The king of the country, the king of the country.

"Lord God, your proposal is very good! I, Tang Houde of the Chinese Union, am the first to support you to become the king of a certain region! From now on, I, Tang Houde, will be at your disposal!" The president of the Chinese Union was the first to jump out and express his position.

"Me too!" The president of the migrant workers' union, who was preempted, also hurriedly stood up to express his position.

Other forces also spoke up, expressing their support and other remarks.

For a time, the various forces that were originally uncertain about their positions became surprisingly consistent in their words and deeds.

They all called Lord God.

Li Yu was very satisfied with this.

He didn't have much time to deal with these people slowly.

If it weren't for the fact that ruling these regions required the cooperation of these people, it would not be a bad idea to kill them all as virtue points.

But he knew that if he really did this, the mess he would leave behind would probably keep him busy to death.

Liu Junya alone could not manage a certain area without any order.

Only by keeping these people and letting them surrender unconditionally can all the forces of this certain area be coordinated as quickly as possible.

It is also convenient to deal with the stay or departure of those piglets who were deceived to the park.

"From now on, Liu Junya is my spokesperson. You must listen to her command unconditionally in the future!" Next, Li Yu directly instructed everyone and established Liu Junya's status.

Naturally, everyone did not dare to have any opinions.

"Okay, leave your contact information to Liu Junya, and listen to her arrangements for some subsequent matters. The meeting is adjourned." After saying that, Li Yu took off the black robe in full view of everyone.

Then he disappeared.

Everyone looked at each other, staring at the direction where Li Yu was, making sure that there was no figure under the black robe there, and their hearts were filled with shock.

This god just disappeared like this?

"God, Lord God?" Someone called out softly, not believing in evil.

There was no response from the surroundings.

Liu Junya said lightly: "Lord God has left."

Really left! ?

Everyone's face was full of disbelief.

They just felt that their worldview was overturned.

Although they were mentally prepared before and had watched some video materials.

They knew that God was not simple.

Perhaps there were some means that they didn't know or hadn't seen.

However, seeing it in real life and understanding it through the video were completely different feelings.

Disappearing directly out of thin air, this elusive means.

It is definitely not something that mortals can have.

It is definitely not something that some technological means in today's society can do!

It seems that this person is really a god? !

Originally, these people were atheists. After all, how could people who could make a name for themselves in this place believe in those gods and ghosts?

However, the reality forced them to believe.

God really exists in this world!

And now, this god has descended upon them!

Everyone was filled with fear.

They were thinking about how many sins they had committed in their lives.

Will the Lord God punish them?

In the future, should they be more restrained?

Should they do good deeds to avoid going to hell after death?

When atheism dominates a society, people's evil thoughts will be released to the maximum.

In reality, countless evil people and evil deeds emerge in an endless stream.

But when there are gods.

The saying that there are gods above your head will not become an empty talk.

This undoubtedly brings great deterrence to the evil people.

The purpose of Li Yu's meeting is not only to establish his own god's personality and the foundation for Liu Junya to rule a certain area in the future.

This move also declares his existence to the world.

Deter all forces in the world.

Let those forces standing at the top of the world no longer dare to rule and harvest leeks with a high-handed attitude.

Even more dare not easily extend their claws to the southern region where they are.

. . . .

Not long after the meeting ended and the crowd dispersed.

What happened in this meeting was actually spread out crazily in the form of video.

A certain area, as well as the entire southern area outside a certain area, were swept by these videos almost overnight.

Almost everyone got this first-hand video material.

Those people sent by neighboring countries to explore the forces also sent this first-hand video material back to their own countries.

The information was presented to the heads of various countries and forces.


"Precision-guided weapons, huge biological monsters, and the magical ability to disappear out of thin air!"

"What kind of existence is this god? Is he really a god?"

"Is this world going to change?"

The leaders of major countries and forces were completely sleepless that night.

Because they knew that the power system they had maintained for a long time would face an extremely huge challenge at the moment when the god appeared.

At home.

Dragon Soul No. 0 held a video conference with the Dragon Guards overnight.

The content only had two sentences:

"Completely clean the Internet! Prohibit the spread of all videos related to gods!"

"If necessary, block the domestic network! Close the country!"

The Dragon Guards knew that the world had changed!

Although they knew that blocking the news and fooling the masses was just a delaying tactic for now.

The news would be exposed sooner or later.

After all, it was already spreading like crazy abroad at this time.

Across the sea, at the gate of a palace in a superpower, the crowd surrounded it overnight.

These people shouted for the truth, for explanations, and asked the master of a certain palace to investigate whether the gods really existed.

Although all this did not happen in their territory, the people were indescribably excited, expectant, and crazy after learning about the existence of the gods.

It was unstoppable.

They urgently needed to get news about the gods and find where the gods were.

As for what they wanted to do after finding them, worship? Follow? Pray? Make a wish?

That was unknown.

In the hall of a certain palace.

When the people gathered at the gate of a certain palace.

The master of the palace and the senators were having a heated discussion. They looked solemn and the atmosphere was depressing.

The topic of discussion was naturally about the gods.

Because of the news obtained through various information channels in the past two days, as well as those videos.

They have almost confirmed the fact that the gods really exist.

So, what needs to be discussed now is how to treat this so-called god.

Is it to win over or to be hostile?

The answer is obvious.

For these people who are used to being high and mighty.

The appearance of a god means that their status will be greatly threatened.

Therefore, the result of the meeting is no surprise.

Most people said that they would wait and see first, then test, and then find an opportunity to destroy this god!

In the end, the tone of the meeting was set, and the Palace Master made the final decision: "From now on, we will announce our investigation results to the outside world, saying that this god should be a person with superpowers, and then post some news reports about other people with superpowers to help spread public opinion, and define the identity of the god as superpowers. Let the people not blindly follow the trend, and stabilize the public's emotions!"

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