Chapter 200 The Shocked Crowd! Ye Mengyao’s gift! Sprinkle dog food!!

At this time, the tall Candice was wearing a long purple dress, revealing a delicate collarbone.

With the red hair of the field, a sense of demon rule emerged.

The beautiful face is enough to charm the smiles of countless men, plus a pair of eyes full of charm.

The current Candice is a glamorous and fascinating demon!

Every smile exudes an amazing charm!

The eyes of countless people at the scene were attracted by Candice.

Even Ye Mengyao recognized the frown: “This woman is really a natural fox charmer!” ”

It is not that Ye Mengyao is still beautiful, but Ye Mengyao and Candice are two completely different women.

Ye Mengyao faced outsiders, and the high cold was like an iceberg.

Consider the age of the fallen leaf Mengyao.

Now she does still have a sense of youthfulness.

And Candice exudes the charm of a mature woman!

Then Ye Mengyao looked at Gu Yu worriedly and whispered in Gu Yu’s ear.

“Be careful, don’t let this fox seduced the soul away!”

“Rest assured.”

Gu Yu’s voice was calm.

He is not a fool, and he knows that the other party is plotting against him, so naturally he cannot be defenseless.

At this time, Candice also found Gu Yu in the crowd.

With a smile on his face, he walked directly towards Gu Yu.

Before he could walk up to Gu Yu, Candice’s voice rang out.

“Gu Yu thank you for coming to the Christmas dinner party today!”

“In the words of the Dragon Kingdom, Gu Yu, your arrival will make the Tuchang dinner party shine!”

“Teacher Candice is very kind!”

Gu Yu’s voice was very calm, and he did not want to be happy because of Candice’s words.

Candice turned her eyes to Ye Mengyao and praised, “Classmate Ye is really beautiful today!” ”

“The future will be as beautiful as the teacher!”

As she spoke, Candice’s upper body stood tall, making the originally towering twin peaks seem to look more majestic.

Ye Mengyao heard Candice’s words, and a trace of anger appeared in her eyes.

Although those words just now seemed to praise Ye Mengyao.

But he was actually telling Gu Yu.

Ye Mengyao was a young girl.

“I believe that I will definitely be more beautiful than Candice in the future!” After all, I’m still young! ”

Ye Mengyao deliberately accentuated the tone of the two words of youth.

It means telling Candice that you are an old woman.


The most sleepy thing is age!

Candice, although she looks very young, is 28 years old and will be 29 years old by the end of the year.

Can garden is already Ben San’s woman.

Hearing Ye Mengyao’s words, the smile on his face instantly froze.

The two women looked at each other, and they all looked at the anger in each other’s eyes!

At this moment, Xia Pengyu’s voice sounded from the radio.

“It’s six o’clock in the morning!” The Christmas Dinner Party has officially begun! ”

“First of all, let’s welcome the exchange student classmates from the University of Melbourne with applause but!”


Inside the Aoyama Gymnasium, the instant applause sounded like a tide!

When the applause fell, Xia Pengyu’s voice sounded again.

“Next, please exchange students, go forward to receive Christmas gifts prepared by the school for everyone!”

The gifts prepared by Zhejiang University for exchange students, how luxurious it may be to be naturally sleepy.

One red and white elf ball for each person.

Compared with the average fairy ball, there is an extra line of Merry Christmas English.

Candice looked at Ye Mengyao in front of her, a proud smile appeared on her face, and her voice began to provoke.

“Classmate Ye, did you prepare a Shitu gift for Gu Yu today?”

“Teacher, today is a big gift for Ye Classmate!”

The more she looked at Candice in front of her, the more Ye Mengyao felt annoyed!

“I also prepared a precious gift for Gu Yu, but I believe that Teacher Candice is definitely more precious than the gift I prepared for Gu Yu!”

While speaking, Ye Mengyao handed the two gift boxes that had been prepared to Gu Yu and Shen Yuezhu.

“Open it and see, I’ve got a gift for you!”

Shen Yuezhu did not hesitate and took the lead in opening his gift box.

A golden yellow gemstone caught Shen Yuezhu’s eyes.

A golden yellow gemstone with a red flame pattern on the top.

It is the Stone of Fire!

Shen Yuezhu, because he was a breeder professional, helped Gu Yu and Ye Mengyao take care of the elves in normal years.

Currently there are only two elves, the chrysanthemum leaf and the six tails.

Six Tails needed the Fire Stone to evolve into Nine Tails.

Don’t look at a Fire Stone, for Gu Yu now, it really counts as something.

But even a stone of fire needs a million.

For the average family, it is definitely a huge amount of money!

Several students on the side of the students saw the gift sent by Vice Ye Mengyao and immediately began to discuss.

“I read that right! A fire stone?! ”

“You read that right! It really is a stone of fire! ”

“What kind of family is Ye Mengyao, send the Fire Stone directly, you must know that even the cheapest Fire Stone is equivalent to a Porsche!”


Several people did not lower their voices, and in an instant, most of the people at the dinner party knew that Ye Mengyao had given Shen Yuezhu a Fire Stone.

One by one, they were either surprised, or surprised, or envious looked at Ye Mengyao.

In the face of everyone’s gaze, Ye Mengyao continued to speak: “Figure a Ultimate Fire Stone, I hope that Yuezhu you can like it!” ”

Need for Fire Stones!

As Ye Mengyao’s voice fell, the Christmas dinner party instantly fell into a dead silence!

Moments later, the entire Christmas dinner party is instantly frying pan!

“Sleeper! Need for the Stone of Fire! Tens of millions of props said to send it?! ”

“What kind of family is this?!” There is also a quasi-god, and the long one is still beautiful! I declare that Ye Mengyao is my goddess from today onwards! ”

“Don’t say it! Brother, your goddess is already someone else’s girlfriend! I envy Gu Yu now! ”


When Xia Pengyu saw this scene, the expression on his face did not change at all, but there was only a trace of curiosity in his eyes.

Others know Ye Mengyao’s identity, can he not know?

“I am a little curious about Shen Yuezhu’s generous hand, the gift she prepared for Gu Yu!”

Listen to the voices of the people in the garden, and be watched by the eyes of the people.

Shen Yuezhu’s face was full of surprise, and she did not expect that the gift sent by Ye Mengyao was so precious!

“Mengyao, this gift is too expensive for me to accept!”

Ye Mengyao shook his head, “Compared to your help to me and Gu Yu, a trapped gift is nothing, so just accept it!” ”

“Well, then!”

Shen Yuezhu finally accepted the Ultimate Fire Stone.

Candice, who was on the side, saw this scene, the expression on her face was very calm, but there was a trace of solemnity in the field of her eyes.

“Worthy of being the daughter of the Dragon Kingdom Heavenly King, she will casually send out a piece of the best fire stone.”

“I prepared a piece of charcoal for Gu Yu as a Christmas gift, and her congress also prepared a secret treasure for Gu Yu, right?”

While thinking, Candice turned her eyes to Gu Yu’s gift box.

Gu Yu also opened the gift box at this time.

A fist-sized pink diamond lies quietly in the gift box.

It is the Goblin Gem of the Secret Treasure!

[Goblin Gems: When carried, the power of Goblin Attributes’ moves increases. 】

In this field, Ye Mengyao’s voice also sounded.

“This is the Goblin Gem, Gu Yu, I hope you can enjoy this gift!”

Ye Mengyao’s voice was not sleepy, but it fell with her voice.

The entire Aoyama Stadium instantly fell into a dead silence, and everyone’s mouths were wide open, their eyes were sluggish, and their faces were full of incredulity!

After a brief dead silence, the shocked chatter shattered the dead silence!

“Sleeper! Ye Mengyao’s gift is the secret treasure of the goblin system! Goblin Gems! ”

“This is the first time I’ve seen a secret treasure in reality!” Didn’t think it was just a gift from someone else! ”

“What kind of family?!” Ten million of the best fire stones, fifty or sixty million of secret treasures said to send it! ”

“Don’t say it! I want to be quiet, where is the difference between me and Gu Yudi? Why didn’t I give the secret treasure as a gift?! ”

“Brother, although I am very envious, even jealous of Gu Yu, you look far worse than Gu Yu, not to mention your strength is poor!”


When Xia Pengyu saw the scene, there was also a flash of surprise in his eyes.

“It should be said that she is really worthy of being the daughter of the Heavenly King?”

“With this skill, many Heavenly King-level trainers have also taken out such gifts!”

The price of a secret treasure is generally 50 million to 60 million.

This price is affordable for Xia Pengyu, but it will not be too easy.

Many Heavenly King-level trainers have total assets of more than one billion yuan and more than two billion yuan.

But buying a secret treasure is also a physical pain for them.

Many people distinguish between the concept of group liquidation assets and cash.

An asset is the sum of all possessions such as a property, a car, a share, etc.

But a lot of things can’t be sold.

Like the house.

Fangtian sold where do you live?

Fifty million dollars is a huge amount of money for many companies with a market value of one billion.

After all, for some companies, the so-called market value is only a valuation.

If the company’s shares are not cashed out, they will always be a valuation.

But cash is really real!

Looking at the goblin gem in his hand, Gu Yu once again felt the sweetness of the soft rice!

“Thank you for the gift! Mengyao! ”

“Gu Yu! As long as you like! ”

Ye Mengyao smiled at the corner of his mouth and stared at Gu Yu.

The two looked at each other, and both saw the love of the eyes of the field.

Seeing the two unscrupulously sprinkling sugar, the single dog at the dinner party instantly felt fed a mouthful of dog food!

“Damn! I obviously haven’t eaten anything, but why do I feel full? ”

“This damn love! I didn’t know what to say except envy?! ”

“Why are all good things Gu Yu’s!” The champion is Gu Yu’s, the Divine Beast is Gu Yu’s, and even the most beautiful Meitian in the school is Gu Yu’s! ”


Seeing the scene of the question, Candice had a look of solemnity on her face and a look of hesitation in her eyes.

“The charcoal I prepared is not much different in value from the goblin gems.”

“But the market price is one or two million lower than my goblin gems.”

“If I give charcoal to Gu Yu, it means that I am being crushed by Ye Mengyao.”

“The props I brought with me in front of me are only worth more than charcoal, if given to Gu Yu…”

After sprinkling sugar with Gu Yu, Ye Mengyao looked at Candice on the side, with a hint of defiance in her voice.

“Does the group know what gifts Teacher Candice has prepared for Gu Yu?”

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