January 16th is the 25th day of the twelfth lunar month.

For most people, this is just an ordinary Monday.

But for the employees of Shendong Amusement Park, this day is anything but ordinary.

Because on this day, their principal Yang will attend the award ceremony for the title of "Top Ten Outstanding Youths in Shendong City".

The purpose of selecting the top ten outstanding young people is to "discover young talents, establish role models for the times, and make positive contributions to Shen Dong and China."

And this title is an extremely glorious title.

In the Shendong Auditorium, ten young talents selected through a strict process gathered here.

They come from all walks of life, including young entrepreneurs like Yang Fan, elites from other fields, super potential stocks, etc.

They will receive the honor of "Top Ten Outstanding Youths of Shendong City" here.

Some senior executives of Shendong Amusement Park also came to Shendong Auditorium as spectators. Director Yang came to the scene to cheer them on.

After the host read Yang Fan's outstanding deeds and award speech, Yang Fan, dressed in a crisp suit, walked onto the stage with firm and confident steps and his head held high.

The city leaders awarded him certificates and trophies and took photos with him.

Next, the winner delivers a personal speech, similar to an acceptance speech.

"Dear leaders, distinguished guests, relatives and friends, good afternoon everyone! I..."

Yang Fan's speech has been rehearsed many times at home, and it can be said that he is very proficient. In addition, there are prompt words, so there are no mistakes in the whole process.

However, it can be seen that he is still a little nervous in front of many leaders and cameras.

After about ten minutes, Yang Fan's speech ended. He walked off the stage to a burst of applause.

It is worth mentioning that Zheng Jiahao's name was not included in the selection of "Top Ten Outstanding Young People in Shendong City" this time.

Mayor Wang Zheng almost publicly defended Yang Fan and Zheng Jiahao.

But Zheng Jiahao took the initiative to tell Wang Zheng that he did not want this title. He also said that due to some special reasons, he will leave Shendong again after the winter, and he really does not deserve this title.

After the award ceremony, some urban leaders, led by Mayor Wang Zheng, cordially received the ten young talents backstage.

Wang Zheng even said that he would have dinner with everyone tonight and talk about the future development plans of Shendong City.

Yang Fan also sent messages to Wang Yue, Pan Lili and others, telling them not to wait for him and to go back to the amusement park or go home directly.

Six o'clock in the evening, Shen Dong Hotel.

Wang Zhenghe and some leaders dined in a private room with ten award-winning young people.

In fact, this is a great opportunity for these young and promising people to make friends.

Based on the idea of ​​multiple friends and multiple paths, everyone exchanged contact information with each other. Who knows who may use whom in the future?

Although Yang Fan is not the best here, he still seems very important as the director of Shendong Amusement Park.

After all, Yang Fan belongs to the boss level, while everyone else basically belongs to the worker level, even though they are all very good.

Halfway through the meal, Wang Zheng stood up and gave a speech, and then it was time to toast each other.

After the dinner party, everyone left the hotel one by one.

Only Yang Fan was retained by Wang Zheng.

At this time, only Yang Fan and three leaders were left in the private room.

Wang Zheng looked at the high-spirited Yang Fan and felt a little emotional. I can't help but think of Yang Fan's father, Fa Xiao Yang Zhi, who died young.

"Mayor Wang, what can I do for you?"

"Well, Yang Fan. Your amusement park is doing well now. It is one of the most famous attractions in Shendong City. Especially the ice and snow world that was recently built is very good. I have seen it on the news several times."

"Thank you, Mayor Wang, for the compliment. I'm still far behind. I have to work harder."

"Haha, Yang Fan, you are too humble. Come on, let me introduce you."

Wang Zheng pointed to a gentle middle-aged man next to him and said:

"Your amusement park is located in the western suburbs, and it is also managed by the West District of the City. This is the District Chief of the Chengxi District, Feng Jianyu, District Chief Feng."

"Hello, District Chief Feng, it's the first time we meet. I'm Yang Fan."

"Well, hello, I know you."

It was indeed the first time that Yang Fan met Feng Jianyu.

Strangely enough, it has been almost half a year since the amusement park opened. He had also gone to the district government several times, but he had never seen Feng Jianyu. The two of them missed each other perfectly every time.

Wang Zheng pointed to another woman who looked nearly fifty years old and said:

"This is youYou should know that Zhou Qian, Director Zhou of the Garden Bureau. Even though she is a woman, she is unambiguous when it comes to her work. "

In fact, Yang Fan didn't know Director Zhou of the Garden Bureau. Previously at the Botanic Garden, Deputy Director Cui was in charge. However, he still replied politely:

"Hello, Director Zhou!"

"Yes. Yang Fan, I know you. Director Lu of the Zoo, Director Lin of the Botanical Garden, and Deputy Director Cui of our bureau often mention you."

Wang Zheng introduced Feng Jianyu and Zhou Qian to Yang Fan, and then got down to business.

"Yang Fan, your amusement park is well run. It's not too much to say that it is a tourist business card of Shendong City. These two leaders can directly help you. If you have any needs, please let me know. Of course, as long as it doesn’t violate the principles.”

"Thank you to the leaders for their kindness. I will definitely tell you if there is anything you need."

"Well, do your best. From now on, you can be number one in the country and the world for fun."

"I try my best, haha."

"Ha ha."

"Ha ha."

In a half-joking, half-serious atmosphere, Yang Fan left the private room and prepared to take a taxi home.

Wang Zheng, Feng Jianyu and Zhou Qian who stayed in the private room also started to leave.

"Mayor Wang, you seem to value this boy very much?"

Feng Jianyu suddenly asked, Zhou Qian also turned her attention to Wang Zheng, she also had this question in her heart.

Wang Zheng is indeed very optimistic about Yang Fan, which of course is related to the fact that Yang Fan's father is his childhood friend.

But this matter must not be mentioned, otherwise it will cause a lot of unnecessary trouble. So he pretended to be mysterious and said:

"Well, I value him very much. This person is not simple. You should also pay more attention to him. The future will be good for me and you. Do you understand?"

"I understand! Thanks to Mayor Wang for the tip!"

Feng Jianyu said, and Zhou Qian nodded vigorously.


"What did I mention to you?" Wang Zheng thought in his mind.

Yang Fan returned home, took a shower, and then replayed what happened today in his mind like a movie.

"It seems that the expansion of the amusement park is not without hope."

He thought secretly in his heart.

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