With the winter break time of the amusement park determined, there are only the last two weeks left for the park to be open to the public.

There are three biggest things for the amusement park in the past two weeks. The first is Halloween at the end of the month. Yang Fan plans to pass Halloween and finally give the amusement park a sense of presence.

In addition, there is construction of floating islands and pontoons and a Ferris wheel that is almost completed.

In the following days, the amusement park remained deserted, with less than a thousand visitors per day.

After all, amusement facilities such as the big pendulum, the ring of hell, and the rotating flying chair are all outdoor amusement facilities.

In this late autumn season when the temperature is only about ten degrees Celsius, it is too cold to experience it. You might go to an amusement park and catch a cold when you get home.

In this case, the biggest shortcoming of Shendong Amusement Park is fully reflected - there are no indoor amusement facilities.

Looking around the world, well-known amusement parks at home and abroad will definitely have more or less indoor amusement projects.

Even if some projects are just to go in and watch a 4D movie.

As for Shendong Amusement Park, currently, only the circus can be barely considered an indoor event, but there are only three shows every day.

In the system mall, Yang Fan also saw many indoor amusement projects for sale. But the price was extremely expensive, and the construction time was never less than 100 days, so I had to give up.

Everything in the amusement park seemed to have slowed down, and there was no longer the initial bustle and long queues.

There is almost no queue for tourists to ride on the amusement facilities, and even some projects have to wait until they are full before they start.

Yang Fan's daily workload has also been reduced a lot, and now the various departments of the amusement park have developed relatively well.

Now, he only needs to hold a high-level meeting once a week to listen to the feedback from various departments, and then discuss the future development plan of the amusement park with the top management.

Just when he was watching the rides in the system chat group chatting about spanking pictures, the system's voice sounded.

[Congratulations to the host, the floating island has been completed and the floating bridge was completed two days ago]

[Note: Floating islands and floating bridges are ordinary buildings. If the host wants to check the specific conditions, please go to the site to check]

Yang Fan glanced at his phone and saw that it was already past seven o'clock in the evening. Although it was completely dark, it was not too late.

So, he put on his clothes and prepared to go to the artificial lake to see the newly built floating islands and pontoon bridges.

There is an amusement park sightseeing scooter parked downstairs in Yang Fan's office building, which is also the means of transportation he usually uses in the park.

Ten minutes later, Yang Fan drove to the northeast corner of the artificial lake, which is an area not far from the Ring of Hell.

Although this area was named "Hell Valley" by him when the Hell Ring was first built. But now there is still only one amusement facility, the Ring of Hell, which is somewhat inconsistent with its name.

Yang Fan came to the pontoon entrance to the east. Although the surrounding lights were dim, looking around, he could vaguely see a pontoon extending into the lake for about 200 meters and connecting to a circular floating island.

The color of the floating bridge is the color of ordinary logs. If you want to change it to your favorite color, you can buy paint in the system store.

Yang Fan walked onto the pontoon bridge, stamped his feet, and found that the deck of the pontoon bridge was a plastic wood structure, with metal plates and pontoon boxes underneath.

By piling, metal support columns and ropes are used as assistance to firmly fix the pontoon bridge, just like a real bridge.

Even if there are big waves due to strong winds, you can hardly feel the sway of the pontoon.

The bridge deck is slightly higher than the lake surface by about 25 centimeters. This is to avoid waves splashing on the bridge deck and causing the bridge deck to become slippery, and to minimize the safety risks of the pontoon bridge.

In addition, warnings such as "Don't run or jump on the pontoon" and "Be careful under your feet" are also marked on the bridge deck.

The wooden safety handrails on both sides of the pontoon are not much different from ordinary pontoons, with a height of about 1.3 meters and some simple patterns carved on them.

Every 10 meters or so, there will be a street light fixed on the bridge on both sides of the pontoon, making it possible to walk on the pontoon at night.

Yang Fan continued to walk forward for about two hundred meters and arrived at the floating island.

The entire floating island is about 56 meters in diameter and about 30 centimeters above the lake surface. It looks very empty.

The floating island in the amusement park is a typical large dry floating island, made of fiber-reinforced plastic, stainless steel, expanded polystyrene, concrete and other materials.

Underneath the floating island, there are a large number of support pillars fixed directly to the bottom of the lake. The stability of the floating island is very good, and it is not afraid of strong winds and waves, just like the land.

edge of floating islandThere is a circle of metal guardrails about one meter high, and there is a distance of about two meters between the circle of pontoons surrounding the outside.

Yang Fan plans to use the two-meter gap to raise koi and feed tourists. The first batch of koi carps have long since died due to various reasons.

He stood in the middle of the floating island and looked to the east. He could see the ring of hell not far away.

In order to save power, Ring of Hell does not activate the night scene mode. But you can still vaguely see the outline, and the reflection on the lake is eerie, and it really feels like "Hell Valley".

When all the future haunted houses, cupolas and other facilities are built, this will be the best place to view the "Hell Valley" area.

In the next two hours, Yang Fan walked all the pontoons, and then drove the sightseeing scooter back to the office building.

At the same time, Yang Fan also submitted a proposal to hold a Halloween event from October 29th to October 31st through the system, although the task requirement of an average of 10,000 tourists per day was impossible to complete.

The next day, news about the opening of the floating bridge and floating island and the "Halloween Event of Shendong Amusement Park and Closing Ceremony of the Amusement Park" were uploaded on the Internet.

Just a few days before Halloween, the voice that Yang Fan was most looking forward to finally appeared.

[Congratulations to the host, the construction of the Ferris wheel is completed]

[Please host rename the Ferris wheel]

[Note: Name cannot be modified within three years after naming, please be careful in naming]

Immediately afterwards, the name information panel of the Ferris wheel popped up and prompted "Please modify the facility name."

Yang Fan was not surprised by this requirement of the system. Even if the system didn't tell him, he still planned to change the name of the Ferris wheel.

He entered the name he had been thinking about for a long time on the Ferris wheel panel - Shen Dong's Eye.

[Modification successful, do you want to view facility information?]


Facility name: Shen Dong Eye

Facility status: Not activated

Power system: normal

Capacity: 40*10

Thrilling index: 5~40

Detailed description: In normal (disc) mode, the height is 100 meters. The cockpit travels a distance of about 270 meters. There are 40 cabins, each cabin can accommodate up to 10 people.

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