City Immortal Master

Chapter 274: Death of Master Hua

Zhao Feiyuan and others were horrified. If he played, he would be dead in a matter of minutes!

The group of people looked at Mr. Hua with a hint of joy on their faces!

"Your strength is not bad, it's just a pity that you met me!"

Hua Zhenren's face became a little more serious, and the spiritual energy in his hands surged.

"One turns into three, three swords come out, ghosts and gods are destroyed!"

The spiritual power gradually transformed into three swords, and these three swords flew slowly towards Ye Xuan!

A blurry phantom seemed to appear in the air. Everyone took a look and intuitively told them that this move was terrifying!

Ye Xuan was in high spirits, his eyes were shining brightly, and he sneered, "I just want to see what you are capable of?"

After he finished speaking, the spiritual power in his body surged wildly and condensed into a ball of light! ✭

"Eight moves to ask the sky, swallow the sky!"

He shouted loudly, and the ball of light floated towards Zhenren Hua!

Ye Xuan has also been practicing this Wentian Sword Style in Penglai for a while, and has already reached the eighth style!

"This kid is probably going to die at the hands of Master Hua!"

"Hua Zhenren's three swords are not so easy to block!"

The smiles on the faces of Zhao Feiyuan and others were very strong, as if they had seen Ye Xuan's tragic death.

The Huang Jiafeng family gritted their teeth, with a fierce look in their eyes, "Kill him and cut him into pieces! If you dare to offend Master Hua, you are seeking death!"

The two major families suffered heavy losses at the beginning. Due to various reasons, they did not dare to take revenge. This resentment has been accumulated in their hearts for a long time. Today, someone took action against Ye Xuan, and they were a little excited!

In the midst of everyone's discussion, the expressions of Jiang Churan and other members of the Divine Medical Sect changed. This Master Hua is really difficult to deal with!

I don't know when Ji Tong came over and stood aside, with a very indifferent expression on his face, and said.

"Don't worry, Ye Xuan is very strong now!"

When Ye Xuan takes action, even if it's some kind of Hua Zhenren on the other side, Ji Tong feels very confident!

Under everyone's worries and expectant gazes, the dazzling ball of light encountered the three swords!

Suddenly the ball of light enlarged, opened like a piranha flower, closed again, and actually swallowed the three swords.

I saw the light ball shining with extremely dazzling seven-color light, slowly turning into light spots and disappearing.

Everything returns to calm. It's like nothing happened.

Everyone looked at this scene with some doubts in their eyes. Is it so peaceful?

Ye Xuan actually fought to a close with Zhenren Hua!

Hua Zhenren's face changed slightly, he nodded with satisfaction and said, "Ye Xuan didn't see it, you are really good. I will give you a choice. Be my disciple. The previous grievances will be regarded as fighting within the same sect. I will not do it again." pursue.”

"I think you are confused. Just now you wanted to kill me, and now you want me to be your apprentice. What are you daydreaming about!"

Ye Xuan sneered and said with disdain on his face.

This Master Hua had such a good idea, he actually wanted to make me his disciple. It was really wishful thinking.

The moment Hua Zhenren set foot on the Divine Medical Sect, there was nothing to discuss between them!

Master Hua's face darkened and he stared at Ye Xuan closely, "If you don't want to leave if I give you a good road, then go with my disciple!"

Ye Xuan sneered and said, "Master Hua, do you really think you have won? You are just a short-sighted person. Next, I will show you first-class moves!"

"Transformation clone!"

Everyone felt inexplicably flustered, as if a big stone was pressing on them, and breathing was a little laborious.

Three figures slowly appeared in the field, and these figures were exactly the same as Ye Xuan.

Everyone stared at the figure, astonished and speechless. This method is really clever. It uses phantom clones to confuse the opponent's attention. The battle between masters often takes place in an instant, and a clone will lead to death!

But no one knew that this figure was not simply an illusion. If he were to punch him, it would be similar to Ye Xuan himself!

This move consumes a lot of energy in battle. With Ye Xuan's current strength, three clones are just enough. Any more would be a bit difficult!

Master Hua obviously felt that the spiritual power in his body was not flowing as smoothly as before. His expression changed at that time. He did not expect that the young man in front of him could be so weird.

When he looked at the three shadows in the field, his face darkened. With his eyesight, he could certainly see that these shadows were unusual and actually flowed with strong spiritual power. Could it be...

Mr. Hua's face looked a little ugly, and now he actually turned into one beating four!

His eyes were filled with uncertainty, "Boy, don't think there's nothing I can do if you create a few phantoms!"

After saying that, he took a mouthful of blood essence and tapped his fingers in the air a few times. A formation slowly formed in the sky, and a strange aura filled the air!

Hua Zhenren stood in the big formation at this time, his momentum was surging again, his spiritual power was like water, and he no longer had that sense of restraint!

He stared at Ye Xuan and said, "Ye Xuan, there is no shop like this after passing this village. You forced me to lose my life. You will only die today!"

As he spoke, he took out a simple sword from the ring, and the blade reflected a faint light!

"Crush the mountain!"

This knife showed a huge figure in the air, three feet long, and the roar of the beast could be faintly heard!

As if he had the momentum to create the world, Master Hua slashed at Ye Xuan with one strike!

Ye Xuan's expression didn't change at all when he saw the sword. The potential of the tree of destiny was stimulated, and the mighty spiritual power surged, and his aura suddenly rose a few points.

Ye Xuan waved his hand, and a huge ball of light appeared, flashing with dark light. The spiritual energy of the entire Divine Medical Sect surged wildly, and suddenly gathered in the ball of light like a tide!

When everyone saw this scene, they were stunned and trembling all over!

What a scene this is, it’s simply beyond human reach!

It's really terrifying. When two strong men collide, I don't know who will win!

Zhao Feiyuan and others also opened their eyes wide, watching the terrifying scene on the field. They were very nervous and prayed that Zhenren Hua would win!

Ye Xuan stamped his feet, flew into the sky, held the ball of light in his hand, and crashed towards Zhenren Hua!

At the same time, the three figures in the scene moved and attacked Zhenren Hua from several directions!

Madness surged on Mr. Hua's face. He held the knife in both hands, and the sword became even more ferocious!


The unparalleled giant knife struck the ball of light, sending out a strong shock. All tables and chairs within a hundred meters were overturned and flew dozens of meters before slowly falling to the ground.

Everyone on the field fell back and tried their best to hold on!

The light of the black ball lasted for a moment and then disappeared. The broadsword was slashing towards Ye Xuan, but Ye Xuan was already prepared and turned his palm into a fist to meet him!

At this time, the three phantoms approached Hua Zhenren, and three big fists struck Hua Zhenren's body.

Master Hua had no more strength left, his body suddenly shook, and he flew directly out, spitting blood in mid-air!


Master Hua flew out and fell heavily to the ground!

Everyone looked in disbelief!

Hua Zhenren was defeated!

He lost to Ye Xuan!

How could it be possible for Master Tangtanghua to lose? Zhao Feiyuan and others had deep doubts and disappointment in their eyes!

They looked at Mr. Hua and their faces turned a little pale!

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