It doesn't matter, I have top time management skills!

One method after another appeared in Xiao Zihang's mind, allowing him to find a way to crack it in a few seconds.

"Senior, I want to go to the supermarket before going home, what do you think?"

"Okay, let's go together."

So, Xiao Zihang accompanied Gu Qingwei into the SKP supermarket on the Bund, a store known as the Rolls-Royce of supermarkets.

Last time, Qin Feifei was shocked by the prices inside.

"What is this place?"

Gu Qingwei had never shopped here before, and had been attracted by the luxurious interior decoration.

Are you sure this is a supermarket?

"SKP supermarkets only have two in Shanghai and Kyoto, and the prices there are quite expensive."

"So that's how it is."

Gu Qingwei thought that this could be used as writing material. The accumulation of life experience is very important for writers.

"Come on, senior sister, you can choose whatever you want to buy."

"No, I just want to buy something."

SKP supermarket is divided into several areas, the space is very large.

It takes two hours to go around the whole circle.

In the supermarket, everything you need or don't need in life is available.

It is only for rich people.

In order to save time, Xiao Zihang pushed the cart and shopped as fast as possible.

Later, he would find an excuse to leave and let Gu Qingwei walk around the supermarket temporarily.

Everything went smoothly.

Until he saw Su Mu Ning shopping in a corner of the supermarket. In her shopping cart, there were imported cola and popcorn.

"Why is she here too?"

This is great, the three girls are all gathered in one area.

It's so complicated and confusing...

Fortunately, the other party hasn't seen me yet. In order to avoid some unnecessary trouble, Xiao Zihang and Gu Qingwei walked to the other side and said,"Senior sister, let's go shopping over there." When they arrived at Area C of SKP Supermarket, Xiao Zihang finally couldn't see Su Mu Ning.

However, he saw another acquaintance.

And the other party also saw them.

"Hey, Qingwei, and Master Xiao."

Zhang Kanglin pushed the cart and walked towards the two of them with a smile.

"Sister Zhang, are you shopping here too?"

"Yes, didn't you say you would come here today to survive in the supermarket?"

Director Zhang, who rented a house in Tomson Yipin, was like Gu Qingwei's elder sister, taking care of her in every possible way.

A good opportunity.

The appearance of Director Zhang gave Xiao Zihang the best excuse to get out.

He pretended to walk aside, then took out his mobile phone from his pocket to answer the call.

"Okay, got it."

Then, he came back with a smile and explained to Gu Qingwei:"Senior, I suddenly have something to do, how about you go around here with Director Zhang first?"

"Then you go get busy."

"I will be back in about 40 to 50 minutes. If you can't wait, go with Director Zhang first."

Precise time management, wandering between the two sides

"Well, I'll wait for you here."

Gu Qingwei was ready to go shopping as it was her first time here.

Waving to the two of them, Xiao Zihang calmly left the SKP supermarket, then got on his supercar and returned to Tomson Yipin as quickly as possible.

Entering his mansion, Xiao Zihang smiled at Qin Feifei who was livestreaming her cooking,"I'm back."


Qin Feifei immediately turned off the live broadcast and ran over to hug Xiao Zihang.

"Zihang, you're back!"

"Well, how's my loving lunch going?"

"Come on, there are two more dishes."

"Let me cook these two dishes. Please show them to your friends in the live broadcast room."

"Well, I want to eat the first bite of your food." After saying that, Qin Feifei kissed Xiao Zihang on the face.

While Xiao Zihang was preparing lunch, Qin Feifei restarted the live broadcast.

She was close to her boyfriend just now, of course, she couldn't let these guys see it live.

A bunch of bad guys

"Hello everyone."Qin Feifei, who has resumed live streaming, has become the real outdoor queen.

The barrage of gifts continued, especially after they saw Xiao Zihang's Tomson Yipin

"Oh my god, Sister Feifei, please take more shots of the house. Is this the 500 million mansion?"

"Wow, I know, I know, this is a Herbeau bathtub and it costs $500,000!"

"Oh my god, this is such a rich man, it is worthy of being the residence of Master Xiao in the Magic City. A bed can buy a whole house!"

When Qin Feifei was live, Xiao Zihang was preparing to buy a skill

"System, spend 30 million wealth to buy the skills of the world's best chef"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for unlocking the skill of the world's god chef. Now the host's cooking skills surpass the top five-star chefs and special chefs, and are proficient in all dishes."

Only 30 million can make you the best chef.

Very cheap.

Xiao Zihang, who has unlocked the skill of the god chef, finds cooking easy.

But in Qin Feifei's eyes, she sees the art of cooking.

Slice vegetables elegantly and choose seasonings calmly.

The cooking heat, oil temperature, stir-frying order, and flipping skills are all perfect to the extreme.

The fans in the live broadcast room also saw Xiao Zihang's amazing cooking skills.

Even if you can't eat it, even if you can't smell it, you can tell that it's not bad just by looking at the technique!

"Oh my god, I also want to try the food made by Master Xiao!"

"I suspect that Master Xiao secretly applied for the exam to become a top chef, and succeeded."

This technique can only be done by a top chef with 20 years of experience.

Soon, a dish of black pepper steak and Kung Pao chicken was ready.

"It smells so good."

Qin Feifei smelled it and her appetite increased instantly.

"Well, today's live broadcast ends here. I have to go back to my hometown today. I will start the live broadcast for you later depending on the situation."

After saying that, Qin Feifei closed the live broadcast.

A group of elegant and easy-going viewers, bye


After the live broadcast was turned off, Qin Feifei started to act like a spoiled child

"Feed me first."

"Open your mouth."Xiao Zihang picked up a piece of diced chicken with gongbao and put it into Qin Feifei's mouth.

After the delicious taste entered her mouth, Qin Feifei felt like crying for the first time.

"���How can it be so delicious!"

"Try the black pepper steak again." Xiao Zihang cut a piece of steak and fed it to Qin Feifei.

"Is it delicious?"

How can the food of the world's chef not be delicious?

"Delicious!"Qin Feifei chewed slowly, wishing she could have both dishes for herself.

The steak she had at the western restaurant last time was nothing compared to what Xiao Zihang made this time.

"Zihang, you are not a five-star chef, are you?"

Otherwise, why are the dishes you cook so delicious?

"Is it really that delicious?"

Xiao Zihang also tasted the food he cooked, and his cooking skills have indeed improved a lot. He is indeed a master chef.

After eating Xiao Zihang's food for a while, Qin Feifei moved her chopsticks shyly and ate the dishes she cooked.

In fact, her cooking skills are very good among her peers, but when she met Xiao Zihang

"Oh, I really can't show it off this time." She originally wanted to show off her cooking skills in front of her boyfriend and conquer his stomach first.

But she ended up being conquered first.

"Zihang, let's just eat your food. Mine isn't very tasty."Qin Feifei's voice got lower and lower as she spoke, and her head drooped.

A blush spread across her face. I'm sorry for making this kind of food.

"Silly girl." Xiao Zihang smiled and took a bite of the green pepper and pork shreds that Qin Feifei had fried and put it in his mouth,"I think it's delicious."

How can a dish made with the heart of a girlfriend not taste good?

"Come, try this."

Qin Feifei smiled and picked up some food for Xiao Zihang. It seemed that this charity lunch was quite successful.

"Eat this."

Finally, Qin Feifei placed a heart-shaped poached egg in Xiao Zihang's bowl.

"Zihang, there is a grain of rice next to your mouth."

Seeing the grain of rice next to Xiao Zihang's mouth, Qin Feifei did not touch it with her hands, but leaned forward and stuck her head out.

Then, she slowly covered it with her lips...

(PS: I have a stomachache today, I will continue to update tomorrow. Dear readers, you can start to follow the story, the plot is about to begin)

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