City Immortal Master

Chapter 10 Let’s get the certificate

"How dare that son-in-law take action?"

Jiang Hongwu was a little confused. The information showed that this man named Ye Xuan was born as a beggar. He once had a girlfriend who was also a submissive dog licker. He never spoke loudly, let alone hitting people.

"It was Jiang Churan who instigated it. She didn't dare to do it herself, so she let this loser hit me!"

Jiang Pengfei's eyes were red with anger. When had he ever suffered such a big loss and been kicked to the ground?

"Jiang Churan has fallen into this situation, and he still doesn't stop. It seems that we must drive them out of the Jiang family and let their family fend for themselves."

Jiang Hongwu's eyes flashed with a cold light.

[Writing this, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network→𝐭𝐰𝐤𝐚𝐧.𝐜𝐨𝐦]

At this time, Jiang Churan's eyes were dull and she was held by Ye Xuan's hand. Jiang Churan was in a daze all the way down the mountain. She never imagined that Ye Xuan would beat someone for her.

When they reached the foot of the cemetery hill, Jiang Churan woke up from his daze. At this moment, he was full of worries about Ye Xuan. Although beating Jiang Pengfei relieved him temporarily, he had to beware of his revenge.

That guy is a bastard. He suffered a big loss at the hands of Ye Xuan today and will definitely try his best to get revenge.

"Where are we going?"

Jiang Churan couldn't help but ask.

"Of course to our house."

Ye Xuan answered with a smile, the smile on his face was full of sunshine. The handsome face paired with this charming smile made Jiang Churan a little stunned.

So handsome!

Jiang Churan didn't object and followed Ye Xuan into a commercial car. She didn't want to go back to the Jiang family. They were the murderers who killed her grandfather. Apart from the fact that the Jiang Group was her concern, she didn't want to have anything to do with the Jiang family. , Jiang's Group is Grandpa's hard work, and he must control it.

Residence in Longhuang Pavilion.

The most luxurious villa group in Nanhai City covers an area of ​​50,000 square meters. It has all high-end entertainment facilities and each villa has its own unique landscape.

Extremely luxurious!

Jiang Churan was sitting in the living room, looking at the luxury in front of her, as if she was dreaming. Even her Jiang family could not afford to live in such a palace-like villa!

Jiang Hongwu and his son found a son-in-law for themselves just to suppress themselves. They would definitely find someone who has no background, is even lazy, the lowest and the most rubbish person to be her husband.

Although she knew that Ye Xuan had some skills and was a very good fighter, she never thought that he was so rich. Why would such a person be willing to become the son-in-law of the Jiang family?

Jiang Churan's heart was full of doubts. She stared at Ye Xuan walking towards her, with such gentle eyes that she almost fell into despair.

"Why are you so nice to me?"

Jiang Churan asked the doubts in her heart. When she was at her most desperate, he descended from the sky and liberated her from the abyss. When she was forced to recruit a son-in-law again, he suddenly became her husband, and now he takes her with him. Came to this dreamy place.

All of this was so unbelievable that Jiang Churan was really scared. This was a beautiful dream that he had had. When he woke up from the dream, everything would disappear.

"When I heal your face, I'll tell you everything."

Ye Xuan said, squatting next to Jiang Churan, raising his hand to remove the gauze from her face.

"don't want!"

Jiang Churan's face changed drastically, like a frightened little rabbit, and she quickly hid aside. She looked too scary, and she didn't want to see the look of disgust in the eyes of the man who gave her hope.

"Be good, I won't dislike you. I'll give you good medicine. If you sleep today, the scars will be gone tomorrow."

Ye Xuan comforted her carefully, and finally took off the gauze on her face, exposing a hideous scar to the air.

Jiang Churan was extremely nervous, and her heart was beating wildly. She didn't dare to look into Ye Xuan's eyes, for fear of seeing a hint of disgust that would make her despair.

Ye Xuan gently held her face up, looking at the shocking scar, he felt like his heart was twisting in a knife. If he had been a second earlier, Jiang Churan would not be like this.

"I'm sorry, but you are suffering."

A look of distress appeared on Ye Xuan's face, and he said something for no reason. Jiang Churan was confused when he heard it, his eyes were closed tightly, and his trembling eyelashes could tell how nervous she was.

"I will definitely make you recover as before."

Ye Xuan said softly.

After saying that, he flipped his right hand and an ebony box appeared in his hand. After opening it, a strong medicinal fragrance filled the room.

This is a sixth-grade elixir, the Good Fortune Pill, which can have the effects of life and death, human flesh and bones. If everyone in the martial arts world knew that Ye Xuan used it to remove scars and build muscle, they would definitely yell at the waste.

However, despite the astonishing value of these sixth-grade elixirs, he did not feel any distress for Jiang Churan. He placed the elixirs in the palm of his hand, then clasped his hands together and gently twisted the elixirs into powder.

Then apply it little by little on the wound on Jiang Churan's face until the entire powder is evenly applied, and finally wrap the wound with gauze.

"Okay, now you can sleep peacefully. Tomorrow morning, the scars will be gone and you will have a beautiful face."

Ye Xuan said with a smile.

"Really, you're not lying to me?"

Jiang Churan asked in disbelief. She had learned from the doctor that the wounds on her face were caused by special knives. Even the most advanced medical beauty treatments could not restore them. She had given up on her appearance.

But, her fiancé actually said that she would be back to normal after a good night's sleep?

Although she didn't believe it in her heart, she didn't question or expose Ye Xuan. With his patient coaxing, Jiang Churan fell into a deep sleep. She was too tired these days, not only physically tired, but more mentally tired.

The next morning.

Jiang Churan was pressed in front of the mirror by Ye Xuan. Although she didn't believe it at all, at this moment, she was actually a little nervous. If she could have a perfect face, who would want a face with hideous scars?

"Is it really possible?"

Jiang Churan's hands trembled slightly. Can her appearance really be restored? It's just one night. This is too incredible.

"Believe me."

Ye Xuan took Jiang Churan's hand and put it on the gauze on her face. "This miracle is revealed by yourself, come on!"

Jiang Churan nodded, then took a deep breath, took off the gauze on her face, and looked at herself in the mirror. She was stunned.

This is a perfect face, smooth, delicate and full of elasticity, even more beautiful than before it was disfigured.

Jiang Churan opened her mouth in shock, and stood in front of the mirror for more than a minute, constantly stroking her face, her eyes full of surprise.

"This is true, I am really healed, my face is really restored!"

Jiang Churan excitedly threw herself into Ye Xuan's arms, and was so happy that she was a little incoherent, and burst into tears, venting all the grievances she had suffered in the past few days.

She, Jiang Churan, was reborn at this moment!

"Ye Xuan, you said yesterday that you would tell me everything when my face is healed. Is it time to confess now?"

Jiang Churan suddenly became serious, her eyes full of doubts. It seems that she really wants to understand Ye Xuan's various strange actions and behaviors.

"If I tell you everything, can you get a marriage certificate with me?"

Ye Xuan's face was full of smiles. The two had already decided to get married, and getting a marriage certificate was a matter of time. He still wanted to solve it as soon as possible.

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