"Harder, harder!"

"You're hurting me, be gentler!"

Teacher Yuan told her to push harder. It's not okay to do leg stretching lightly.

Qin Feifei complained that Xiao Zihang pushed too hard. Now her legs were numb and a little painful.

"I have no experience in this area, should I use more force or be gentler?"

Xiao Zihang was depressed, but he didn't say anything, girls' bodies were soft, and Qin Feifei's back was very comfortable to push.

"Okay, keep it like this."

It was still Teacher Yuan who made the final decision, asking Xiao Zihang to keep the strength at the same level.

Leg stretching is something that many girls who study art need to master.

Face an object of a certain height, such as a low horizontal bar, a high platform, tables and chairs. Stand with your legs together, lift your left leg and place your heel on the rib bar, hook your toes, bend your ankle joint, and hold your left knee with your hand.

Straighten your legs, straighten your waist and hips, bend your upper body forward, and do a straight leg stretch forward and downward, gradually increasing the strength.

Alternate your legs until you are satisfied.

If you are flexible, you can touch your toes with your elbows, forehead, or even your chin in turn.���Qin Feifei's chin touched her toes.

"Okay, you can do it yourself now."

Teacher Yuan clapped his hands, asked Xiao Zihang to leave, and asked Qin Feifei to repeat this set of movements 5 times.

"Teacher Yuan is really professional"

"I just want to make a living." Teacher Yuan said with a smile,"I just saw that Mr. Xiao looked familiar. You are the piano prince of Fudan University, the school hunk, right?"

This appearance and temperament have led countless girls to the abyss of sin.

"I just played the piano at the welcome party, but I didn't expect it to be so popular online."

"Mr. Xiao, how about you show off your skills here later?"

Teacher Yuan is a professional vocal teacher, but she thinks that Xiao Zihang is better than her in piano.

This kind of strength must have been cultivated since childhood.

"Okay, we'll talk later."

While the two were chatting, Qin Feifei was still stretching her legs.

She pouted and looked complaining."

But you, while others are training, you are talking and laughing with the teacher?"

After stretching her legs, Qin Feifei touched her feet, walked up to Teacher Yuan and asked,"Teacher Yuan, is there anything else?"

"Feifei, have you ever learned to dance?"

Now that Qin Feifei's body has been opened up by stretching her legs, she can stretch better.

"Yes, I learned it in school.

Qin Feifei is not a pretty face, she can sing and dance.

But compared with professionals, there is still a gap.

"Well, then show me your best dance."

"Is ballet okay?"

"You know ballet? Then dance a little."

Ballet is a European classical dance, with representative works such as"Swan Lake","Fairy","The Nutcracker", etc.

The most important feature of this dance is that the actresses touch the ground with their toes when performing, also known as toe dance.

It has become a universal art form and is popular all over the world.

Taking out his mobile phone, Teacher Yuan specially played a ballet accompaniment for Qin Feifei.

《Swan Lake"

Following the beat of the music, Qin Feifei, with her hair in a bun, put her hands in a natural circle in front of her abdomen, and Vakanova started.

Her heels were close together in a straight line, and her toes were kept 180 degrees outward.

She stood on tiptoe and stretched her arms.

Her snow-white neck was just like the slender neck of a swan.


The whole gymnastics room turned into a mirror of lake water as she spun on her toes.

Qin Feifei was the white swan, dancing gracefully on the water.

Her graceful dance was elegant and charming.

A Batmantango made De Xiangbo move, and then the brother made Batmanzhidai.

It was quite professional.

Spinning, kicking, kicking, and jumping, as light as a white feather.

Like a fairy, dancing on the Swan Lake

"Very good, very good."

Teacher Yuan clapped her hands gently. Qin Feifei's dancing level is top-notch among amateurs. As long as she has professional training, she will have a bright future.

So you are such a good dancer? It was the first time that Xiao Zihang saw Qin Feifei dancing ballet. In the previous live broadcasts, she dressed conservatively and at most danced some studio-style dances that could not catch people's attention.

There was nothing to watch.

What kind of dance did the most popular female dancer in Shark Live do?

It was all borderline dances, and her clothes were also revealing.

To put it bluntly, it was a striptease!

Qin Feifei certainly couldn't compare with those female anchors who turned on the beauty filter, made up glamorously, and danced suggestively and seductively. She tried dancing in the live broadcast once, but the effect was very bad.

Then she sang in the live broadcast and walked around outdoors by the way until she met Xiao Zihang.

The music continued, Qin Feifei raised her body, stretched out her arms, and jumped from the ground.

Like a white swan spreading its wings and flying high

""Good, good, good!" Teacher Yuan was quite satisfied. This talent was outstanding among the students she had taught.

An art teacher would most like to meet a talented student.

Talent is very important on this path.

"Zihang, am I good at dancing?"

Qin Feifei came to ask Xiao Zihang as soon as she finished dancing.

"It's beautiful, just like a fairy dancing on the Swan Lake."

Stretching out his left hand, Xiao Zihang touched Qin Feifei's head as he did before.

The effect of patting the head is outstanding.

Qin Feifei squinted her eyes, like a spoiled kitten, quietly enjoying this pampering.

"Ahem!"Teacher Yuan coughed, indicating that you are almost done.

Don't bully the singles!

"Feifei, your body shape and dance are highly malleable."

"Don't worry, leave it to me!"

Teacher Yuan looked at Xiao Zihang and smiled, then said to Qin Feifei:"I will come to your drama academy to teach you every day in the future. Contact us via WeChat in advance."

"What?" Qin Feifei asked in confusion,"Teacher Yuan, you, you come to my school to teach me?"

No, this is considered private tutoring?

"Yes, I will teach you for a month first, and then we will talk about it."

Qin Feifei has such excellent qualifications. If there is no effect in a month, Teacher Yuan will not be ashamed to continue teaching.

The three of them left the gymnastics room, and Qin Feifei went to the locker room to change out of her gymnastics clothes.

"Teacher Zhang!"

Teacher Yuan waved to the teacher who had just taken over the class.

After coming over, Teacher Zhang asked with a smile:"Teacher Yuan, I heard that you want to take a leave?"

"Yes, one month."

This month, Teacher Yuan only has one student.

It's not that she doesn't want to teach students here, it's just that Xiao Zihang paid too much.

Who can't get along with money?

"I'll take you two around our Tianxin Art Training Institute."

This art institution is full of students who come for training, mostly girls.

Especially in special places like gymnastics, all of them are girls.

Walking on the street, Xiao Zihang can even smell the girls' shower gel and perfume.

The fragrant breeze blows

"This is the chorus room, this is the small theater stage, that is the vocal room, and next to it is the recording studio."

When they arrived at the vocal room, Teacher Yuan asked Qin Feifei to stretch her voice.

"Inhale and exhale, good, breathe steadily, and make the sound from Dantian!"

"Yes, that's it!"

Teacher Yuan taught Qin Feifei a lot.

"I can't teach you anything today, Feifei, our lessons will officially start tomorrow!"

At first, Teacher Yuan agreed because of Xiao Zihang's money.

But now, she wants to challenge herself!

One month, one month, Qin Feifei will be reborn, completing the transformation from an art school girl to a star!

Step onto the shining stage of a big star!

After leaving the vocal room, Xiao Zihang took Qin Feifei and passed by the piano room.

"It's not easy for these children."Teacher Yuan pointed to a little girl who was playing the piano and said,"Her parents come here with her to play the piano every day, hoping to train her to become a piano master."

Parents are eager to see their sons and daughters become successful.

After reading too many chicken soup articles on the Internet, do you really think that hard work will definitely pay off?

What's the use of practicing from a young age? The most important thing for a true piano master is talent!

There are many children like this little girl here. They are distributed in various classrooms, dreaming of becoming famous in the future.

"Mr. Xiao, let's go to the place where musical instruments are sold."

The hall of Tianxin Art Training Institute is filled with various musical instruments. These instruments are usually used for personal use and also sold for retail.

""Mom, can you buy me this violin?" A little girl pulled her mother's hand and said coquettishly,"Please"

"" Okay, okay!"

The mother took her daughter to see the violin.

At this time, more than a dozen parents and children gathered in the hall.

Some came to see, and some were here for training.

When they came to a simple black piano, Teacher Yuan introduced:"This piano is Kawai K-300. Our retail price is 70,000, which is considered good here."

The piano is 122 cm high, 149 cm wide, 61 cm deep, and weighs 227 kg.

"Let's go with this one."

Having promised to show off his skills, Xiao Zihang showed off his skills.

Sitting down in front of the piano, Xiao Zihang's fingers lightly touched the keys, feeling the piano

"It's better than the piano at the last welcome party. Come to think of it, I don't seem to have a piano at home yet?"

It's necessary to buy a piano. The price is negotiable.

At this moment, I saw a handsome guy sitting at the piano.���As he prepared to play, the parents and children in the hall quickly gathered around him.

"Wow, what a handsome guy. Is he going to play the piano?"

"When did Tianxin Art Training Institute have such a handsome male teacher? It makes me want to participate in the training too!"A young mother has been conquered by Xiao Zihang's noble appearance.

What song should we play first?

After thinking about it, Xiao Zihang's slender fingers pressed the first key.


The piano sounded, causing everyone to shut up and listen quietly.

Then, the extremely fast rhythm whistled like a strong wind, sweeping across the hall.

《Flight of the Bumblebee, a piano piece known for its speed!

A show-off piece, a must-have for piano competitions.

The dense sixteenth notes are played at high speed, a piano piece that ten hands cannot play.

Playing 16 notes per second, Xiao Zihang's hands shuttle back and forth on the black and white keys, making people's vision confused.

In an instant, people seemed to be in a flower bush, surrounded by densely packed wild bees flying around.

"Buzz! Buzz!"

My scalp was numb and my head was swelling.

""What fast hands!" Ten fingers flew without any pause.

Although fast, it was not chaotic. The music was well-organized. Xiao Zihang completely mastered this extremely difficult piano piece.

People were completely immersed in the music, letting bees fly around their ears.

When the song ended, people forgot everything else.

When they came to their senses, the parents and students present were about to applaud.

But they saw Xiao Zihang's hands fall on the keys again.

The beautiful piano sound came out again...

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