In the study room,

Chen Xueying's father was standing in front of the desk with an old man in his sixties.

The old man was holding a brush in the air, but it didn't fall down for a long time.

Finally, he sighed.

Chen Xueying's father laughed.

"Old Shen, I don’t think you are that good. Have you even forgotten how to write?"

The old man put down his pen helplessly and said unconvincedly:"Old Chen, tell me honestly, is it true that the person who can write this calligraphy is only in his twenties?"

"Why would I lie to you? He's my son-in-law, you know?" Chen Xueying's father laughed triumphantly.

Just at this moment.

Chen Xueying brought Lu Yu to the door of the study and called out.

Her father immediately turned around and looked over, and smiled:"Oh, Xiao Lu, you are finally here, come in first."

Chen Xueying saw that her father didn't even look at her, and then pulled Lu Yu away from her.

She pouted her lips and said aggrievedly:"Dad, why do you only see Lu Yu, am I no longer your biological daughter?"

Her voice had just fallen.

Chen's father turned around and said to her:"Go to my bedroom, in the third drawer of the closet, there is some Dahongpao that someone gave me, you go and make it and give it to Xiao Lu to try."

Chen Xueying was immediately at a loss whether to laugh or cry.

It seemed that since Lu Yu was recognized by her parents.

Her status in this family has become lower and lower.

Now that Lu Yu is here, he doesn't even care about her. He even asked her to make tea.

Lu Yu asked:"Uncle, this is not necessary."

"Yes, you must have been tired after running such a long distance from Shencheng to Gusu City. Let Xiaoying make you a pot of tea to relieve your fatigue."

Father Chen laughed, then turned around and looked at Chen Xueying who was standing at the door, staring at her.

After Chen Xueying came to her senses, she frowned and snorted at Lu Yu, then turned and left.

Seeing this, Lu Yu spread his hands helplessly.

"Old Chen, is this your son-in-law?"

At this time, the old man who was over 60 years old walked around the desk and came to Lu Yu to look at him carefully.

Father Chen smiled proudly and said,"What do you think? He is a handsome man, right? And let me tell you, my son-in-law is very capable. He has several supercars and a mansion in Tomson One."

Having said that,

Father Chen turned to Lu Yu and said,"Little Lu, the reason I invited you here this time is mainly because of this old guy. This old guy is the president of the Calligraphy Association. You can just call him Shen Zhesheng."

"Who would believe that a young man in his twenties could write such good characters?"

The old man Shen Zhesheng snorted and said,"Even you, Old Chen, can't write characters like this."

"Tsk, so what if he can't write, my son-in-law can."

Father Chen showed a smug expression, which made Shen Zhesheng grit his teeth.

This old guy is so old, but he still likes to show off. He even uses his son-in-law to show off, what a shameless old man!

Father Chen smiled and said,"Xiao Lu, why don't you show off your skills in front of this old guy and open his eyes."

"Yes, you come and write one, just write"Bo Yuan Tie" and let me, an old man, take a look."Shen Zhesheng said.

Bo Yuan Tie was written by Wang Xun, a calligrapher in the Eastern Jin Dynasty.

Of course, it is also a rare authentic calligraphy nowadays, and is listed as one of the"Three Rare Treasures Tie" together with Wang Xizhi's"Kuaixue Shiqing Tie" and Wang Xianzhi's"Zhongqiu Tie".

It is known as the supreme treasure, the ancestor of calligraphy, and the well-deserved treasure is collected.

Lu Yu stood up and said with a smile:"President Shen, what you said is serious. I am just a young boy, how dare I show off my skills in front of you. But since my uncle said so, I will write one too, and ask President Shen for advice."

"Come on then."

Shen Zhesheng walked to the desk, picked up the ink stick and started to grind the ink himself.

Lu Yu also walked to the desk, picked up the brush, and began to write as if assisted by God.

About fifteen minutes later, the rice paper was already covered with handwriting.

The content was none other than Wang Xun's"Bo Yuan Tie".

After seeing this scene, Shen Zhesheng came over, took a look and exclaimed:"The brushstrokes are vigorous and powerful, and the lines are desolate. This is the real"Bo Yuan Tie"!"

Father Chen also came over, took a look and nodded in praise:"I've seen many people imitate"Bo Yuan Tie", but no one has imitated it so closely, and the artistic conception is so high."

At this time, Lu Yu also put down the brush.

He smiled slightly and said,"Uncle, President Shen, I'm going to make a fool of myself here."

"No, no, no, I was the one who made a fool of myself just now."

President Shen quickly shook his head to deny it, and then touched the font on it.

Then, he sighed:"If this calligraphy appears in major auctions, it is estimated that it will be sold for several million."

After Chen's father came back to his senses, he laughed and said:"What do you think, Old Shen, my son-in-law is amazing, even you have to admit defeat."

After hearing this, Shen Zhesheng stood up straight and nodded.

Then he sighed and said:"Times have really changed. When I was a child, I practiced calligraphy hard and reached the level I am now, but no young people have a higher level than me."

"" Please accept my condolences." Father Chen came over and patted Shen Zhesheng on the shoulder.

Shen Zhesheng was startled, turned around and said angrily:"Get lost! You are the one who accepts my condolences, I can live to at least 100 years old!"

Father Chen smiled and said:"No, no, I am paying tribute to your calligraphy that was scattered by the wind, let it rest in peace forever."

After hearing this, Shen Zhesheng glared at Father Chen unhappily.

This guy is like this, he is so old, but his mouth is still so poisonous.

I don't know how he found such a son-in-law.

Wasn't he poisoned to death by his mouth?

""Lu boy, please sell this calligraphy to me. You can pay whatever price you want." Shen Zhesheng turned to Lu Yu and said generously.

Upon hearing this, Chen's father was immediately displeased, puffing his beard and glaring,"What do you want to do? This is what my son-in-law wrote to me. What will happen if you buy it?"


Today's fifth update is here for now. Please continue in the morning tomorrow! I'm begging for subscriptions!

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