After hearing Yang Fan's words, the employees returned to the cockpit and prepared to experience the so-called "another mode."

"System, what exactly does this 'random mode' mean? Can you tell me (ಗ ‸ ಗ )?"

Yang Fan tried to ask the system.

[Random mode means that the state of movement is random mode]


"Forget it, just pretend I didn't ask."

Yang Fan walked to the control room, explained a few words to the two employees responsible for operating Shen Dong's Eye, and then returned to the cockpit.

The employees in the control room saw everyone entering the cockpit and pressed the start button in the random mode area.

"That's right! Why am I so stupid? I can just ask Shen Dong's Eye directly in the system chat group!"

Yang Fan opened the system chat group. The group was very quiet, and the last chat record was that not long ago, various amusement facilities welcomed the addition of Shen Dong Eye.

Yang Fan: Are you there? @深东之eye

Carousel: In!

Shen Dong’s Eye: Yes.

Yang Fan: @Carousel……

Yang Fan: We are about to start experiencing the random mode. Can you help me explain how it works? @深东之eye

Shen Dongzhi: Well, Master, that’s it. After one lap, the whole distance is about 270 meters. The metal bracket between the turntable edge and the rotating shaft, that is, the connecting rod, is retractable.

Shen Dongzhi: By controlling the expansion and contraction of different connecting rods, I can make the turntable look different, and it doesn’t have to be circular. In other words, when the total distance is 270 meters, the movement trajectory is not necessarily circular.

Shen Dong's Eye: In addition, the speed of rotation can also be controlled, and the fastest can be ten times that of the normal mode.

Yang Fan: Okay, don’t be too random. Someone is recording a video and taking photos below. Try to make it as beautiful as possible for publicity.

Shen Dongzhi: Okay, okay.

After Yang Fan exited the chat group, he felt that the speed of movement had significantly accelerated, almost two or three times that of the normal mode.

Immediately afterwards, everyone also discovered something strange.

Not only did everyone feel that the cockpit was moving faster, but they also felt that their cockpit was expanding and contracting along the line connecting the cockpit to the rotating shaft.


An employee standing on the ground immediately noticed the anomaly in Shen Dong's Eye, pointed at it and shouted.

Others later discovered that the turntable of Shen Dong's Eye was no longer round.

Since there is a light yellow colored light strip on the edge of the turntable, the shape of the turntable can be seen very clearly at night.

Everyone found that the highest point was obviously concave, while the sides of the highest point were slightly raised.

Although the position of the lowest point has not changed significantly, there is an obvious trend of moving closer to the center of the turntable on both sides of the lowest point.

"Look! It's heart-shaped! This Ferris wheel can actually change the shape of the turntable!"


"This is really awesome!"

"It reminds me of the Ferris wheel light show in Yokohama, Japan! It's just that it's because of the lights, and ours is really not a circle!"

Everyone hurriedly raised their mobile phones to take photos and videos. They had a hunch that when this video was posted online, it would definitely be a good opportunity to gain likes and gain popularity.

After Shen Dongzhi kept moving in a heart shape for about a minute, he made a new move.

"Look, it should be changing again!"

The employees stood below, raising their heads and looking intently at Shen Dong's eyes, wanting to see what shape it would take next.

After staring for a while, they seemed a little disappointed because they saw that the turntable returned to its original circular shape.

Just after they showed disappointed expressions. Someone shouted: "Look! Look at the cockpit!"

Everyone looked up at the cockpit to see what was going on.

I saw that all the cockpits began to expand and contract along the line between the cockpit and the rotating shaft at the same time, and the speed was not slow.

Overall, it changes from a large circle to a small circle, then from a small circle to a large circle, and so on. Because of the light, it looks like the light blue circle is getting bigger and smaller.

After stretching back and forth about ten times, the turntable returned to its original state. This experience is also over.

Yang Fan and others walked out of the cockpit. They were shaken badly by the experience they had just experienced.

Everyone generally said that they preferred the normal mode at the beginning, which made everyone feel quite happy.

As for the random mode, there are mixed reviews.

After listening to the employees' thoughts, Yang Fan said to them: "Everyone's ideas and analysis are very good. Thank you for your hard work! It's quite late. Let's go back and have a good rest."

After that, everyone dispersed on the spotReturned to the dormitory.

Yang Fan returned to the principal's office to receive the mission reward.

【mission completed】

[Normal mode: 1/1]

[Random mode: 1/1]

[Get mission reward: two circular LED screens with a diameter of 15 meters]

[The installation will be completed by the system decoration team within 8 hours]

While Yang Fan was studying the system tasks, the video of Shen Dong Eyes received a large number of likes and comments on the Internet.

This has allowed Shendong Amusement Park, which has not been popular on the Internet for a long time, to appear again in the short videos and marketing accounts of major online platforms.

Li Xin was at home watching the messages that were constantly being refreshed in the WeChat group.

Having become a full-time employee, he felt a slight fluctuation in his heart.

For more than a month, he has been deeply impressed by the good working atmosphere in the amusement park. Although he didn't earn much, it made him feel full of happiness and he felt very happy working.

However, after careful consideration, he made a difficult decision to leave his job.

After submitting his resignation application, he was going to make a call to Zheng Jiahao.

"Hello, Brother Hao?"

"Well, it's Xiaoxin, what's wrong?"

Zheng Jiahao was not in Shendong City at this time, but was on a business trip.

"Brother Hao, have you received the license plate number and photo I sent?"

"Yes, I got it all. You didn't call me specifically to tell me about this, right?"

"Of course not. The amusement park is about to close. I feel like there is no point in me being here. I plan to leave."

"Well, you're right. Then come back and resume your duties."

"Brother Hao, I have never had the opportunity to formally thank you in all the years I have been working. I want to formally thank you now. Thank you for your help to me over the years."

"What are you trying to say?"

Zheng Jiahao on the other side of the phone was a little surprised. He vaguely felt what Li Xin was thinking.

"Brother Hao, I don't plan to go back to Watanabe. I want to go to the magic city and try my luck. I suddenly feel like I've found my life goal."

"Have you considered?"

"Think about it."



"Then I wish you all the best!"

"Thank you, Brother Hao."

After hanging up the phone, Li Xin sighed softly and felt a little moist in his eyes.

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