City: I can evolve animals crazily
Chapter 580: A Part of Life
Chapter 580: A Part of Life
And for him, something that he wanted to drink was part of their lives, and was already an indispensable part, so he didn't want anything to happen in Dongfang silently.
This matter is not positive for him, the impact is more important, and more importantly, in his opinion, he can use the hands of the free Songmu to let the brothers team up, and he has a certain understanding of his strength.
In other words, it is understandable for him to have an egg, because many things are convenient. For him, it is not just a so-called personal problem.
What's more important is that he has to find ways to change this matter anyway. There are more people involved, so there is no such thing as a turning back arrow for him.
Therefore, regarding his matter, he no matter what he said on the reinforcement, look at the outside, and it is a bit like the toilet shows that many people can't participate in it at all.
So he has to make a corresponding situation about this matter no matter what, and because of the current form and change, many people do not participate in it, so he has to participate in this matter anyway.
Let more people participate and let more people understand that whether it is Dongfang Silent or Chen Feng, these people don’t remember the object, even if he cares about it.
But it does not mean that he can admit and punish inferiority, and in this situation, this form is an unstoppable situation for most of them.
So for him, this matter is not just a one-sided personal problem, but more importantly, it belongs to a growth stage.
There is no turning back arrow at all in this matter. It can be said that this matter is not that you are taking the lead. More importantly, this matter is from beginning to end. For them, this is an unknown coefficient, many Things for them,
Who knows this, and there are more people involved before now. It can be said that this matter is impossible for most of them. For them, this matter is not only related to wider areas,
And most things are a difficulty coefficient for them. Many things and many aspects are unknown to them. This unknown coefficient is not only relatively high, but more importantly, the matter is from the beginning to the beginning. For them, the tail is a relatively high degree of difficulty, and many people can't help this matter. Recently, things have become everyone's habit over time.
...... Seeking flowers 0.
In the future, all of this will be impossible in their eyes, and there are more people involved in this matter, so many times for them, these things are a unilateral personal problem, and more importantly these things. From beginning to end,
This is because it is impossible for people to participate in it, even if it is in the current form, or they are usually scared, but for most of them, this has already been a surprise. For them, many things,
It is no longer just a one-sided personal issue. What's more important is that for them, they are used to c and the process is natural, because for them, Father's Day is a unilateral personal issue. -.
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