"You, you actually hit a woman?"

Hu Siya roared hysterically:"You actually hit me! ?"

"What's wrong with me hitting you?" Shen Yunjie's eyes were emotionless,"After this slap, we owe each other nothing.""

From now on, whether you live or die has nothing to do with me.

Seeing Hu Siya being slapped, Qian Longfei felt disgusted.

This woman is so disgusting, and she even splashed stinky water on him.

Because of this loud slap, a group of spectators gathered at the door of the box at this time. They were all people who came to Xilinmen Restaurant for dinner.

They whispered to each other and talked about

"This woman is such a piece of shit, she deserves a good slap!"

"What on earth is going on here? Isn't that Professor Yang? Hey, that girl is Gu Qingwei, a great writer!"

"I tell you guys, don’t be a licker in the future, because you will end up with nothing!"

Because of the crowd of spectators, the people inside could not leave for the time being.

"All right, Qian Longfei." Xiao Zihang glanced at Hu Siya, whose right face was swollen from the slap, with disgust, and said to Qian Longfei,"Isn't it time to apologize?"

Despite some episodes, the main spin rate did not change

"What the hell does it have to do with me? Qian Longfei distanced himself from the matter and said,"I have nothing to do with this woman."

"Xiao Zihang, what does this have to do with Brother Fei?"

Qian Longfei's followers came up and pointed fingers:"Why are you the only one who has so much to do with trivial matters!"

"Professor Yang asked you to apologize because he was giving you a chance."

Xiao Zihang's voice faded. It seems that some people don't know how to cherish.

"Qian Longfei, let me ask you, is your Porsche 918 borrowed from the supercar club?"

"You, what nonsense are you talking about?"

How did he know?

Qian Longfei thought about it and thought that only he and Brother Dafei knew about this.

Xiao Zihang's words completely broke the solemn atmosphere at the scene.

"Haha, Qian Longfei, tell me the truth, did you really borrow a Porsche 918 to show off at the class reunion?"

Seizing the opportunity, Li Haobin added insult to injury.

"As for that, we are all classmates, it's too much to show off by borrowing a car."

"Oh, our Master Qian's 1.4 million Vacheron Constantin gold watch, isn't it borrowed?"

Zhang Qijun also sneered, venting all his anger just now.

"What nonsense are you talking about!"

Qian Longfei bought this watch at a real price!

"This watch of mine is genuine, shut up!"

"Does that mean you admit that the car is not genuine?"The two buddies who had been standing with Xiao Zihang felt so happy.


Xiao Zihang!" Qian Longfei waved his arms, and his 1.4 million gold watch from Vacheron Constantin shone brightly under the fluorescent light."Don't slander me. You will pay the price for spreading rumors. Apologize to me!"

"Qian Longfei, it has come to this, and you still don't admit it?"The squad leader has already checked the watch on Xiao Zihang's arm from the official website.

Patek Philippe Ref.6002G Astronomical Tourbillon watch, priced at more than 20 million

"With today's counterfeiting technology, it's too difficult to forge this watch."

The King of Watches" certainly represents the pinnacle of watchmaking technology.

So, Xiao Zihang's watch can basically be determined to be genuine.

""Squad leader, what are you talking about?" Qian Longfei saw that the squad leader Wen Chaofeng, who had always been neutral, had changed sides and felt that something was wrong.

"Qian Longfei, do you know how much the watch on Xiao Zihang's wrist costs?"

The monitor's words made all the students prick up their ears.

At the beginning, Xiao Zihang said that the watch was not cheap, but he did not tell us the specific price, and no one asked.

"Is it more expensive than the 1.4 million Vacheron Constantin?"

People's understanding of luxury watches is still stuck at Rolex.

The Vacheron Constantin brand was also brought by Qian Longfei.

"Xiao Zihang's watch is a Patek Philippe Ref.6002G Astronomical Tourbillon watch, priced at 22 million!"

Instantly, the whole audience was silent, even the spectators outside the door held their breath and dared not breathe.

"A watch worth 22 million? Is it true?"

"There are such expensive watches? Isn't the most luxurious watch a Rolex?"

But words alone are not enough, Qian Longfei and his followers would not believe it.

"Stop scaring me, how could Xiao Zihang have a watch worth 20 million?"He is really a rich man, why didn't I see it when I was in high school?

"Qian Longfei, you are almost done."

At this moment, the class beauty Dong Xiaoxue stood up. If she didn't tell the truth, she might have no chance.

"Xiao Zihang's watch is really worth 20 million, because he is the boss of Bandai Plaza! Boss Xiao!"

Li Haobin was stunned, Zhang Qijun was stunned, class monitor Wen Chaofeng was stunned, and the classmates were stunned.

Professor Yang smiled, Professor Zhao smiled, and Gu Qingwei's face remained calm.

"A 20 million watch? The owner of Bandai Plaza?"

Shen Qianqian, who was standing next to her brother Shen Yunjie, looked at Xiao Zihang with incredible eyes.

Qian Longfei and his followers were still unwilling to believe it.

"Dong Xiaoxue, I know you and Xiao Zihang are in the same group, so do you think you are working together to deceive people?" Qian Longfei scolded,"You can do it, you are shameless enough"

"Qian Longfei, why don't you believe it?"Dong Xiaoxue stamped her feet,"You are hopeless!"

At this time, the spectators gathered at the door also talked about the incident at Bandai Plaza.

At the beginning, several of them were at the scene.

"After a closer look, it seems to be the boss!"

At first, these people were on the fifth floor of the mall, and they were too far away to see clearly.

"Wow, the boss who made the famous star Han Jae-bin apologize is awesome!"

Everyone had different opinions, but there was still no consensus.

At this time, a man in his fifties came to the door, wearing a Tang suit and smiling.

"Everyone, please make way for me."

Soon, the man in Tang suit walked into the box.

"Hello everyone, I am the boss here, can you give me some face?"

The person who spoke was the owner of Xilinmen Restaurant.

"��Is this the boss here? Professor Yang went up to greet him,"Hello, hello."

I was just looking for you, and you came here by yourself.

The boss was originally at Bandai Plaza and Novo House Steakhouse, but he rushed back immediately after hearing from his employees that something happened here.

When he saw Professor Yang coming, the boss was stunned, and then laughed heartily.

"Haha, Professor Yang, is it really you?"

"Yes, it's me"

""Wow, hello, professor. Hello, hello. I am so glad to see you here. It is a great honor for my humble home!"

The boss's enthusiasm made Qian Longfei sweat coldly.

"This teacher Fudan seems to be very awesome?"

While he was wondering, the monitor came up to make up for it.

"Qian Longfei, do you know who Professor Yang is? I just asked you to apologize, so I won't bother with you, right?"

It's a pity that you don't cherish

"When Professor Yang returned to China, the country sent out a fleet to welcome him. What do you think?"

The word fleet completely made Qian Longfei lose his mind.

However, he had no way out!

After greeting Professor Yang, the boss noticed Xiao Zihang.

Then, his expression changed from surprise to admiration, and finally to worship.

"Boss Xiao!!"The boss of Xilinmen Restaurant stepped forward and shook hands warmly,"Hey, Boss Xiao, why are you here?"

"Hello, hello." Xiao Zihang had no impression of this boss, so he asked,"Where have we met before?"

"Haha, it's a pity that I didn't meet you last time, Mr. Xiao." The owner of Xilinmen Restaurant introduced himself,"Remember the Hezhiwu Steakhouse in Bandai Plaza? That shop is also mine!"

Last time in Bandai Plaza, the person who approached Xiao Zihang was the person in charge of Hezhiwu.

Unexpectedly, the two shops have the same owner!

"Oh, so you are the boss of Kazuya"

"Yes, yes, my shop still depends on your care, Mr. Xiao!"

"Boss Xiao, your meal is free today, and so is Professor Yang!"

"That's not necessary." Xiao Zihang said with a smile,"Someone has already paid."

"Oh, then I'll give you a free meal next time. Boss Xiao, come over and tell me, all meals are free!"

This ability to lick people stunned all the students.

Xiao Zihang, is really the boss of Bandai Plaza!

After knowing the truth, the students' expressions gradually became interesting.

"Hey, are you really the boss of Bandai Plaza?"

Li Haobin and Zhang Qijun opened their mouths wide. They didn't expect that their good friend in high school would be a big boss?

You are too low-key, right?

But in a subtle way, the two felt that Xiao Zihang was far away.

Perhaps, they could never talk and chat together again.

Class, this is the class of society.

"Xiao Zihang, no no no, hello, Boss Xiao!"

The other classmates also came over to greet him. What a regret! The real big brother was right next to him, but he hugged the wrong one.

After Qian Longfei's younger brothers knew the truth, they immediately stayed away from Qian Longfei.

How could a small rich second generation compare with the boss of Bandai Plaza?

He was worth at least tens of billions! It was an existence that Qian Longfei could never reach.

""Boss Xiao, hehe." The classmates who had just scolded Xiao Zihang changed their expressions faster than Sichuan Opera,"It was just a misunderstanding, don't take it seriously."

As they spoke, these people came over.

""Get out of the way."

Xiao Zihang said these three words calmly, and these guys dared not to move forward.

Aren't you Qian Longfei's followers?

Why are you running to me?

All the younger brothers and followers betrayed him, and now Qian Longfei has become a lonely man.

"Xiao Zi...Boss Xiao, I!"

Qian Longfei was about to apologize, but saw Xiao Zihang sneer.

"No, it's too late."

I've already given you several chances. Who can you blame for not cherishing them?

The owner of Bandai Plaza is worth billions, which is certainly not comparable to Qian Longfei.

Among the people he knows, only that person can compete with him financially.

"Damn it! Qian Longfei didn't want to admit defeat, he refused to accept it! He was just the boss of Bandai Plaza. If it was my brother, would you be so arrogant?

Suddenly, a supercar roared outside the Xilinmen Restaurant.

Every supercar actually has a special sound, which can be distinguished after getting familiar with it.

Hearing this familiar sound, Qian Longfei's eyes burst into hope.

"No way, could it be, could it really be coming?"

In a second, Qian Longfei ran to the window and looked out.

He saw a supercar that was so familiar that it couldn't be more familiar passing by and turning into the parking lot next to it.

"My big brother, he's here!"

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