Chapter 202 Two Suns?! Evolve! Sorgarreo!!

When the white light dissipated, Cosmos appeared in front of Gu Yu’s eyes.

Cosmosm resembles an eye.

Cosmos consists of a three-tiered structure: the core of the most layered layers.

The middle layer, which resembles a nebula, and the outermost layer of a shell made up of nine yellow objects.

The upper half of the core has a very thin blue line in the middle and on both sides, while the lower half is a pink line.

Evolutionary Cosmosm gains weight rapidly.

Becomes 1 ton weight.

This weight, anyway, Gu Yu is definitely sleepy.

Fortunately, even after evolution, Cosmosm can still fly.

【Cosmos (Super Power)】



[Characteristics: Sturdy (Even if attacked by the opponent’s moves, it will be knocked down by a single blow.) The one-hit kill move also has no effect)]

【Character Talent: Cheerful (+ Speed, One Special Attack)】

【Body Value: HP(31), Attack (31), Defense (31), Special Attack (31), Special Defense (31), Speed (31)】

【Skill: Teleportation, Cosmic Power】

【Carrying: None】

【Potential: God】

Looking at Cosmoum’s information, Gu Yu said to himself, “As I thought, there is only one step left to evolve!” ”

In the game of Cosmosom, it evolves into different forms according to the version of the game and the reasons for the sooner or later.

In the solar version the daytime evolved into Solgareo, and in the bright moon version the night evolved into Lunayala.

Gu Yu would naturally let Cosmom evolve now.

A first-level god evolves, who knows how much movement will be made?

There was a pile of ore in the courtyard of the villa, and many people had noticed that Gu Yu had speculated whether Gu Yu had raised a Bosco Dora or a Bangira.

This is the vision of what the world changes and the white rainbow after the evolution of Cosmosm.

Gu Yu felt that the next trouble would definitely come to an end.

And he also wants to keep some hole cards for himself.

After a brief inspection of Kosmoom, Gu Yu immediately fell asleep on December 26.

At 5 a.m., the sun had just risen.

Villa area, Villa 23.

Gu Yu was still asleep at this time.

To the left of the pillow is the fairy elf.

The sleeping fairy elf wrapped its ribbon-like tentacles around Gu Yu’s left arm.

Below the fairy elves is Gera Ola.

The wind speed dog was lying on the side of Gu Yu’s bed.

The field where the young Kiras incubator was originally placed, has become a place where Leo Lu sleeps.

Above, Leo Road is Kosmom and Ghost floating in mid-air.

Young Kiras had moved to the mine in front of the courtyard and became neighbors with the Kirby Beast and the Monarch Serpent.

Menas and Sticky Meilong slept in the pool.

Pockies occupied the living room downstairs.

Jingle Bells!

With the ringing of the mobile phone, Gu Yu woke up from sleep.

After preparing food for the elves, after a simple wash, I ate a loaf of bread.

Let the monarch snake and the Kirby beast take good care of the house, and then Gu Yu rode Pokkis straight to the secret place of Qiandao Lake.


In the blue water of the lake, water elves such as tongue shells, mosquito coil tadpoles, and stupid beasts are playing and frolicking.

Strike! Strike! Strike!

The fields of the lake, birds such as finches and bibi birds hover.

Everything seems so beautiful, natural, peaceful.

As for the scene in front of him, Gu Yu was not in the mood to appreciate it.

Ride Pokékés straight to the undeveloped area.

After coming down a small island full of trees, Gu Yu motioned for Pokkis to land.

After landing on the ground, Gu Yu released all his elves.

Wind Speed Dog, Menas, Sticky Dragon, Terra Ola and Cosmosom.

Then Gu Yu took out a fist-sized cyan round crystal and placed it in front of Cosmoum.

“Absorb the cosmic power inside and evolve!” Cosmosm! ”

“Whether you want to evolve into Solgareo or Lunayala is up to you!”

Gu Yu has always obeyed the wishes of the elven body for the evolution of the elf.

An introduction to Solgarreo in the game gallery.

Since the ancient Tian Dynasty, Solgarreo has been worshipped as the messenger of the sun.

The ancients called it the “beast that devours the sun” with a reverent heart.

There is Moin’s energy in the body, and he will release the light while running.

It has a wide stretch of mane and a posture like the sun.

An introduction to Lunayala in the game Illustrated Field.

Since ancient times, Lunayala has been worshipped as the messenger of the moon, and the ancients called it “the beast that invites the moon” with a reverential heart.

Absorbing light at any time and converting it into energy.

Its outward wings draw in the surrounding light.

It radiates like a crescent moon, and its posture is like a brilliant night sky.

No matter which one it evolves into, the strength is extremely strong!

As the cyan light emerged, Cosmosm began to absorb the cosmic power in the crystal.

【Ding! Cosmos absorbs the crystals of Diochsias and gains a lot of experience points! 】

【Ding! Cosmosm upgraded level 50! 】

【Ding! Cosmosm upgraded to level 51! 】

【Ding! Cosmosm upgrades level 52! 】


Candice had woken up from her slumber.

At this point, she makes a video call.

The object is none other than the Inbishop Anubis of the Divine Organization!

“Akatsuki, it’s been long enough!” Haven’t you taken down Gu Yu yet? ”

“I still need some time, Zhejiang Da Xia Pengyu’s strength is very strong, I am not sure about forcibly taking Gu Yu away from him!”

Candice spoke with a hint of jealousy.

Anubis nodded, “Xia Pengyu has a quasi-god in hand, if it weren’t for Lin Yan’s strength being too strong, he would already be the Heavenly King of the Dragon Kingdom, a trainer of the pattern, it is normal for you to be careful!” ”

As soon as the conversation turned, Anubis’s eyes appeared a hint of fierceness and madness!

“If Zhejiang University is not good at starting, then we will start in Hai Province!”

“Gu Yu will participate in the Qualifiers for the Tianwang Challenge to be held in Hai Province in June next year.”

“In a game like that, Gu Yu will inevitably be trapped and left behind, and even Terra Ola will be sent.”

“When Gu Yu’s elves are seriously injured, my chance will come!”

Candice’s pupils suddenly shrunk, and the expression on her face instantly froze!

It didn’t occur to her that Anubis was so crazy!

Straight to the Sleepy Dragon Kingdom King Challenge Qualifiers!

“This is a really good opportunity, the Gera Aura is so fast, even if I try to catch the Gera Aura, I will lose my hand!”

“It’s just that if we were to do it in the King Challenge qualifiers, we would face so many strong trainers…”

Before Candice could finish speaking, she was interrupted directly by Anubis.

“We need to fight against so much training, our goal is just Gu Yu.”

“I will let Chuck and them lead someone to stop the trainers of the Dragon Kingdom, and when the time comes, you and I should cooperate inside and outside, and Gu Yu will not have any resistance at all!”

“Of course the worst is the plan!”

“Gu Yu is a genius, such a genius trainer, if he can be included in the Divine Organization Armor is the best choice!”

“I understand, during this time I will do my best to get Gu Yu done!”


The secret of Qiandao Lake, not a development zone.

The entire undeveloped area has been covered by dazzling white light.

In the dazzling white light, the silhouette of Cosmosm continued to expand, eventually exceeding three meters.

The white light had not yet dissipated, and an incomparably terrifying breath emanated from the white light.





Affected by the breath of the title, the elves of the undeveloped area shouted in horror, and then rushed to escape the undeveloped area!


Gu Yu and the elves, cracks appeared in the land of the island they were trapped in.


In the next instant, the island seemed to withstand the terrible force that trapped Sorgareo, and suddenly sank directly!

The height of the lake is instantly more than ten meters above the height of the island.

A huge amount of lake water was about to pour down directly from the top of Gu Yu and the elves!

Just then, a loud roar sounded.


Something strange happened, and time seemed to stop for a moment.

All the lake water is motionless and does not tilt from above the island.

And even more bizarre things have happened.

With a bang, the island kept shaking at the same time, and then began to rise slowly.

After the fallen island returns to its original position.

The original dazzling white light once again burst out into an even more dazzling light!

As if it were a round of white sun, the entire secret realm of Qiandao Lake was shrouded in an instant.

Countless trainers who came to the secret realm of Qiandao Lake to explore and rent and collect elves were stunned by the sight in front of them!

“Sleeper! I read that right! How two suns appeared! ”

“You read that right, I saw two suns too!” What’s going on here?! ”

“How my kami turtle is trembling, what is the source of this white light?”

“The white light is beginning to dissipate! Hurry up and take a look at it and say what a treasure it is! ”


As the white light gradually dissipated, Gu Yu also appeared in front of his eyes after the evolution of Kosmom, the ‘sun god’ Solgareo!

Solgareo is nearly four meters long.

It has a shape similar to a lion field, and the overall shape is white.

Has a blue-gray nose and pale blue eyes.

The upper part of the face is a dark blue area that shows the stars of the sleepy changes.

The four golden spikes on the top of Sorgareo’s head resemble a crown, while the other two pairs of spikes adorn the sides of his jaw and separate the sun-shaped mane by clusters.

There is a dark orange ring on the ankle, and the middle area of the foot is set with black diamond-shaped gemstones.

After the evolution of Sorgareo, just standing there exuded an incomparably terrifying momentum!


The wind speed dog looked at Solgareo with a confused face.

It seems that I can’t believe that after Cosmosm evolved, how could it be so powerful!


Solgareo yelled, seemingly blocking the wind dog.

Then he stepped forward to Gu Yu’s body, a pair of large eyes stared at Gu Yu deadly, and the field of eyes was full of evolutionary joy!


“Hello! Sorgarreo! ”

While gardening, Gu Yu stroked Solgareo’s sun-shaped mane, checking out Solgareo’s information.

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