"This watch! ?"

The dark blue watch on Xiao Zihang's hand was exquisitely crafted and dazzling, instantly attracting everyone's attention.

But everyone was not sure what brand this watch was and how much it cost.

They were just surprised and didn't say anything.

But as the initiator of this class reunion, class monitor Wen Chaofeng had to say

"Oh, why are you quarreling? We are all classmates. Sit down, sit down. It's no big deal!"

Wen Chaofeng complained in his heart. It's so hard to be a class monitor!

After entering university, whoever wants to be the class leader can be the class leader!

Damn, I don't get any benefits, and I have to deal with all the troubles.

""Okay, I'll give the monitor a favor." Qian Longfei smiled and looked at Xiao Zihang without saying anything.

The atmosphere froze again.

Everyone continued to eat and drink. A few bored students played Douyin.

Switching the content to the local Modu, they saw a piece of heavy news today.

"Hey, look! Supercars, supercar fleet!"

"Damn, it really is a fleet of supercars. A fleet of supercars appeared in our downtown Shanghai this morning!"

"It's just a motorcade.

Qian Longfei felt that these people were shouting and had never seen the world.

Then, he followed his classmates and opened Douyin's local video content.

Many people uploaded the motorcade video they took this morning.

Below, there were exclamations and comments, and the advertising effect was very obvious.

"So many super sports cars!"

Qian Longfei was extremely envious. His Porsche 918 was borrowed, and only the three million Lamborghini Hurricane was his!

But the value of each of these cars in the video was no less than his Lamborghini!

"Damn, the rich are so inhumane, could it be that our Shanghai supercar club is parading in the city?"

This is the only appropriate explanation

"How long is this long dragon? Hundreds of meters or thousands of meters? All of them are supercars!!"

Sensation, the whole Magic City was shocked!

Many passers-by at the scene screamed and shouted desperately!

"Awesome, a supercar parade! So many luxury cars, so extravagant!"

"They must be from the supercar club, all of them are rich! No, no!"

These passers-by soon discovered the advertising logo on top of the sports car.

They understood that this supercar parade was a huge advertisement!

"Yiche Trading Group! It's actually an advertisement for Yiche.com!"

"Is this company so rich? Is it cooperating with a supercar club?"

No one believed that a car trading group could produce hundreds of supercars at once.

In the class reunion box, everyone was shocked by the video and was speechless.

"Yiche Trading Group is the company behind Yiche.com, right? So rich?"

Class monitor Wen Chaofeng shook his head and sighed,"Did you see that? This is the real inhumanity of the rich."

In comparison, how much more can these classmates pretend to be?

This sentence was to make Qian Longfei quiet down. Your Porsche 918 is indeed impressive, but compared with the real big guys, it's just a child's play.

Shen Qianqian continued to serve the dishes, and Qian Longfei did not make things difficult for the time being.

But just now Xiao Zihang stretched out his hand, and everyone saw his watch

""Xiao Zihang, your watch is so beautiful, how much is it?" a female student asked with a smile

"It's just a watch."Stretching out his hand, Xiao Zihang showed it to his classmates,"The price, it's not cheap." He didn't tell them the specific price, for fear of scaring everyone.

This time, class monitor Wen Chaofeng saw it clearly. It was a Patek Philippe watch, probably the king of watches!

It seemed to be more than 20 million! Go online, log on to the official website, and check it carefully!

"Not bad!"

Li Haobin, who was next to Xiao Zihang, looked at the watch and praised it,"Deep blue, or the starry sky, the workmanship, wow, it's much better looking than any rich gold watch!" The rich gold watch refers to Qian Longfei's Vacheron Constantin

"It's probably some high-end fake."

Qian Longfei sneered:"Last time he posted a bunch of fake luxury car keys on his Moments, and this time he wore a fake watch."

"Xiao Zihang, you really don't have to do this. It's just a class reunion. There's no need to use these things to show off."

Qian Longfei poured himself a mouthful of fish and mutton soup and drank it calmly.

How can your watch be more expensive than my rich gold Jiang Shidanton?

"Are you guys immoral? Why do you keep talking about fakes?" As Xiao Zihang's good friend, Zhang Qijun couldn't stand it anymore,"How can the workmanship be fake?"

"Yes, I don’t think it can be fake." Dong Xiaoxue looked at her classmates and laughed,"If this watch is faked, the cost will be too high, right?""Does

Mr. Xiao, the boss of Bandai Plaza, need to wear a fake watch?

"Xiao Zihang's watch is absolutely genuine!"Li Haobin laughed and said,"But the gold watch on someone's hand doesn't look as good as this one, maybe it's fake."

Qian Longfei's family is indeed rich, but what if they go bankrupt?

A poor rich second generation, using fakes to fill his face

"Li Haobin, watch your mouth!"

When Li Haobin was in high school, he had several conflicts with Qian Longfei because of his big mouth, and Xiao Zihang always came to rescue him.

"Qian Longfei, don't think that having a few stinky money is a big deal."Li Haobin is not afraid of the other party,"Your family background is from your grandfather, right? It is said that wealth cannot last for more than three generations. With you, I think your generation is almost there."

"You kid!" Qian Longfei pointed at Li Haobin with chopsticks and cursed,"My watch costs 1.4 million yuan. Ask your Xiao Zihang, how much does his watch cost?"

"Qian Longfei, you really don't recognize my watch?" Xiao Zihang asked calmly while sitting in his seat.

"Why would I know a fake?!"

"Xiao Zihang, it's all my fault." Shen Qianqian saw Xiao Zihang and his classmates quarreling, and thought it was caused by her,"Everyone, please stop talking, I'm leaving, let Sister Zhou come over here"

"Ouch, do you know you've gotten into trouble?" Hu Siya sneered in a veiled manner.

This waitress from Fudan University is so pretty, but she's annoying just by looking at her!

"Is this the quality of Fudan students? Qian Longfei also made a fuss about this matter

"Look, you're wearing fake clothes and trying to save face. What's the point of being able to play the piano? In the end, you still have to work for others."

"Speaking of working, Xiao Zihang, your classmate's service is not up to par!"

Qian Longfei's words became more and more unpleasant.

Shen Qianqian lowered her head and kept silent, feeling very uncomfortable.

She didn't want to make things difficult for Xiao Zihang, so she chose to bear it silently.

After all, Qian Longfei across the street was very rich, and Xiao Zihang couldn't beat him.

Anyway, she was often troubled by customers these days.

At this time, Professor Yang and Gu Qingwei in the next room also heard the sound of quarreling.

"There seems to be a quarrel next door?"

Gu Qingwei seemed to hear Xiao Zihang's voice, and Shen Qianqian was also there.

"Hmm, I seem to have heard that Fudan students have no quality?"

Professor Yang is very protective and very sensitive to these words.

""Uncle, Sister Ye Lin, I'm going to go out and take a look. You wait for a while." After saying that, Gu Qingwei walked out of the box and went to the next door.

When she reached the door, she found that it was not closed, so she looked inside.

"Xiao Zihang! Shen Qianqian!"

It's really them, and the quarrel just now is also real!

After knocking on the door, Gu Qingwei walked into the box.


Shen Qianqian and Xiao Zihang immediately noticed Gu Qingwei coming in.

"So beautiful! Such a beautiful temperament!"

Dong Xiaoxue was stunned. She looked like a girl who walked out of a classical novel.

All the classmates' eyes were focused on Gu Qingwei.

""Xiao Zihang, what are you doing?" Gu Qingwei asked

"Today is a class reunion." Xiao Zihang replied with a smile,"Just some small things."

"Oh, I see." Gu Qingwei nodded to everyone and smiled,"Hello everyone."

"Hello, hello!" How could the monitor Wen Chaofeng not know Gu Qingwei's name?"It's Qingluan, you write great novels!" Isn't this a beautiful writer?

For a moment, all the limelight was stolen by Gu Qingwei from Fudan University.

"Another Fudan?"Qian Longfei was so unlucky. Such a beautiful woman, and she was from Xiao Zihang's school?

Was this Fudan incompatible with his fate?

""Xiao Zihang, I said you are capable, you found help so quickly?" Qian Longfei bared his teeth, smiling but not smiling,"Another Fudan guy, is this the Fudan University, the higher education institution in our Magic City?"

The sarcastic voice made anyone who heard it feel uncomfortable.

"That's right, this is our Fudan.

Suddenly, a righteous voice came from the door.

Then, a middle-aged man with glasses came in with a 30-year-old woman.

"What happened to our university?" After entering the room, Professor Yang smiled and asked Qian Longfei,"Little friend, did our Fudan offend you?"

"Who are you?"

Damn, two more Fudans, right?

Qian Longfei even suspected that the Fudans had formed a group to fight against him, the boss. Did they have any shame?

After Professor Yang came in, several students recognized him.

"Professor Yang, isn’t he Professor Yang from Fudan? Why is he also in Xilinmen Restaurant?"

Immediately, a student stepped forward and greeted him with a smile:"Hello, Professor Yang!"

"Well, hello, hello. I heard that you are all Xiao Zihang’s high school classmates?"

"Yes, Professor Yang, Xiao Zihang is the most handsome boy in our high school, and his grades are very good."

"Haha." Professor Yang smiled, then looked at Qian Longfei, his face darkened,"Little friend, were you saying that our Fudan students have no quality?"

"Is there anything wrong with what I said?" Qian Longfei spread his hands,"Who are you?"

"Me?" Professor Yang thought for a moment and replied,"I am a teacher at Fudan, what's wrong?"

"So it was the teacher. What kind of teacher teaches what kind of student."

Qian Longfei directly confronted Professor Yang, which shocked the monitor Wen Chaofeng, but he didn't dare to remind him.

Is Qian Longfei stupid?

Can you contradict Professor Yang? He is a great scientist who has been on the news many times!

"So, you are questioning the teaching quality of our Fudan University?" Professor Yang didn't want to waste time talking to this young man, so he said directly,"Forget it, you are not old, it's normal for you to be ignorant."

"How about this, you apologize to Xiao Zihang and Shen Qianqian from our school. You were just scolding them. Apologize and the matter will be over."

The professor certainly won't bother with a little rich second generation.

"Generous and magnanimous!"

The monitor breathed a sigh of relief. He was indeed a national scholar, Professor Yang. He asked you to say sorry and that was it.

But Qian Longfei obviously felt that this Fudan teacher was arrogant.

What kind of attitude and tone!

He suffered from the lack of culture.

"You want me to apologize?" Qian Longfei seemed to have encountered the funniest thing in his life,"Isn't it funny?"

"Hello, Professor Yang, Hello, Professor Ye."At this time, Xiao Zi stood up and greeted the two professors first.

"Well, Xiao Zihang, your classmate has a bad temper. Professor Yang smiled and shook his head.

"Professor Yang, leave this to me."

After saying that, Xiao Zihang glanced at Qian Longfei. There was no need to reason with some people.

"Qian Longfei, apologize, otherwise you will bear the consequences."

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