"There is no need to be too ostentatious when you report to school."

There are more than one luxury car worth hundreds of millions in Xiao Zihang's 200,000 garage.

I never care whether the car costs tens of millions or hundreds of millions, or whether it is the only one in the world. The main thing is that the shape suits my aesthetic taste.

Sitting in the driver's seat of Koenigsegg ONE1, Xiao Zihang feels this supercar known for its speed.

The streamlined leather seat fits the owner's back curve perfectly.

It can fully stimulate the racing gene!

"It’s a pity that there is a speed limit on city roads.

This kind of supercar can only show its true power in the racing field.

"I'll go to the racetrack and run a few laps if I have a chance." Otherwise, I'll be sorry for my god-level driving skills.

When Xiao Zihang was thinking about this, his WeChat on his phone made a sound.

There were dozens of comments below the pretentious pictures he posted on his Moments in the morning.

Most of them were joking. No one believed that the luxury car keys in the photo of his high school classmate Xiao Zihang were real. When he opened the WeChat group of his high school classmates, Xiao Zihang saw his pretentious photos, which were taken out by his classmates to"show off".

"666, I didn’t expect that our Xiao Zihang would be so pretentious. Is one hundred dollars enough for so many car keys?"

"I didn't expect Xiao to be so naughty, hehe."

Soon, their topic shifted from car keys to Fudan University.

"Xiao Zihang, you are so lucky. I heard that the top scorer in the national college entrance examination chose the School of Economics of Fudan University, and she is a girl!"

"Who says it’s not true? This year, the top scorer in the national college entrance examination scored a perfect score of 750! How did he get that score?"

A perfect score of 750 in the college entrance examination only appeared once a few years ago, but that top scorer never came back after studying in the West.

Talents, but they have not served their motherland well."

"Haha, my old classmate will report to Fudan for the new semester tomorrow. I’m so jealous! I’m a fan of Gu Qingwei, the school beauty of your school!"

Gu Qingwei is very famous at Fudan University. She is a sophomore this year and a famous writer with fans all over the country. The locals in Shanghai are praising her even more.

Xiao Zihang's high school is located in Shanghai, and most of his classmates are locals. He has lived with his grandparents in the rural area of Shanghai since he was a child. He has no house in the city and his living conditions are not as good as his classmates.

Except for being handsome and having good grades, he has no advantages.

But in high school, as long as you have good looks and good grades, you will still be admired by many people. Once you enter society, money is the most important thing.

Among the classmates, the only ones who have a good relationship with Xiao Zihang are Li Haobin and Zhang Qijun, as well as the class flower Dong Xiaoxue.

In the WeChat group, everyone quickly talked about the"class reunion".

Xiao Zihang has the best grades in his class and was admitted to Fudan University.

After graduating from high school, many students enter society, and the rest are scattered all over the country and are about to start university.

Many universities will start in mid-to-late September, and the higher education institution Fudan will start earlier this year, on August 31.

While everyone is still in Shanghai, everyone plans to get together at the Xilinmen Restaurant on Shunfeng Road in mid-September.

AA system, each person only needs 100 or 200 yuan

"What AA system! I'll treat you when the time comes!"

Suddenly, a voice interrupted, and then a big red envelope appeared.


In a few seconds, the red envelopes were swept away.

"Oh my god, awesome! I got 196 yuan!"

"Wow, I'm the lucky one, a full 798 yuan!"

This big red envelope has a total of 8,888 yuan, which was given by Qian Longfei, a rich second-generation in the class.

He has always done whatever he wants in high school. He has several girlfriends outside of school and has pursued the class beauty Dong Xiaoxue.

Unfortunately, the class beauty ignored him and got closer to Xiao Zihang.

This also caused Qian Longfei to always dislike Xiao Zihang, especially now that Xiao Zihang was admitted to the higher education institution Fudan University. After receiving Qian Longfei's red envelope, all the classmates in the class flattered and fawned on him.

Xiao Zihang, suddenly became air. It is a good thing to be grateful for what you have received, especially such a big red envelope.


Xiao Zihang didn't grab the red envelope, but smiled lightly and didn't care.

But Qian Longfei, the whole person was floating

"Hey, isn't this our Fudan talent Xiao Zihang? So many luxury car keys, awesome!"Qian Longfei saw Xiao Zihang's photo of luxury car keys and sneered

"I don't have so many car keys, but I do have a real car."

This is implying that Xiao Zihang has no car, only a bunch of fake keys. Qian

Longfei just graduated from high school, and his father gave him a super sports car.

Lamborghini Hurricane, the landing price is 3.5 million!

Soon, he took a photo of himself and his car to the group, which aroused the envy of his classmates.

Yellow sports car, and, a wretched figure.

Qian Longfei's family is very rich, but unfortunately he looks rather ugly.

"This car is not bad."Xiao Zihang said casually, but that was based on other people's eyes. Compared with his car, forget it.

"Not bad, our Fudan talent has a good eye."

Qian Longfei thought Xiao Zihang was also praising his car, and his vanity was greatly satisfied.

There was nothing to show off in the classmates group, Qian Longfei was going to show off at the"classmates reunion".

Who made him the richest in the whole class?

Soon, Xiao Zihang received private messages from Li Haobin, Zhang Qijun, and the class beauty to comfort him, asking him not to bother with Qian Longfei.

How could Xiao Zihang be on the same level as Qian Longfei. Would an elephant care about an ant blocking its way?

"See you then."

He still had to attend the class reunion.

Xiao Zihang had just closed the class group when Jiang Yuxuan sent a WeChat message.

"This Master Jiang from Shanghai is quite enthusiastic?"

Xiao Zihang opened the other party's WeChat and started chatting with him.

"Brother, which university will start classes tomorrow?"

"Brother, do you know our Shanghai Supercar Association SSCC? I happen to be the vice president. Are you interested in joining?"

"Brother, these cars of yours are really awesome!"

After learning that Xiao Zihang was a student at Fudan University, Jiang Yuxuan sent a thumbs-up emoticon

"Awesome, top student!"

When Xiao Zihang said he could join the supercar association, Jiang Yuxuan immediately added him to the WeChat group.

"Brother, let's go together next time when the Supercar Association is free. Let's join the official group of the Supercar Association first."

"Brother, let me tell you, after joining the group, follow the rules and send out a red packet of 8888 first, just to celebrate."

A few minutes later, Xiao Zihang entered the official group of the Supercar Association.

Instantly, the bubbles were bubbling, the screens were swiping, and everything was boiling!

"Oh my god, the rich man that the vice president mentioned finally showed up?"

"You are worthy of being Master Jiang's big brother! Pagani Fengshen Yazi, Lamborghini Veneno, Bugatti Veyron Hermes, Aston Martin ONE-77! Please let me call you big brother!"

"Big brother, please accept my greetings!"

"666, four god-level supercars, damn, I’m so envious!"

"Boss, remember to drive the car over next time so that I can open my eyes."

Looking around, everyone was licking like crazy!


A group of second-generation rich people, some of whom are worth hundreds of millions, billions, or even tens of billions, made Xiao Zihang never expect

""Niu Niu Niu!"

You rich second-generations are so good at licking people that I am ashamed of myself!

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