"What’s the big deal?"

"I sent the photos I just took in the parking lot to the group, you can see for yourself!"

Xiao Qiang excitedly sat down, took out his phone and kept looking at it.

"Wow, this car is awesome!"

Opening the class group, all the students present saw the photos Xiaoqiang took.

A super sports car full of futuristic technology was parked in the corner of the parking lot.

The silver body, orange tires, and super cool

"Lamborghini, the car of the greats!"

"A sports car with only one driver's seat? This is an airplane!"

"This is the Lamborghini Egoista, a concept car that has not yet been released. Xiaoqiang, in which parking lot did you take the photo?"

"It's the Volkswagen parking lot next door!" Xiaoqiang's excitement could not fade for a long time,"But you don't have to go there now, there are a lot of people taking pictures!" It's impossible to squeeze into the corner.

That parking lot does not belong to Xilinmen Restaurant, and all the cars around are parked there.

"Oh shit, a Lamborghini concept car appeared in Shanghai. How did they get this car?"

""Whose car is this? Is n't it too luxurious?" Xiao Zihang was the only one who stayed out of the discussion among his classmates.

Is this car yours?

Dong Xiaoxue, the only one who knew the truth, pointed at the photo in her WeChat group and asked with her eyes.

This car is mine.

Xiao Zihang didn't say anything, but smiled.

Got it, Dong Xiaoxue!

The inhumane boss Xiao

""Puff!" Dong Xiaoxue couldn't help laughing again

"Class beauty, what are you laughing at?"

"It’s nothing, it’s nothing! You guys continue." Dong Xiaoxue picked up a few peanuts and shelled them to eat.

It was really too painful. When can I tell the truth?

I’m dying of holding it in!

But seeing you bragging about luxury cars without knowing that the owner is right here, I suddenly feel very superior.

Only I know.

After exclaiming for a while, the class monitor looked at the many classmates and asked,"There are still three left. When did Qian Longfei say he would arrive?"

The protagonist of this class reunion is Qian Longfei, as expected.

Who made him generous and rich?

"I have to show off before that bully arrives!" The squad leader shook the Rolex Green Submariner in his hand and the limited edition sneakers on his feet.

The clothes on his body were also expensive Gucci, and the big LOGO could not be hidden.

""Master." One of Qian Longfei's followers replied,"Brother Fei said it will be served soon, it's okay for everyone to eat first, he will come over to pay the bill.""

Eat as much as you want, I, Qian Longfei, will pay the bill!"

"How can this be possible?"The monitor smiled and said,"It's okay, let's wait a little longer."

He mentioned Qian Longfei all the time, but he didn't mention the other two students who didn't come.

Li Haobin and Zhang Qijun, the two male classmates who had the best relationship with Xiao Zihang.

""Xiao Zihang, when will your two buddies arrive? Isn't it annoying to keep everyone waiting?"

No one dared to complain to Qian Longfei, so they directed their criticism at the other two who hadn't arrived yet. The person asking the question was a classmate who was bribed by Qian Longfei with a red envelope.

In the class group, the second-generation rich man forced Wang to give him a red envelope of 8888, which made his classmates look at him differently. It's easy to be soft when you eat someone's food, and it's short when you take someone's money.

There's nothing you can do, you have money!

You have to hold on to the rich man's thigh tightly.

"Li Haobin said they were almost there, but Zhang Qijun was stuck in traffic and might be a while later, so he told us not to wait."

"OK!"The squad leader made a gesture, it didn't matter whether they came or not.

At this time, Qian Longfei was driving a borrowed Porsche 918 and came with his lover Hu Siya.

"Baby, it's almost there"

"Well, husband, you are so nice. After the class reunion, where should we go to have fun?"Hu Siya was holding a small mirror and was touching up her makeup.

"Of course, we go to the most fun places."

Qian Longfei's eyes clearly showed two words - lustful.

This time, Qian Longfei took the initiative to bring his lover Hu Siya over, mainly to stimulate Xiao Zihang and the class flower Dong Xiaoxue.

Dong Xiaoxue is not very good at putting on makeup, after all, she is just a girl who will be a freshman.

In terms of feminine charm, she can't compare with the seductive and charming Hu Siya. In terms of appearance, Dong Xiaoxue without makeup is a little over 70 points, while Hu Siya, who is dressed up, is slightly higher.

This comparison shows a sense of superiority!

"My current woman is prettier than the class beauty Dong Xiaoxue. As for Xiao Zihang, haha!"

The Porsche 918 continued to drive on the road. This car also made many drivers envious and kept a distance from it.

"This car is awesome, 918 is awesome, let’s stay away from it, we can’t afford the damage!"

"It turned out to be one of the world's three most amazing cars! Wow, I really want to drive one!"

The envy of passers-by around him made Qian Longfei even more inflated.

But human desires are endless, and he thought of Mr. Xiao again.

"How cool would it be if I could drive one of Mr. Xiao's supercars?"

Fortunately, I am also a member of the supercar club. Next time, I must get to know Mr. Xiao and Vice President Xiao in the club!

As they were about to arrive at Xilinmen Restaurant, Qian Longfei sent a voice message on WeChat to several of his subordinates.

"I'll be there soon, you guys come down to pick me up."

Actually, I just want them to see their Porsche 918 supercar.


Several classmates shouted in the box with their cell phones.

"Brother Fei will be here soon. Let’s go downstairs to see the out-of-print supercar 918!"

"Porsche 918 Oh, if you miss this village, you will miss this store!"

Under the instigation of several people, everyone was tempted

"I'll go down too, that Porsche 918 is so cool!"

"Brother Fei is awesome, let's go down and greet him together!"

The second-generation rich king, of course, has a different appearance

""Class monitor, let's go, let's go!"

Unable to resist the constant chatter, class monitor Wen Chaofeng smiled and said,"Okay, then everyone go down. It just so happens that I also want to see the legendary Porsche 918!""Okay

, okay, you have money, you are the biggest!"

Qian Longfei was given enough face.

One by one, the students got up from their seats and walked towards the door.

But Xiao Zihang and Dong Xiaoxue had no intention of getting up.

"Xiao Zihang, aren't you going to watch 918?"

"Hey, hey, I said Fudan is a great talent, why don’t you give Brother Fei face?"

In an instant, Xiao Zihang stood on the opposite side of his classmates.

"I won't go over." Xiao Zihang took a sip of tea and said calmly,"You guys go ahead."

Tsk, what are you so proud of? Do you think it's great to go to a famous university?

Many people sneered at Xiao Zihang's behavior.

Then, they invited Dong Xiaoxue again.

"Class beauty, what’s wrong with you? Why don’t you go down?"

"My legs are numb from sitting, you guys go ahead." Dong Xiaoxue giggled, but still couldn't say anything.

"Okay, Xiaoxue, let's go down."Four or five other girls went down together. They were just curious about the car.

After all, it was worth tens of millions and it was rare to see it.

The classmates left quickly, and only Xiao Zihang and Dong Xiaoxue were left in the huge box.

"Hey, Boss Xiao is great." Dong Xiaoxue finally got it off her chest, she almost broke down,"How many cars do you have?"

"Quite a lot." Xiao Zihang said,"It seems that among all these classmates, you are the only one who knows my situation."

"That's right."Dong Xiaoxue looked proud,"It should be that I am a girl with a careful mind, so I saw the truth."

These people who went down were really, they didn't hug such a thick golden thigh, but chose to lick Qian Longfei.

Leaving the box, everyone came to the lobby on the first floor from Xilinmen Restaurant.

There were many guests, quite lively

"Almost at the door, everyone go over there!"

When they arrived at the entrance of Xilinmen Restaurant, they saw a blue supercar coming over with a loud roar.

"Here I come, Brother Fei is here, wow, this car is so cool!"

Stop the car and open the door.

It's so cool.

When the Porsche 918 stopped at the entrance of the restaurant, the people eating inside all raised their heads and stretched their necks to see the amazing car.

"Porsche 918, did the rich patronize Xilinmen Restaurant?"

"Wow, it's actually a 918. I didn't expect to see it in Shanghai."

The flattery of passers-by made Qian Longfei even more proud. He took his lover Hu Siya's hand and got out of the car immediately.

"Who is this?" The monitor was stunned when he saw Hu Siya, who was good-looking.

"My girlfriend, what's wrong?"

"Sister-in-law, hello sister-in-law!" Qian Longfei and his followers immediately went up to lick her crazily.

"Oh, welcome, welcome!"

Generally, classmates don't bring their girlfriends, but this is Qian Longfei, Mr. Qian.

You have money, you can do whatever you want!

Then, everyone surrounded the Porsche 918.

They took pictures, touched it, and it was like seeing a treasure.

"Ouch, who is so wicked as to block the door with a sports car!"

Suddenly, a discordant voice came from not far away, and then a tall and thin man came over.

Li Haobin, Xiao Zihang's high school classmate

"Li Haobin, what do you mean?"

This immediately made Qian Longfei angry. We are classmates, and you are deliberately picking on me!

"Oops, sorry, sorry, it turns out this 918 belongs to Master Qian, it's okay now"


Li Haobin kept talking quickly, making Qian Longfei's follower speechless.

���All right, all right." Peacemaker squad leader Wen Chaofeng could only come out to persuade,"We are all classmates, we are just joking, Li Haobin, go in quickly, Xiao Zihang is inside"

""Okay, I'll go upstairs then."

After Li Haobin left, Qian Longfei's face looked much better.

But he didn't see Xiao Zihang and the class beauty in the group of classmates, and he was very unhappy.

"You don't want to see my Porsche 918? Are you so arrogant?"

To Qian Longfei, those who don't come this time are enemies, and they don't give him face.

"Then I will go park the car first, you guys go in."I have shown the car to my classmates, so it is not a big deal to park it at the door.

"Longfei, I'll go with you."

Hu Siya sat in the passenger seat again and drove to the parking lot next to her with Qian Longfei.

"Let's go, we've finished looking at the cars."

Squad leader Wen Chaofeng sneered in his heart, Qian Longfei is the most arrogant.

After parking the car in the parking lot, Qian Longfei noticed the sports car surrounded by a group of people.

""What the hell, what is this?""

Lamborghini Egoista, a concept supercar!"

Qian Longfei quickly squeezed in and took two photos. Only then did he feel satisfied and took Hu Siya to the Xilinmen Restaurant.

"Man, this car is so cool!"

"Nonsense, this is a Lamborghini concept sports car, it has never been launched, how could it appear in our Magic City?"

Suddenly, his pig-like brain opened up.

"Young Master Xiao! Maybe Young Master Xiao is nearby!"

This car is definitely Young Master Xiao's!

God, he is really a god-like figure.

Qian Longfei had great respect for Young Master Xiao, whom he had never met.

After entering Xilinmen Restaurant, the two walked upstairs side by side.

At the corner of the stairs, Hu Siya, who was arrogant and not looking at the road, suddenly bumped into a waitress who was walking towards them.

""Do you have eyes when you walk?" Hu Siya pointed at the other person's nose and shouted,"Do you know how much my clothes cost?"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Shen Qianqian raised her head in panic and apologized again,"I'm sorry!"

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