After all, this time you are not meeting friends, but two elders.

Especially for the first meeting, going empty-handed seems disrespectful.

Of course, the gifts do not need to be too expensive.

Even if you buy some fruits, a pack of cigarettes and a bottle of wine, it can be regarded as your own intention.

Of course, it also depends on what the elders like.

The most important thing is to cater to their preferences.


On the way to the car, Lu Yu listened to Chen Xueying in the passenger seat talking a lot about her parents' hobbies.

Moreover, Chen Xueying's family has been a family of scholars since her grandfather's generation.

It's just that in her generation, because she didn't like being a teacher, she entered other industries.

Her hometown is in Gusu City, where there is a two-entry and two-exit ancestral house, where her parents live now.

Chen Xueying remembered that there was a study in that ancestral house, with many calligraphy and paintings hanging in it.

For example, Wang Xizhi's"Lanting Preface", Fan Kuan's"Traveling in Mountains and Rivers", Dong Yuan's"Xiaoxiang Tu" and so on.

When her father was free, he would make a pot of tea, hold a book, and appreciate these calligraphy and paintings while reading.

Occasionally, when he was interested, he would write calligraphy.

"These calligraphy and paintings should be very valuable, they are all masterpieces handed down from generation to generation."Lu Yu asked in surprise while driving.

Chen Xueying chuckled and said,"How can they be so valuable? The real things are all collected in other people's museums."

Lu Yu nodded slightly.

That's right, these masterpieces handed down from generation to generation represent the inheritance of the culture of a great country.

They are well-deserved national treasures.

As for Chen Xueying's mother, she has no other hobbies but cooking.

Of course, Chen Xueying also inherited this advantage of her mother, and her cooking skills are simply first-class.

"Then I know what to send."Lu Yu stepped on the accelerator when the green light came on at the intersection.

In an instant, bursts of roars sounded on the busy road.

After a while, this Pagani Huayra arrived at the Global Harbor in Shanghai.

Lu Yu still remembered that he had just brought Sun Xueqin here yesterday.

Today, the person next to him was replaced by Chen Xueying.

At this time, Chen Xueying pulled his sleeve and asked,"What do you want to buy?"

"Buy some skin care products for your aunt. She likes to cook and stays in the kitchen all year round. The fumes can still do some harm to her skin."

Lu Yu smiled, and then he saw a L'Oreal flagship store on the second floor of Global Harbor, so he went straight to the flagship store with Chen Xueying.

Anyway, the price is not outrageous, and it is easy for the elders to accept.

And buying skin care products also proves that you care about the health of the elders.

Of course, if conditions permit, you can also buy some supplements. This is a more panacea-style gift for the elders.

With the help of Chen Xueying, Lu Yu bought nearly 20,000 skin care products.

After a while, they walked out of the L'Oreal flagship store.

As for the gift for Chen Xueying's father.

Lu Yu went to buy a pot of authentic West Lake Longjing tea.

After all, drinking tea in moderation is good for health and can detoxify.

After preparing all this, Lu Yu and Chen Xueying drove away in a Pagani Huayra

"Where did my uncle and aunt say they were going to meet?" Lu Yu asked at the right time on the way.

"Right at my house, they dislike the poor hygiene outside, so they prefer to stay at home."

Chen Xueying said,"They heard that I was going to take you to meet them today, and my mother said she would cook some dishes for you personally." Lu Yu smiled and said,"How can we let my aunt cook by herself? I will cook dinner tonight."

"Can you cook?" Chen Xueying asked in astonishment.

"I have always done so, but you just never asked me." Lu Yu chuckled.

Immediately, he returned along the same route as the last time he sent Chen Xueying home.

But when passing by the entrance of Century Park, Chen Xueying suddenly asked him to drive to another road.

Lu Yu was stunned for a moment and asked,"It seems that the apartment you live in is not here."

Chen Xueying said,"I used to live here, but I was the only one here and it seemed too deserted, so I moved out and bought a house there with a mortgage."

"I didn't realize you were a little rich woman." Lu Yu showed a surprised expression.

But when Lu Yu drove the car to the place Chen Xueying said, he turned around and looked at it, and his heart was full of surprise. The place Chen Xueying said was a high-end villa community in Shencheng, Jiujiantang Villa District

"You lived here before?" Lu Yu asked in astonishment.

Chen Xueying nodded and smiled,"Actually, that's not my house, it belongs to my biological sister. I lived with her when I came to Shanghai, but then she went on a business trip abroad half a year ago. I lived alone in the whole house, and there was no one to chat with me, so I moved out."

"The fully furnished house I live in now was bought by myself, and I live with my best friend, so I have someone to chat with and play with every day."

"I'm really envious." Lu Yu laughed.

Chen Xueying laughed and scolded:"What are you envious of? No matter how good the house here is, it can't be better than your mansion worth more than 200 million yuan. That is the duplex king of Tomson Yipin Community."


The newbie is still begging for collections, flowers, and reviews. Because I'm preparing to put the game on the shelves, I've been saving drafts recently, so I won't post the updates I owe for the time being, and will continue to post them after the game is on the shelves.

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