City: I Will Practice Martial Arts A Little More And Become The Only Immortal!

Chapter Eighty-Eighth Thunder From The Sky, Tiger Roaring, Dragon Chanting And Phoenix Calling

Sixty-five kilograms!

Looking at the words that appeared on the boxing dynamometer, Bai Xuan's eyes couldn't help but light up slightly.

An increase of ten kilograms, which is not a lot.

Six hundred and fifty kilograms, but thirteen hundred kilograms!

This number is far out of reach for ordinary human beings.

After nodding in satisfaction, Bai Xuan glanced at his property page.

【Name: Bai Xuan】

【Age: Eighteen】

[Strength: 3 (limit)]

【Agility: 3 (Extreme)】

【Physique: 3 (Extreme)】

【Spirit: 3 (Extreme)】

【Attribute points: 0】

[Skills: Wudang original Taijiquan LV3 (perfect), Yang style Taijiquan LV3 (perfect), three-shake and three-swing Taiji push hands LV3 (perfect), Yijin Jing LV3 (perfect), marrow washing classic LV3 (perfect), pure Yang Wuji Gong LV3 (Completion), Immortal Kneading Belly Method LV3 (Consummation), Golden Bell Cover LV3 (Consummation), Iron Cloth Shirt LV3 (Consummation), Military Boxing LV3 (Consummation), Iron Sand Palm LV3 (Consummation), Moon Mountain Bajiquan LV3 (Completion), Li's Xingyiquan LV3 (Consummation), Self-discipline Training Method LV3 (Consummation), Wudang Nine Palaces Mixing True Method LV2 (9300/10000)]

[Effects: Taiji transforming strength, Yijin washing marrow, Baodan sits on the hips, abdominal movement prolongs life, invulnerability to swords and guns, straight military body, iron sand palms, eight-pole strength, Xingyi Liuhe, falling asleep in one second, Jiugong mixed true]

"Very good, the Wudang Nine Palaces Mixing the True Technique is only 700 points away from the proficiency and you can complete it."

"The upgrade will probably be completed tomorrow night."

"By the time,"

"My brain can be strengthened by the effect of the full-level Jiugong Hunzhen."

After a slight pause, Bai Xuan took out his mobile phone and opened the electronic file of Shenxiao Taiji Yunshou.

It has to be said that Teacher Changweiyun's martial arts talent is not very good.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to become a master of Huajin, and it would be even more impossible to create a divine cloud hand capable of playing thunder.

"Only mastering Taijiquan, Golden Bell Shade, Iron Cloth Shirt, Iron Sand Palm, Bajiquan, and Xingyiquan at the same time can you practice Shenxiao Taiji Yunshou."

"I don't think even Teacher Yang Qingyun himself has perfected all the six martial arts.

"That's why even Teacher Yang Qingyun himself can't fully exert its power to the extreme of this Shenxiao Taiji cloud hand.

"However, even so, the power of the Divine Cloud Tai Chi Cloud Hand displayed by Teacher Yang Qingyun is already very powerful.

"Then in my hands, what kind of power can Shenxiao Taiji Cloud Hand display?"

Thinking like this, Bai Xuan couldn't wait to master Shenxiao Taiji Cloud Hand.

It just so happens that there is no class this afternoon.

Then start learning directly.

If you want to practice Shenxiao Taiji Yunshou, Taijiquan is the foundation of the foundation, without mastering Taiji Huajin, it is impossible to play the moves of Shenxiao Taiji Yunshou.

As for the principle of Shenxiao Taiji Cloud Hand being able to palm and make thunder sounds.

It is the air blowing technique combined with the tiger leopard thunder sound, plus the ventriloquist technique.

The key lies in the resonance of the five cavities, that is, the cranial cavity, nasal cavity, oral cavity, cervical cavity, and abdominal cavity vibrate and resonate at the same time.

Blow the air to make a sound, the muscles and bones resonate together, and the five chambers resonate.

All three combined.

It is Shenxiao Leiyin!

Because the power of Shenxiao Taiji cloud hand combined with Shenxiao Leiyin is too great.

It is so big that the hardness of the palm of an ordinary person cannot bear it at all.

So it is enough to use the golden bell shield, iron cloth shirt, and iron sand palm to strengthen the hardness of the whole body, especially the hardness of the palms.

Only in this way, can the thunder sound be released, and the stone can be broken with vigor!

Bai Xuan not only perfected the six martial arts of Taijiquan, Golden Bell Shade, Iron Cloth Shirt, Iron Sand Palm, Bajiquan, and Xingyiquan.

He also masters other martial arts, as well as the blessing of many effects.

It is precisely because of this,

Bai Xuan's ability to control himself has already reached an unimaginable level, not only far superior to ordinary people, but also far stronger than Yang Qingyun.

in this case,

How can it be so hard for Shenxiao Taiji Yunshou to beat Bai Xuan?

In less than half an hour,

Bai Xuan has learned the divine sky, Tai Chi and cloud hands.


The words and numbers on the property page made Bai Xuan squint his eyes involuntarily.

[Shenxiao Taiji Cloud Hand LV1 (Consummation)]

[Effect: Divine Thunder Sound]

[Shenxiao Leiyin: sound with breath, bones and muscles resonate together, five-chamber resonance, Shenxiao Leiyin!]


"Shenxiao Taiji Yunshou actually only has one level."

"There is also the effect of Shenxiao Leiyin, which feels a bit strange....

After pondering for two seconds, a ray of enlightenment flashed in Bai Xuan's eyes.

Yang Qingyun is nothing more than a master of Huajin.

Even if he can create the powerful martial art of Shenxiao Taiji Yunshou, it is enough to prove his intelligence.

And this is the limit of his ingenuity.

after all,

He is just a Huajin master.

Therefore, there is only one level of Shenxiao Taiji Yunshou, which is a very normal thing.

As for the effect of Shenxiao Leiyin.

Bai Xuan knows that the essence of sound is sound waves and vibrations.

And whether it's the muscles and bones resonating together or the five chambers resonating, it's your own body that is vibrating.

And the sound not only means that the sound source part is vibrating, but also can cause one's whole body, limbs, and all tissues and organs in the human body to vibrate to a certain extent.

Vibration is movement, and movement is exercise.

That is to say,

Shenxiao Leiyin not only represents a technique of increasing strength, but also represents a technique of exercising the whole body!

Except maybe the brain, because the structure of the brain is too complicated.

Other tissues and organs in the human body can be exercised by Shenxiao Leiyin.

That being the case,

then try it!

Move your muscles first.


"Crack!! Crack!!"

"Crack!!! Crack!!! Crack!!!"

The whole body made a thunderbolt sound like a firecracker exploding in an instant.

Then adjust the five chambers with the technique of rubbing breath and ventriloquism.

"Om!! Om!!"

"Om!!! Om!!! Om!!!"

After feeling that all the tissues and organs in the whole body began to vibrate slightly.

Bai Xuan exerted his strength suddenly!

Even used Dan Jin!

However, with Dan Jin's explosion.


The sound of rolling thunder suddenly came from Bai Xuan's body.

Although not as deafening as thunder in nature.

But it's not too loud!

"Good guy!"

"There is such a big difference between my sound of Shenxiao Leiyin and teacher Yang Qingyun's sound!"

"It really makes sense, it's unexpected!"

It's normal to have a difference.

After all, Bai Xuan is not only special, but also has a higher level of martial arts than Yang Qingyun, and has many blessings in his body.

It's just that Bai Xuan didn't expect that Teacher Yang Qingyun could only make a low, thunderous buzzing sound.

But I can actually make a thunder sound that is so similar to the thunder sound, and the volume is not small!

This rolling thunder sound, even a professionally trained voice actor may not be able to make it with his mouth.

But I can use my muscles and bones to resonate with the five chambers.


Just as I guessed.

Shenxiao Leiyin not only represents a technique to increase strength, but also a technique that can exercise the whole body.

Under Shenxiao Leiyin's physical training, I can clearly feel the numbness from the whole body, limbs, and internal organs.

It's comfortable and noticeable.

Using Shenxiao Leiyin to forge his body, maybe at most one month, he can polish his physique to the extreme.

Make the essence, energy and spirit complete like a elixir, refine the golden elixir of the human body, and become a martial arts immortal!

"and many more!"

"I suddenly thought of something."

In my hands, there is more than just the method of holding the alchemy and sitting on the hips of the Pure Yang Wuji Kung Fu.

In my own hands, I also have a set of crotch holding method called Tongzi Alchemy Kung Fu.

This set of bucket alchemy exercises is not only a method of holding alchemy and sitting on the hips, but also a very domineering horizontal martial arts.

Among them, the theory of three-step hardening is also known as the technique of dragon singing iron cloth shirt, tiger roaring golden bell cover, and five phoenixes singing tortoise's breath.

These three steps of horizontal refining are progressive, from the outside to the inside, step by step to strengthen the skin, flesh and blood, muscles and bones, bone marrow, and even internal organs, very powerful.


Today's focus is not here.

And in the dragon chant, the tiger roar, and the five phoenixes singing together.

Dragon chant iron cloth shirt can make dragon chant, tiger roar golden bell cover can make tiger roar, five phoenixes sing together and tortoise's breath technique can make phoenix cry.

These are also special ways to make the human body vocalize.

Skin, flesh and blood, muscles and bones, bone marrow, and internal organs.

"Based on my martial arts cultivation of holding pills and sitting on my hips, plus the blessings of countless effects."

"Even if you need to self-mutilate to practice the bucket alchemy skill, it shouldn't be a big problem.


"Why do I (Li Dezhao), who has attribute abilities, have to practice hard to perfect the alchemy of the bucket?"

"I can use the attribute points to improve the barrel alchemy skill to proficiency, so as to perfect it.


"When I master the dragon chant, the tiger's roar, and the five phoenixes' singing together, and integrate them into Shenxiao Leiyin, it will definitely make Shenxiao Leiyin's power to a higher level!"

"In that case,"

"Jingxiang decides."

"Give all the attribute points to the barrel alchemy. 17

"I practice meditation on my own."

After confirming his short-term plan, Bai Xuan opened the electronic file of the barrel alchemy.

After writing down all the contents, he began to practice.

ten minutes later.

After [Barrel Alchemy Skill LVO (1/100)] appeared on the property page, Bai Xuan stopped practicing Yu.

Now that there are no attribute points, let's practice Wudang Nine Palaces Mixing the True Method first.

Turn your heart to the sky, close your eyes and rest your mind, press your tongue on the roof of your mouth, hold your breath and concentrate, self-hypnosis...

In a trance, an imaginary zhenqi rushes straight to the brain, circulates through the nine palaces, and finally draws a black and white Tai Chi diagram.

Along with the slow rotation of the Taiji Diagram, endless visions suddenly emerged.

Red light, yellow light, purple air, and many abstract and colorful patterns...

In this process, the proficiency of Wudang Nine Palaces Mixing the True Technique increased rapidly.

in this way,

Time goes by bit by bit. .

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