Chapter 175 Reggie Locke’s Sleeping Ground! The souls of humans or elves gather to give birth to elves!!

【Ding! Menas comprehending skills are renewed! 】

[Refreshed: Let the body rest, heal the abnormal state of poison, paralysis, and burns in the body. 】

【Ding! Menas comprehends the skill scales! 】

[Scale Shooting: Shoots scales to attack.] Continue to attack 2-5 times. The speed will increase but the defense will decrease. 】

After becoming a king-level elf, Menas was also very happy.


Directly wrapped his huge body around E Gu Yu.

His head kept rubbing against Gu Yu’s cheek.

While stroking Menas’s milky white skin, Gu Yu checked the information of Menas.

【Menas (Water)】



【Characteristics: Charming body (when you face it, you will be fascinated by your opponent who touches yourself)]

【Personality Talent: Introverted (+ Special Attack, – Attack)]

【Body Value: HP(31), Attack (31), Defense (31), Special Attack (31), Special Defense (31), Speed (31)】

【Skills: Impact, Water Wave, Tight Beam, Jump, Crazy, Water Gun, Enchanted Sound, Charming, Tian Ming Water Droplet, Self Regeneration, Water Cannon, Surfing, Tarzan Pressure Top, Light Wall, Water Flow Tail, Water Flow Ring, Frozen Beam, Climbing Waterfall, Tide Whirlwind, Turbid Current, Mysterious Guardian, Hold On, Iron Tail, Asking for Rain, Tornado, Heavy Stampede, Dragon Dance, Frozen Picture Wind, Hard Support, Wild Dance Swing, Dragon Wave, Hot Water, Scale Shooting, Renewed]

【Carrying: Orb of Life】

【Potential: Champion】

King-level Menas!

With the addition of the wind speed dog, Gu Yu felt that the time was ripe to enter the secret realm of Taklamakan!

September 26.

Gu Yu got up and began to purchase the items needed to enter the secret realm.

Storm suits, tents, sleeping bags, compressed biscuits, flashlights, compasses, energy cubes…

After the purchase, Gu Yu said goodbye to Chen Hong.

Chen Hong still did not give up, wanting Gu Yu to dispel the idea of entering the secret realm of Taklamakan.

“Gu Yu, I know that your strength is very strong, but the quasi-god clan within the Secret Realm!”

“If you want to beat the eggs of the Banjara elf, or the idea of the young Kiras, I urge you to give up!”

“The destructive power of the angry quasi-god race is far beyond your imagination!”

Looking at Chen Hong, who was chattering, Gu Yu also knew that Chen Hong was for his own good.

But he was also not good at explaining it to Chen Hong.

After all, he couldn’t say that he had the Stone of the Pillar King and could get the help of Reggie Lock, right?

“Rest assured, my purpose this time is not for Bangira!” Rest assured! ”

Chen Hong stared at Gu Yu and almost wrote the four words you were teasing me on his face.

The siege of the Taklamakan Secret Realm, due to the harsh environment, leads to the production of props, evolution stones are relatively rare.

It is no exaggeration to say that nine of the ten trainers who came to the Taklamakan Secret Realm were dreaming of getting the Divine Cub right.

Finally, under Chen Hong’s worried gaze, Gu Yu rode the wind speed dog into the Taklamakan Secret Realm.

Gu Yu’s purpose was also very clear, that is, the mountains where the Banjira ethnic group lived really did not have any idea about the quasi-god cubs.

After all, Yuan Hanhai wanted to give Gu Yu the descendants of his ace elf.

But Reggielock’s sleeping place was in that mountainous area.

According to Yuan Hanhai sent this information.

Most likely the formation of this mountain is due to the sleeping of Reggie Lock.

As a result, the energy of the rock system in the body leaked out, resulting in the original endless sand sea surrounding the emergence of a mountainous area.

According to Yuan Hanhai’s data.

The sleeping place of Czech Rom is on the Furnace Mountain, which is occupied by fire elves.

And combined with the information of Regiccas Xi Gu Yu.

The sleeping elf of the Furnace Mountain is most likely Gulados!

And to prove that he really went to the Furnace Mountain.

Gu Yu also specially brought a daily charging treasure.

Once you’re ready to enter Furnace Mountain, record a video with your phone.

If you use Pokékis as a means of transportation, the speed is definitely faster.

However, the Taklamakan Secret Realm faces the desert dragonfly race, the forked bat group, the largemouth sparrow tribe and other flying elven races.

In addition, there are also the windball tribes that appear before the evening.

Thinking about flying, once he encountered the danger of attack, Gu Yu finally chose to ride the wind speed dog to hurry.

The rumbling footsteps continued to sound, and the wind dogs flew through the field of the Taklamakan Secret Realm.

In the midst of Gu Yu’s stormtrooper suit, Cosmogu looked at the scene of rapid retreat and shouted happily.

“Mogu! (×1)”

One man and two elves cut off the road, and when noon came, they successfully passed through one-third of the area outside the secret perimeter of Taklamakan.

Call! Call!

The high temperature and the long running make the wind speed dog’s physical energy are seriously consumed.

Gu Yu’s state was not very good.

With a high temperature of more than 30 degrees, Gu Yu’s storm jacket had long been wet with sweat.

Find a shady dune and release Menas.

“Menus helped me and the wind speed dog to make some water.”


Menus shouted, and the water system energy surface converged.


Gu Yu and the wind speed dog were directly poured a cool heart.

Then Menas made some water for Gu Yu and the wind speed dog to drink.

Water elves can use moisture in the air to make water.

In the middle of the endless desert, if the trainer does not carry the water elf.

Even living a garden can be very difficult!

After feeding the wind speed dog an energy cube, Gu Yu simply ate a few compressed biscuits.

Start your journey again.

At 6 p.m.

Gu Yu rode the wind speed dog to a river.

The river is five meters wide and the water is crystal clear.

You can see the elves wandering in the river, such as gem starfish and horned goldfish.

It is the Cherchen River, the dividing line between the outer perimeter of Taklamakan and the central region.

“Just rest here for the night!”

After speaking, Gu Yu came down from the wind speed dog.

Then released the elves such as Menas, Kirby Beasts, and Pokkis.

“Menas! Help me go to the river to see if there is no fish, and if there is, help me catch one. ”


Menas nodded, then puffed into the river.

Just after the tent was set up, the wind speed dog directly began to bark, while making a posture of alert.


Listening to the sound of the wind speed dog, Gu Yu smelled the prestige.

As the sun sets, a large group of balloons fly in mid-air.

“This is the Windball Race!”

After recognizing the danger, Gu Yu instantly became vigilant.

The shape of the windball looks like a balloon floating in the air.

There were also 4 suspender straps underneath, and a cross-shaped tape was attached to the face, as if it had sealed its mouth.

During the day, the wind balloons are spent in a daze, and in the evening, a group of people begin to fly together.

Although from the appearance, the windball sleeps like some kind of fierce elf.

But know that with the wind balloon is a ghost elf!

And with the wind balloon in the folk is also known as the ghost spirit ball, ghost balloon.

From this name, it can also be seen that the wind ball is definitely not a good stubble.

And float the ball with the initial form of the wind ball.

It is said that the genie is formed when the souls of humans or elves are gathered together.

The introduction to the Floating Ball in the version of the game Pearl is.

Trying to take people to another world and holding the hands of small children, but often being dragged around.

In the game “Ultimate Day” version of the armor of the introduction to the floating ball is.

The round body was stuffed with many souls.

Every time I take someone with me, my body bulges.

It can also be seen from the inside that the danger of the wind balloon!!!


At this time, Menas came out of the water, and there was a large carp in his mouth.

Gu Yu was now sleepy and had no kung fu to care about eating.

“Everyone! Always ready to fight! ”

“As long as you dare to attack with the wind ball, you must fight back immediately!”





Many elves have agreed to this.

The Windball Clan seems to be slow, but it is actually very fast.

After 5 minutes, he was already in the sky above Gu Yu and the elves.

Fifty windballs on the right side of the garden are like a thick cloud, blocking the last rays of sunlight in the sunset.

Shadow Ball!

There were no orders, as if all the windballs were in touch.

The tentacles on the body like suspender are stretched out at the same time.

The ghost energy began to gather.

Seeing this scene, Gu Yu did not hesitate at all.

“Cosmogo! Teleport! Everyone! Cast to keep! ”


Cosmogu shouted, and Gu Yu instantly disappeared into place.

Gu Yu just appeared a hundred meters away.




Huge explosions rang out one after another.

But the Wind Speed Dog, Kirby Beast, Pokkis and other elves, Qi Qi cast the Hold Skill to block this attack!


The wind speed dog barked and cast a spray of flames.

Golden flames erupted from the mouth.

Transform into an ocean of flames and pounce on the wind-like group in mid-air.


Gera Aura cast a flash of electric light, turning into a golden light and heading straight for the Wind Balloon Clan in mid-air.

Lightning Fist!


The golden thunder and lightning Torah Ola’s claws converged, and the lightning fist directly hit one of the wind balls.


With the wind ball two was weakened, plus most of them were dojo-level elves, and there was a level gap with Gera Ola, and they were directly killed by Gera Aura!

【Ding! Gera Aura defeats the Windball and gains 4000 XP! 】


Menas let out a loud cry, and endless cold air gathered in his mouth.

In the next instant, a blue light went straight to the windball race in mid-air.

Frozen beams!

With the wind ball twice the weak electricity of the same garden, also twice as weak ice.

Menas directly kills a piece with the windball.

【Ding! Menus defeats the Windball and gains 4000 XP! 】

【Ding! Menas beat the Windball and gained 5000 XP! 】

【Ding! Menus defeats the Windball and gains 4000 XP! 】


Elves such as Pokékys, Kirby Beasts also began to strike.

The wind of the goblin, the big word exploded, and the wave of the dragon began to greet the group of wind balls.

Seeing that his people were badly injured, the leader of the wind ball began to attack the people.

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