Yang Fan stared at the computer screen, watching the operation of the amusement park on the first day.

"A total of 4,233 tickets were sold today?" Yang Fan looked at the number on the screen, nodded with satisfaction, and said to himself: "If you count the people who get free tickets, there will probably be at least 4,300 tourists this day."

Among these 4,233 tickets, there are more than 3,000 adult tickets and more than 1,000 student tickets.

A rough calculation of the ticket revenue is estimated to be more than one million. If the income from food stores and souvenir shops is included, this number really makes Yang Fan a little excited.

"The carousel has basically never stopped from the beginning of business to the end of the park. But looking at other facilities, not many people are willing to ride them, let alone people queuing. Alas, the facilities are still not attractive enough."

Yang Fan rubbed his temples, looking a little depressed. Muttering to himself:

"If there is only one carousel in the whole amusement park, then the cost-effectiveness of this ticket is indeed a bit low. I guess most of the tourists who came today are here for sentiment."

Relying on the carousel, a "net-famous facility", to maintain the operation of the amusement park is by no means a long-term solution.

Therefore, Yang Fan is more determined to do more system tasks and get more innovative facilities from the system.

Yang Fan opened the director's mailbox and saw that there were more than 100 messages in it, most of which were words of encouragement and blessings.

Of course, there were also individual tourists complaining about the long queue time and the expensive and unpalatable food in the food store.

Yang Fan ignored some malicious and abusive messages, and recorded those reasonable complaints to improve them slowly in the future.


Time passed quickly, and at twelve o'clock in the middle of the night, the voice of the system came to Yang Fan's mind.

[Summary of the amusement park's operation status today]

[Tourists welcomed: 4,326 people]

[Tickets sold: 4,233 tickets]

[Including: 3,020 adult tickets; 1,213 children's tickets/student tickets; 0 SVIP annual tickets]

[Ticket revenue: 1,095,847 yuan]

[Total revenue for the day: 1,158,265 yuan]

[Most popular amusement facility: carousel (elementary)]

[Amusement park's comprehensive strength rating: E-level]

[Obtained the first E-level rating and received an E-level gift package]

[Host, please continue to work hard]


[Success Update on the progress of the task]

[Achievement Task 1: The World's No. 1 Amusement Park]

[Task Description: Keep attracting tourists and let the amusement park's reputation spread all over the world]

[Completed Phase 3: 100/100 have been recruited, and the Phase 3 reward - Achievement Task Pack 3 has been obtained]

[Completed Phase 4: 1000/1000 have been recruited, and the Phase 4 reward - Achievement Task Pack 4 has been obtained]

[Current task in progress: Phase 5: 4392/10000 have been recruited]

"What? Amusement park level evaluation? What does this mean?" Yang Fan asked puzzled.

[The system will evaluate the current operation of the amusement park. Including but not limited to factors such as the number of tourists, revenue, and influence. The first time you get an evaluation, you will get a gift package of the corresponding level]

"What is the level of my E-level evaluation?"

[The lowest is E-level, and the amusement park is divided into six levels: E, D, C, B, A, and S]


Yang Fan's self-esteem just now was hit by the system.

"System, I want to use the E-level gift package!"

[The E-level gift package was used successfully, congratulations to the host for obtaining the amusement facility - the pendulum (primary)]


Yang Fan stood up excitedly, and didn't expect that there would be new facilities so soon.

"System, there is a question I have always wanted to ask. At that time, the carousel was also, what does the 'primary' in the brackets mean? Is there an advanced one?"

[Yes, the amusement facilities issued by the system are divided into three different levels: primary, intermediate and advanced. Please work hard to upgrade the amusement facilities to a high level as soon as possible]

"Well, I see. This big pendulum comes just in time. If this big pendulum is as popular as the carousel, the amusement park will definitely reach a new level٩( 'ω' )و"

"System, use both achievement task packages 3 and 4."

[Achievement task package 3 was used successfully! Obtained the artificial lake system repair voucher]

[Achievement task package 4 was used successfully! Obtained 50 theme cruise ships in the amusement park and cruise ship dock construction vouchers]

"What a fruitful day ✧*。٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و✧*。”

Yang Fan felt very happy at the moment.

“System, I want to build a big pendulum!”

Yang Fan built the big pendulum issued by the system at the location of the original big pendulum in the amusement park.

Originally, there was a big pendulum in the amusement park, but this big pendulum was only more than ten meters high. From a distance, it was at most a high-end version of a swing.

Each operation can accommodate up to ten people, but on the first day of opening, it was never full, and it was even empty in the afternoon.

To quote a tourist: "Your big pendulum is not as exciting as a carousel. It has no roots at all and is nothing good. Don't call it a big pendulum. I think it would be more reasonable to call it a "clothes rack" or a "spin dryer."

[Construction successful]

[System prompt: The facilities issued by the system are built by the system construction team and will not arouse suspicion and attention from the outside world]

[Time required to build a big pendulum: 12 days]

"Ah? Twelve days? It takes so long? "

Yang Fan was a little shocked. It took less than ten days to repair all the facilities before.

[Yes, host, the pendulum is a large-scale amusement facility, so it takes a long time. But it only took twelve days, which is already very fast. In the future, many facilities will take a hundred days.]



Yang Fan opened the amusement park WeChat group and planned to share the news of building the pendulum with all employees.

Director-Yang Fan: @Everyone Attention everyone! The big pendulum will not be open to the public tomorrow! I dismantled the big pendulum and am going to build a new one. Go to the carousel to help @Big Pendulum-Li Ning

Big Pendulum-Li Ning: Got it!

Publicity-Pan Lili: Wow (o°ω°o), Director, you built a new facility so soon? It's only the second day, you didn't design it yourself, did you? It's like a carousel.

Director-Yang Fan: It must be designed by me.

Publicity-Pan Lili: I'm looking forward to it, I'll post a message right away.

Director-Yang Fan: In addition, in a few days, Someone will come to build the artificial lake, and we will be able to take a boat in the future.

Trojan 1-Liu Ke: The director is awesome!

Trojan 4-Zhang Ying: The director is awesome!

Ticket seller-Wu Xue: The director is awesome!

Director-Yang Fan: Okay, everyone, go to bed early, we have to get up early tomorrow. Good night.

Yang Fan put down his phone, lay on the bed, and yawned. He was busy from morning to night. After lying down, he suddenly felt exhausted and sleepy.

Outside the window, the sound of the construction team's clanging came again.

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