City Immortal Master

Chapter 205 The Wu Family is Destroyed

The shadow stood up obediently and walked towards Wu Bo.

He looked at the shadow in disbelief, and the tea in his hand also spilled out in trembling.

He just stared at the shadow in disbelief, and said in a trembling voice, "Shadow... What are you going to do?"

"Kill you!"

The shadow emphasized coldly and familiar face, but he didn't expect that this sentence was actually said to himself.

But why would the shadow no longer listen to him?

Why did he come to kill him?

Until the shadow slapped his palm on his chest, he still didn't understand.

"Da Da Da!"

Ye Xuan walked out from behind the door.

The shadow didn't use any skills to kill people.

So, this was the only way for Ye Xuan to avoid getting blood on his body!

Ye Xuan said to the shadow, "Shadow, kill those people outside too!"

"Remember, don't get blood on it, I don't have any extra clothes for you now!"

The shadow said, then pushed the door open and walked out.

Ye Xuan turned around and looked at Wu Bo.

At this time, his heart had completely collapsed.

The expression on his face was still unbelievable.

Ye Xuan walked around Wu Bo's body.

He searched the study room neatly.

At this time, there were fierce screams downstairs.

Ye Xuan knew that Shadow had started to take action.

Ye Xuan was a little worried whether Shadow would listen to him and not get his clothes dirty!

The Wu family was stunned. They didn't know what Shadow had said to Wu Bo.

Why did he suddenly start to take action against the Wu family!

But they didn't even have a chance to speak, and they were beaten to death by Shadow.

Ye Xuan found a small secret room in the study room.

It was in this secret room that Ye Xuan found what he wanted.

Ye Xuan picked up the booklet in the secret room, which recorded the text about cultivation.

"God, trial!"

Ye Xuan muttered. Even if he knew these things, what exactly were these trials?

Ye Xuan still didn't know.

If it was a trial that had to reach the peak of Wu Zun to know, then he had reached it long ago, why didn't he still come into contact with it?

Or did these things disappear long ago because of the long time?

Ye Xuan sighed slightly. No matter what, at least he did not return empty-handed.

Ye Xuan searched again and found Wu Bo's diary. Ye Xuan flipped through it and found that there seemed to be something useful in it, so he took it away.

After confirming that there was no other useful things, Ye Xuan slowly walked out of the room.

The moment he opened the door, the smell of blood rushed straight to his nose, and even Ye Xuan frowned tightly.

When he saw Yingying, as expected, her body was stained with blood.

Ye Xuan entered a room, searched for a suitable one for Yingying, and threw it to her.

"Put it on!"

After the two of them packed up, they got up and left the Wu family villa.

So far, the Wu family, the first wealthy family in Qinghe City, has fallen.


Nanhai City War Zone. ]|I{•------» «------•}I|[

Ever since Ye Xuan was declared dead, Cui Ze has been promoting that anyone who dares to touch Ye Xuan's people.

That is to go against Cui Ze.

Unfortunately, Cui Ze is still a small general.

His words only have a deterrent effect on some small families.

Those large families don't care whether they will offend Cui Ze.

Even in the war zone, there are people who hope that Cui Ze can stop making trouble.

So, a general in the war zone found Cui Ze and hoped that he could shut up.

Cui Ze also got angry.

Pointed at the general's nose and cursed!

It was agreed that Ye Xuan became the leader of the martial arts world, which also helped the Nanhai City War Station to grow face.

Even a lot of benefits can be obtained.

But what about now?

Just because the person is dead and useless.

Can you let others bully Ye Xuan like this?

Cui Ze was not convinced.

But is that general easy to mess with?

Look, Cui Ze is still locked up in a small dark room.

The crime he was charged with was insulting his superiors.

This crime can be big or small. If the crime he was charged with later is big, it is very likely that he will lose his official title, and even have no way to work in the war zone in the future.

But Cui Ze didn't care about these.

He just wanted to have a clear conscience.

Just thinking that Ye Xuan died so young, his heart was also aching.


The door of the small dark room was opened, Cui Ze did not move, it was the food that was delivered.

The light shone in, and there was no movement for a long time. Cui Ze looked up at the door.

More than a dozen soldiers from the war zone stood at the door, and even four or five generals stood there.

The leader was still the stationmaster of the Nanhai War Zone.

Cui Ze looked at them, knowing that his punishment had come, and sneered.

"Excuse me, everyone! For me, I actually alarmed so many of you!"

"Let me guess, are you dismissing me, or what?"

The stationmaster of the Nanhai War Zone smiled awkwardly, "Xiao Cui! Look at what you are saying!"

"It's all misunderstandings, I came to ask you to leave in person!"

Cui Ze frowned slightly, "Misunderstanding?"

Cui Ze really didn't understand, but the scene in front of him told him that this was the case.

What happened outside in the past two days?

Before Cui Ze could react, the stationmaster smiled.

"Xiao Cui, you did a great job this time!"

"Even if Ye Xuan was falsely reported dead, you still stayed with him and ran around for his relatives and friends!"

"You have passed the test of the war zone."

"You have done a great job!"

The stationmaster was still talking, but Cui Ze's mind was always on the false report of death.

He suddenly widened his eyes, looked at the five or six old men in front of him, and shouted excitedly, "Ye Xuan is not dead?"

"Ye Xuan is still alive?"

The stationmaster patted Cui Ze on the shoulder, "Yes! By the way, you don't know yet! Ye Xuan is fine, you don't have to worry!"


In just a few hours, the news of the extermination of the Wu and Yue families became a hot topic.

This result was already expected.

But even if they knew that Ye Xuan would do this, they were still frightened by his swift and decisive actions.

In just one day, two wealthy families were directly exterminated!

Everyone once again witnessed Ye Xuan's speed and madness!

At this time, in a suburban mansion in Yanjing.

"Da Da Da!"

"Grandpa! Grandpa!"

"Ye Xuan is still alive!"

A burst of hurried footsteps mixed with the excited shouts of a young man.

The old man on the armchair squinted his eyes and looked carefully at the words on the newspaper.

He raised his head helplessly, "Chengye! You are already in your twenties, and you are still like a child!"

"Don't you knock on the door before entering?"

Lu Chengye smiled embarrassedly, "Oh, Grandpa, I have good news for you!"

"Ye Xuan is not dead!"

Grandpa Lu was stunned, and then smiled and said, "Oh! You are talking about the kid in Nanhai City!"

"That's good, it's a pity that he died!"

"Don't you like him very much? This time it can be regarded as your wish!"

Lu Chengye smiled and said, "Yes! I am going to find him today! So I came to tell Grandpa."

The old man nodded, "Go! But you have to control your temper!"

"I heard that this kid is also a firecracker, and it will catch fire at any time!"

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