Chapter 196 Akatsuki’s Desire! Young Kiras was born!!

November 15.

A message spread throughout Zhejiang University.

In order to help Gu Yu advance to the quarterfinals in the Tianwang Challenge qualifiers.

Xia Pengyu, head of the professional department of trainers, will conduct duel training with Gu Yu at the Qingshan Gymnasium.

Teachers and students of Zhejiang University can go to see it for free.

Who is Xia Pengyu?

When I was young, I won the runner-up of the King of Heaven Challenge!

If it weren’t for the loss to the current Heavenly King Lin Yan, Xia Pengyu would be the current Heavenly King of the Dragon Kingdom!

Such a trainer, the opponent is Gu Yu, who is now in the limelight.

Who’s expecting that?

Countless students poured into the Qingshan Gymnasium, waiting for Gu Yu and Xia Pengyu to train in battle!

Inside the lounge.

Listen to the ‘rumbling’ footsteps outside the circle.

Ye Mengyao looked at Gu Yu doubtfully, who was preparing to appear.

“Gu Yu, didn’t you train with Teacher Xia before, how did you fight such a big battle this time?”

“Teacher Xia said that he wanted the Injia family to learn some fighting skills, so he set up the training site at the Qingshan Gymnasium.”

Gu Yu could only make up a picture excuse.

This is Xia Pengyu’s second method.

Lead the snake field cave!

Previously, because Gu Yu went to collect the Daoist Hall badge.

Candice saw that Gu Yu was naturally not good at starting, or carried out the next step plan, now Gu Yu fought with Xia Pengyu, and took the initiative to expose himself to the rough Candice in front of his eyes.

In the field of battle, elves will inevitably be injured or even unconscious.

If Gu Yu’s main elf is injured, he will not be able to fight.

Will Candice feel the opportunity has come?

This was the second method that Xia Pengyu consulted with Gu Yu.

Deliberately show weakness, and then lead the snake field cave.

Gu Yu originally did not want to agree, after all, he was also taking a certain risk.

But you can also let the enemy be around.

In the end, Gu Yu agreed to Xia Pengyu’s plan two.

And in order to expose the full strength.

Gu Yu would only send out Wind Speed Dogs and Pokkis, two Heavenly King-level elves.

Menas, Sticky Dragon, and Terra Ola will all appear.

There are three King-level elves, plus the teleportation of Kosmogu.

Even Yuan Hanhai, it was difficult to personally take down Gu Yu.

And what about Candice?

After all, the three King-level elves joined forces, because it was possible that Cosmogu would not be able to gain time to perform teleportation.

Therefore, Gu Yu was still at ease with his own safety!

Seeing that the time was almost up, Gu Yu walked out of the lounge.

The Immortal Spirit followed closely behind and left with Gu Yu.

When Gu Yu appeared on the scene, the cheers in the Qingshan Stadium instantly sounded like a tide!

Listening to the cheers at the scene, Gu Yu also smiled and waved.

Candice, who was sitting in the first row, saw this scene and a trace of emotion flashed in her eyes.

“It’s dazzling!”

Since it was only a training match, not an official match, Gu Yu and Xia Pengyu started the game directly on the rock field, and the two sides directly sent out elves to face themselves.

Wind speed dog!

Fire-breathing dragons!

Xia Pengyu’s fire-breathing dragon was one of his initial elves, and his strength was very strong.

【Fire-breathing dragon (fire) (flight)】



[Characteristics: Fire (When the HP decreases, the power of the fire attribute’s move will increase)]

【Personality Talent: Introverted (+ Special Attack, – Attack)]

【Body Strength: HP(31), Attack (31), Defense (31), Special Attack (31), Special Defense (26), Speed (31)】

[Skills: Air chopping, grasping, shouting, digging holes, sparks, smoke screens, hot winds, dragon claws, dragon breath, flame teeth, splitting, jetting flames, ghost faces, flame vortexes, purgatory, flashing flames, million tons of heavy punches, flame fists, lightning fists, sword dances, flying, million tons of heavy kicks, Tarzan crushing the top, destroying dead light, earth throwing, earthquake, guarding, high-speed stars, steel wings, charming, iron tail, sleeping, dreaming, snoring, because of sunny days, hot wind, ghost fire, split tiles, flame kicks, meteorological balls, rock blockade, dragon dance, dragon waves, True Air Bomb, Shadow Claw, Ultimate Impact, High Temperature Pressure, Wide Area Destruction, Explosive Flames, Wings, Clear Fog, Poison, Reward, Awakening Power, Shadow Twin]

【Carrying: Charcoal】

【Potential: Heavenly King】

From only the fire-breathing dragon, you can see Xia Pengyu’s horror!

After all, the wind speed dog only needs level 61, even if it has the characteristics of ignition, it is very difficult to face the hoarding of the fire-breathing dragon.

After all, in addition to fire skills, fire-breathing dragons also have skills from other systems.

However, the drama should be done in its entirety.

Gu Yu commanded the wind speed dog and fought various ‘big battles’ with the fire-breathing dragon.

Played for more than 4 minutes, and finally the wind speed dog trapped the enemy.

Then Gu Yu replaced Pokékys.

“Pokkis! Quickly! ”


Pokékis screamed and rushed towards the wind dog!

Feeling the powerful momentum coming from Pokkis’s body, Candice’s eyes were full of surprise, and there was a hint of surprise in the circle.

At the same time, he secretly rejoiced: “Fortunately, after coming to Zhejiang University, I did not directly choose to take a shot at Gu Yu, I did not expect that Gu Yu would even be the second Heavenly King-level elf!” ”

“At the age of 19, there are two Heavenly King-level elves, such a talent, such strength, it is really strong and terrible!”

“Give Gu Yu time, he will not say that he is a heavenly king in the future, even if he is a champion!”

“If I can subdue Gu Yu, wait for him to grow up, the position of archbishop…”

Thinking of the smoke, Candice’s fiery gaze stared at Gu Yu on the field, and her face was full of longing!

She longs for Gu Yu!

Eager to let Gu Yu become her helper!

In the following days, Gu Yu was basically a three-point and one-line life classroom every day, Qingshan Stadium Villa.

The time flickered to November 22nd.

During this time, Candice took the initiative to chat with Gu Yu when she was sleepy, discussed the problem of elves with Gu Yu, and wanted to ask Gu Yu to go out to play.

It is indeed very normal to behave.

Even Xia Pengyu once felt that his judgment was wrong.

“Gu Yu, did I misjudge before?”

“Candice is a teacher at the University of Melbourne, maybe the University of Melbourne or she herself wants to know the secrets of the Divine Beast, so she will deliberately approach you, but a member of the God Organization?”

“Wait a little longer!”

Gu Yu still felt that Candice was a member of the Divine Organization.

Anyone who has ever fished knows that the most important thing to fish for is patience.

Candice may still feel the time is ripe.

“Unfortunately, my waveguide power is not strong enough to perceive the malice of others, and the matter of reunion may not be so troublesome.”

“The cultivation of waveguides must be put on the agenda!”

Gu Yu thought to himself.

Although Gu Yu had obtained the power of a waveguide, the time was only half a year.

At present, it is also the perception and reconnaissance of the surrounding terrain.

It is impossible to perceive the malice or goodwill of the other party.

More group with the use of telepathy with elves, and even the expected hand rub missile!

Time flies by day and a flash has come to December 10th.

During this time…

Wind Speed Dogs, Menas Pokkékys each ascended by 1 level.

Sticky Beauty and Terra Ola were forcibly promoted by the power of the Divine Beast.

Gu Yu spent more time training the two elves and mastering the power of the surge.

The location is naturally the undeveloped area selected in the secret place of Qiandao Lake.

Both the Monarch Serpent and the Kirby Beast are upgraded to level 49.

The fairy elves were upgraded to level 39, and they were only one step away from the quasi-king.

Ghost upgrades to level 20.

Leo Road upgraded down level 17.

Skills learning aspect.

Wind Speed Dogs learn the Waves of Dragons (which can indeed be learned in the game).

Menas learned to surround the snowstorm.

Kirby Beast Learning to Chop Tiles.

Pockies learned to surround the wings.

Terra Aura learns a million tons of heavy punches, wave missiles.

Sticky Meilong learns yang quake, highly toxic.

Monarch Snake learns photosynthesis, seed bomb.

Fairy elves learn to hold on, mentally strong, spiritual shock.

Leo Lu learns to kick down, earthquake, move at high speed.

Ghost learns to scourge Pi alone, raid, venom shock.

During this time, Gu Yu’s elves had improved in terms of strength.

But the feeling for Gu Yu was one.


Due to the large number of elves, plus the addition of Zhengjiela Ola, Sticky Meilong training to go to the secret realm of the undeveloped area.

If it was Ye Mengyao and Shen Yuezhu to help.

Gu Yu couldn’t be busy alone.


Gu Yu, who had just lay down and was ready to rest, heard the sound of his mobile phone ringing, picked it up and looked at it.

Discover that it was Candice.

“Candice: Gu Yu, the Zhejiang Conference is preparing for a Christmas dinner, so why don’t you come along?”

An important Christian holiday commemorating the birth of Jesus.

Also known as Jesus Christmas, the Lord’s Day of the Nativity, the Catholic Church is also known as the Christmas of Jesus.

Christmas sleeps foreign countries are very popular, on the day to give gifts, hold a feast, and with Santa Claus, Christmas tree and so on to add festive atmosphere, has become a common custom.

Considering that the exchange students were all from abroad, Zhejiang Dashi agreed to Candice to hold a Christmas dinner party.

During this time, Candice always wanted to ask Gu Yu to hang out together.

The result was naturally rejected by Gu Yu.

Before the regiment determined Candice’s identity, Gu Yu would not have too much contact with Candice at all.

Looking at the news of the circle Candice, Gu Yu thought.

“Is this going to be done?!” There is a possibility. ”

Then reply “I’ll think about it, I’ll go and attend if the face is empty.” ”

Seeing Gu Yu’s reply, Candice showed a proud smile at the corner of her mouth.

“The dinner starts at 6 p.m., and I’m sure you should have finished training at this time.”

“You are the brightest star of Zhejiang University, and if you are trapped in this dinner, you will eclipse this dinner!”

After sending the message, Candice hoarded very confidently.

“Dragon Kingdom is a country that pays attention to human feelings and sophistication, the organizer of the Christmas dinner is Zhejiang University, if Gu Yu is sleepy, what will the outside world think?”

“Even if there are no various rumors, what do the top management of Zhejiang University think? Gu Yu is not a fool, and may not give face to the top management of Zhejiang University! ”

A moment later, Candice received a reply from Gu Yu.

“I’ll take part when the time comes.”

Seeing Gu Yu’s news, Candice’s face was full of joy, and her eyes were even hotter!

“Gu Yu! I’ll take you under my command!” ”

December 11.

Early in the morning, the sun has just risen.

Gu Yu had woken up from a deep sleep.

Because, today is the day of the birth of Young Kiras!

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