in history in certain fields of physics and chemistry."

"At least the elements are the same"

"Palladium (Pd) is the 46th chemical element and its single substance is metal."

"Palladium metal has excellent catalytic properties and is now often used as a catalyst in hydrogen fuel cells."

"According to our speculation, the palladium element used by Tony may be used to make the arc reactor into a device similar to cold nuclear/fusion."

"But in order to prevent the shrapnel from entering the heart through the blood, Tony directly placed a substance containing the element palladium in the middle of the chest cavity."

"Whether it is close to the heart or the lungs,"

"Long-term exposure to palladium will cause the hydrogen permeability of the membrane to deteriorate, or even destroy the membrane."

"It won’t be obvious in the short term, but it will definitely cause serious damage to the body in the long term."

Wu Cheng’en said:"We also judged it from the green vegetable juice he has been drinking."

"That may be a special vegetable juice, in order to delay the invasion of palladium"

"But the result is almost inevitable!"

Li Longshen said calmly:"He, Tony, will definitely die of palladium poisoning!"

Mohand said:"Therefore, the current research and development of artificial intelligence must be suspended and sealed!"

The director's mind was like a mess.

He didn't care at first, but when the elders said it, it seemed that Tony had indeed been drinking green things.

Palladium elements erode the body and die.

I'm afraid it's true!

If Tony dies......What will the JARVIS artificial intelligence do?

Will it avenge Tony?

Will it control a large number of mechas and kill all humans?

The director was a little afraid to continue imagining.

These seemed to be really close to the truth!

"This period of Blue Star's history was destroyed by artificial intelligence."

The director was sad.

Artificial intelligence was developed by humans.

Hua Zhibing's appearance was sought after by countless people.

Now it is discovered that in a historical period of human beings on Blue Star, there is actually a possibility that artificial intelligence will destroy the world?

Water can carry a boat, but it can also overturn it.

Suddenly, the director was slightly stunned.

"Elders, if artificial intelligence really destroys the world in history"

"Then why do we exist on the blue planet?"

Logically speaking, shouldn't humans be completely extinct?

Or should humans not be completely destroyed by artificial intelligence?

But this result is even more terrifying than being extinct directly!

The three elders looked at each other.

Elder Wu said calmly:"We have some speculations about what you said, but we won't talk about it for now."

"In addition, the AI threat theory should be quickly calmed down and no more panic should be caused by it."

"Let's do the AI first."

After Elder Wu finished speaking, the holographic projection disappeared.

The figures of the expert group reappeared.

At this time, the expert group was still making various arguments and assumptions.

The director frowned.

"Finally, the elder said that there is already some speculation"

"What would be the speculation?"

"Even I can't tell you?" The existence of the Supreme Court has been very mysterious since he knew about it. It is said that every elder has a mysterious past life. Mohand just now had a public past life identity. On the ancient blue planet, he was a Nobel Prize winner in chemistry and physics. He has done in-depth research on these two major disciplines.

"Director, Director?!"

The director looked up and saw someone calling him on the video link.

"What's wrong, General Zhenhai?"

General Zhenhai said with a smile,"Did this reincarnation find out who it is?"

"I want to ask him if he has any memories of manufacturing the mecha."

"If there is, it will be of great help to improve the strength of the military.

Although there has been no war in the Blue Star Federation for a long time, the military has never been abandoned.

It has maintained a sufficient frequency of updates and iterations.

"Not yet."

The director is now thinking about how to shut down the existing artificial intelligence.

"Did he really die of palladium poisoning in his previous life?"

"The powerful arc reactor opened up his mecha era, but it was about to take his life."

This person should have been a trendsetter of the times.

But he was eventually killed by the equipment that made him.

But he didn't expect that the elders had said not to make this matter public.

The power of netizens is very strong.

Someone actually deduced the problem of Tony in Ye Xuan's previous life.

《Tony has been poisoned by palladium due to long-term use and is about to die! 》

One stone stirs up a thousand waves.

The chain reaction triggered is huge.

This is a breakthrough. It directly leads to the release of many panic-like conclusions.

"Tony is dying?"

"Holy crap! Palladium poisoning? What the hell?"

"He is a genius, God is jealous of his talent!"

"If he dies, what happens to his equipment? Will the authorities take it back?"

"Of course, if I don't take it back, it will be used by others, especially the Stan in their company."

"Hiss! Jarvis! Jarvis is the point! Artificial intelligence is scary!"

"Will it directly control the robots and kill all humans?"

"Dead? It's better to die. I think that for someone with violent tendencies, death is the greatest forgiveness to the world."

"Yes, he used to be a gun/fire fanatic!"

"Look at the live broadcast, their company is selling Jericho's director/bullet again"

"It is true! How many innocent people will be killed by these missiles?"

"War, what the hell! We are better off now."

When everyone saw the memory fragments of the previous life.

Stan sold a large amount of arms to some countries again.

They were all indignant.

Modern Blue Star hates war the most!

When Tony's previous life began to play, if Tony had not been seriously injured by the missile, everyone would have cursed.

I didn't expect Stark Industries to still sell missiles that harvest lives!


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