Chapter 178: The Power of the Divine Beast! Reggie Locke Awakens!!


This was Gu Yu’s first impression of this cave.

At the entrance of the small cave, more than a dozen north-facing noses were resting.

The north-facing nose is a genie of rock attributes.

The main body circle is blue in color.

It has the appearance of a moai stone statue, and the large red nose is a powerful magnet and points to the north pole.

Feeling the terrible momentum of the wind speed of the dog’s body, the noses towards the north began to tremble.

Ignoring the nose to the north, Gu Yu rode on the wind speed dog and continued to advance.

Walk on bumpy and flat roads.

As he went deeper, Gu Yu felt as if he had come to a huge elf lair.

“North nose, rumbling rock, stone pills, even the moat dragon capital.”

The moat dragon although there is a dragon in the name.

But it is not the dragon elves, but the steel and rock elves.

The shape of the moat is very similar to that of the Triceratops, and the head looks like a shield is a relatively rare elven species.

Fortunately, the moat has a relatively gentle personality, and it is inevitable that it will be a big battle.

Passing through the territory of the Moat Dragon Clan, Gu Yu rode the wind speed dog to continue to advance.


In the dark cave, water droplets drip from the rock wall when sleepy.

The light of the flashlight illuminated Gu Yu’s way forward.

After 20 minutes.

Gu Yu finally came to the bottom of the cave.

The bottom of the cave was very empty, except for two raised orange rocks in the center looking at the orange rocks, and Gu Yu’s eyes immediately appeared with the information of Reggie Locke.

【Reggie Locke (Rock) (Sleeping)】

【Gender: No gender】


[Characteristics: Constant body (trapped will be reduced due to the opponent’s moves or characteristics)]

【Character Talent: Stubbornness (+ Attack, One Special Attack)】

【Body Value: HP(31), Attack (31), Defense (31), Special Attack (31), Special Defense (31), Speed (31)】

[Skills: Falling Rock, Recharging Beam, Heavy Stampede, Primitive Force, Stampede, Rock Collapse, Curse, Iron Wall, Arm Hammer, Sharp Stone Attack, Brute Force, Lock, Electromagnetic Cannon, Destruction of Dead Light, Due to Explosion, Million Ton Heavy Fist, Flame Fist, Frozen Fist, Thunder Fist, Million Million Ton Heavy Kick, Tarzan Pressure Top, 100,000 Volts, Electromagnetic Wave, Earthquake, Thunder, Digging Holes, Self-Explosion, Sleeping, Dreaming, Snoring, Guarding, Sandstorm, Hold On, Mysterious Guardianship, Because of Sunny Days, Hard Support, Sucking Fist, Splitting Tiles, Rock Blockade, Rock Blast, Earth Force, Cannon Light Cannon, Iron Head, Heavy Stomp, Punch, Heavy Shock, Ultimate Shock]

【Carrying: None】

【Potential: God】

Reggie Locke’s whole body is made of gray @ orange rock.

The front of the head has an “H” pattern consisting of seven orange dots.

There are two stout rock arms and two huge gray rocks in the hands.

The shoulders are made of huge and towering orange spiny rock, connected to the hands by several pieces of rubble.

The torso is a columnar rock with an uneven surface and two orange patches above the left chest and right leg.

The back is surrounded by three spikes of orange rock, arranged vertically.

The orange rock that Gu Yu saw was the orange thorny rock on Reggielock’s shoulder.

Taking the Stone of the Pillar King from his backpack, Gu Yu said, “Reggie Locke, I got the Stone of the Pillar King from Regichkas, and now I need your help spoon!” ”

After a few moments, a sound that was much different from the size of ordinary people’s voices sounded.

“Ray! Lucky! ”

Hearing the sound of the flue and seeing Reggie Lock’s message changed from ‘sleeping’ to ‘waking up’.

The corners of Gu Yu’s mouth also showed a smile.

There is Reggie Lock, in the Taklamakan Secret Realm except for the sleeping Gulado.

No other elf or human can pose a danger to themselves!

While thinking, Gu Yu began to wait for Reggie Locke to wake up from his deep sleep.

Yikes! Yikes! Yikes!

Just as Gu Yu was waiting for Reggie Locke to wake up, a dense horseshoe sound sounded.

In the next instant, a figure riding a fiery horse.

Appears at the bottom of the cave.

Seeing the information of the Blazing Horse, Gu Yu instantly knew that the enemy was coming!

【Blazing Horse (Fire)】



[Characteristics: Fire (when attacked by fire attribute moves, absorb flames, and your own fire attribute moves will become stronger)]

【Personality Talent: Impatience (+ Speed, – Defense)】

【Body Strengths: HP(31), Attack (31), Defense (28), Special Attack (31), Special Defense (31), Speed (31)]

[Skills: Slender Horn, Impact, Tail Shake, Cry, Spark, Electric Flash, Super Angle Strike, Poison Strike, Charge Flame Attack, High Speed Movement, Flame Wheel, Stampede, Flame Vortex, Inuyasha, Purgatory, Flaming Charge, Sword Dance, Tarzan Pressure Top, Spray Flame, Destroy Dead Light, High Speed Star, Stand-in, Hold, Hold On, Iron Tail, Sunny Day, Hot Wind, Ghost Fire, Overheat, Ultimate Impact, Crazy Volt, Magic Flame, 100,000 Horsepower, Straight Punch, Hell Spur, Frolic, Exchange Field, Daylight Blade】

【Carrying: Charcoal】

【Potential: Heavenly King】

With the help of the flames burning on the Flame Horse’s body, Gu Yu could clearly see the appearance of the comer.

A strong man wearing a storm jacket, a Chinese character face, and a large waist and round waist.

“It’s true that heaven has a way you can’t get out, and hell has no door to throw itself!”

“If it’s a secret place, you may still be able to escape by taking advantage of Pokéky.”

“But now in this cave, you just can’t escape with your wings!”

Listening to the words of the other party, Gu Yu opened his mouth calmly.

“Which force are you from?”

“It doesn’t hurt to tell you!”

“I am the Organization of God, because of the priesthood, Thunder Heavenly Fang!”

“Gu Yu, you are a freshman, no, for now, you should be a sophomore.”

“Let my God organize two groups of people and horses to intercept you back and forth, which is also enough to be proud!”

Although Lei Tianfang’s voice carried a hint of appreciation, his eyes were full of contempt.

As soon as the words fell, he directly reached for his right hand.

“Give me your Terra Ola!”

“You really think you’ve got me?”

Listening to Gu Yu’s words, Lei Tian showed a mocking look.

“Gu Yu, you don’t think you can beat me, do you?”

“The Wind Speed Dog is a good one that you have cultivated, but it is only a first-time Heavenly King-level elf.”

“And you don’t know what it means for God to organize the high priests?”

“A trainer with excellent strength in the Dragon Kingdom can win the Hakron Medal.”

“And a trainer of this level is only qualified to join the God Organization!”

“Only a quasi-Heavenly King-level trainer can become a sacrifice.”

“And the high priest can also put it another way, that is, the bishop candidate!”

“If it’s ten years, no, in five years, you may be able to become a Heavenly King-level trainer and can compete with me, but now it’s still far away!”

“The regiment must be stubborn and stubborn, otherwise you will die a miserable death!”

Thunder Tianfang’s voice was as cold as a blade, and with its cold killing intent, it seemed to be a devil from hell.

The corners of Gu Yu’s mouth showed a smile, and the voice Tian also carried a hint of sarcasm.

“Won’t I die if I don’t resist?”

“Since they will all die, why don’t I resist?”

“Shall I let you slaughter it?”

Hearing Gu Yu’s words, Lei Tianfang began to laugh.

“Haha! Gu Yu, I thought you were a smart person, but I didn’t expect you to ask such a question! ”

“Haven’t you thought of the third option?”

“Hand over Gera Ola and join our God Organization, and I’ll spare your life!”

Saying, Lei Tianfang looked at the wind speed dog under Gu Yu’s body, and a trace of appreciation flashed in his eyes.

“At your age, in terms of strength, I know how much worse than your country.”

“As long as you are willing to join the God Organization, your future achievements can still be above me!”

“I’ll give you a minute to think about if…”

Before Lei Tianfang could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Gu Yu’s cold voice.

“The regiment needs that minute!”

“I can give you the answer now, the God Organization I will not join, and the Terra Ola I will not give you!”

Listening to Gu Yu’s words, Lei Tianfang’s face was instantly difficult to see the pole!

A pair of eyes like blades, staring at Gu Yu deadly!

“Good! Good! Good! ”

“So be it! Then I’ll show you my horror! ”

“Let me kill you, the genius of the Dragon Kingdom, with my own hands today!”

Feeling the killing chance in Lei Tianfang’s voice, Gu Yu showed a disdainful smile at the corner of his mouth.

“What you should be worried about now is how you will survive than kill me.”


Lei Tianfang’s brow frowned slightly, and he just wanted to open his mouth.


With a loud sound, the ground began to shake.

In the mountains of the central area of Taklamakan Secret Realm, countless spirits inhabit this area.

I only felt a terrible momentum coming, and fear rose in my heart.

Then they began to scatter and flee.




The screams of countless elves sounded, and the ground began to shake violently.

Huge cracks appeared out of thin air in the mountains.

Two members of the Divine Clan wearing black hoods.

At this time, it also came to the mountainous area of the central area.

Look at the changes today, and the elves who are scattered and fleeing.

While the two looked solemn, they both showed a look of doubt.

“What happened?!”

“Earthquake skills?! If not, the leader of the quasi-god clan may not be able to affect a mountainous area! ”

Suddenly, a terrifying and majestic momentum soared.

The two men’s breathing stagnated, and their faces turned pale in an instant.

When they looked at each other, they both saw the shock and fear in each other’s eyes.

Such an momentum, they have also felt in other places!

And the last one surrounded such a terrifying and imposing master.

Or the Divine Beast Terra Ola!!!

The bottom of the cave.

Lei Tianfang looked at Reggie Locke, who slowly got up from below.

I was shocked, I only felt my scalp tingle, cold sweat rising!

Divine beasts!

Reggie Lock!

He never imagined that he would casually arrest a sophomore student.

It was even possible to come to the sleeping place of the Divine Beast!


This was Lei Tianfang’s first reaction.

Shitu mission, what Gera Ola, what Gu Yu…

At this moment, Lei Tianfang left everything behind.

His only thought now was to live!

But Gu Yu’s speed was one step faster!

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