Chapter 169 Fairy Ibrahimovic Appears! Sensational nationwide!!

On the field.

With a flash of red light, Lin Yan took the lead in sending out his own elves.

Double Axe Battle Dragon!

The two-axe dragon is two meters tall.

His whole body was covered with hard armor, and he had strong teeth that could hurt a blade even if he cut I-beam.

The body has some stripes, most of which are olive green in color, the sharpest parts of the sharp teeth, and the fingers and toes are red.

【Double Axe Battle Dragon (Dragon)】



[Characteristics: Break the grid (can be interfered with by the opponent’s characteristics and use the same move to the opponent)]

【Personality Talent: Impatience (+ Speed, – Defense)】

【Body Value: HP(31), Attack (31), Defense (31), Special Attack (31), Special Defense (25), Speed (31)]

[Skills: Catch, Stare, Bite, Point to End, Malicious Chase, Provocation, Splitting, Dragon Claw, Ghost Face, Bite Crush, Dragon Troupe Dance, Second Split, Grinding, Dragon Waves, Reverse Scales, Sword Dance, Broken Head Pliers, Ultimate Shock, Surfing, Destroying Dead Light, Kicking Down, Earthquake, Digging Holes, Gathering Qi, High Speed Stars, Rock Collapse, Sleeping, Snoring, Resurrection, Guarding, Reverse Scales, Hold On, Dream Talk, Iron Tail, Asking for Rain, Burn Out on a Sunny Day, Shadow Claw, Poison Strike, Cross Scissors, Split Tile, Rock, Awakening Strength, Rewarding Grace, Shadow Splitting, Earthquake, Juhe Chop, Strange Force, Poison, Dragon’s Tail, Meteor Group, Water Tail]

【Carrying: Dragon Tuan Ya】

【Potential: Heavenly King】

Then Cold as Frost also sent out his own elves.

Shield Sword Monster!

The Shield Sword Monster is 2 meters long.

From the outside, it looks like a big golden sword.

Two arms stretched out from the hilt of the sword, one of which held a shield.

【Shield Sword Monster (Steel) (Ghost)】



[Features: Battle switch (if you make a field attack move, it will change to a sword form, if you use the move “King’s Shield”, it will change to a shield form)]

[Character Talent: Stubbornness (+ Attack, – Special Attack)]

【Body Value: HP(31), Attack (31), Defense (31), Special Attack (31), Special Defense (31), Speed (31)】

[Skills: King’s Shield, Sword Dance, Impact, Split, Continuous Chopping, Metal Sound, Swallow Back, Iron Wall, Power Juggling, Dark Attack, Shadow Attack, Iron Head, Double Blade Head Hammer, Body Lightweight, Revenge, Holy Sword, Destruction of Death Light, Piercing Sound, Reflection Wall, Holding, Shadow Ball, Split Tile, Air Chop, Close Combat, Shadow Claw, Spirit Blade, Cannon Light Cannon, Daylight Blade, Ultimate Impact, Wild Dance Swing, Gyro Ball, Get Up, Iron Hoof Ray, Poison, Shadow Split]

【Carrying: Metal film】

【Potential: Champion】

Although the potential of the Solid Shield Sword Monster was stronger, it was obviously cold as frost and was currently cultivating not as good as Lin Yan’s cultivation field’s two-axe battle dragon.

Cold as Frost also took the lead in the attack.

“Shield Sword Monster! Shadow Sneak Attack! ”

“Solid Shield!”

The Solid Shield Sword Monster let out a cry, and the shadow under him turned into a black sword and went straight to the Double Axe Battle Dragon.

“Double Axe Battle Dragon!” Dodge! Then cast the Shadow Claw! ”

[Shadow Claw: A sharp claw made of shadow that splits the opponent.] Easy to hit the point. 】

As soon as Lin Yan’s voice fell, the Solid Shield Sword Monster appeared behind the Double Axe Battle Dragon.

The body of the Solid Shield Sword Monster Giant Sword slashed directly at the Double Axe Battle Dragon.


The ground of the rocky field is cut like tofu!

“Is it the elf who exercises to the extreme?”

Gu Yu looked at the two-axe battle dragon on the field and thought to himself.

Shadow sneak attack is a skill that must be able to attack first in the game setting.

In reality, because it is a turn-based system, there are skills such as teleportation.

It is not possible to attack 100% first.

But it can also be seen that the shadow sneak attack is an extremely difficult skill to dodge.

In the face of the attack of the Heavenly King-level Shield Sword Monster, the Double Axe Battle Dragon could easily dodge what seemed to be just a word.

But the training behind it is definitely not something that can be summed up in one sentence!


On the day of the game, the two-axe battle dragon roared.

Above his right claw, the ghost energy began to gather.

In the next instant, it split towards the Shield Sword Monster.

Transformed into three black slashes up to five meters long, they fell towards the Solid Shield Sword Monster.

“Shield Sword Monster! Cast the King’s Shield! ”

[King’s Shield: While defending against an opponent’s attack, it will also change into a defensive posture. Reduces the attack of the opponent you are touching. 】

The Shield Sword Monster completed the form switch almost instantaneously.


Like the sound of swords colliding, the Shield Sword Monster blocked the Shadow Claw.

Looking at the game, Gu Yu thought to himself.

“Just like I thought, the real high-end game will not give the opponent time to perform the Dragon Dance and the Sword Dance to improve their skills!”

“Fast attack and defense! The type of picture is really a high-end game play! ”

“However, after all, this is a game in the rules restrictions, if it is in the wild, or doubles will be different!”

On the day of the game, the two sides played fiercely.

In general, neither of them can cause any trouble to the opponent.

The time is almost up.

The two men gave orders almost at the same time.

“Double Axe Battle Dragon!” Destroy the Dead Light! ”

“Shield Sword Monster! Cannon Light Cannon! ”

A golden light.

A ray of glittering metallic brilliance.


As the two skills collided with each other, a huge explosion sounded in an instant!

The air waves generated by the explosion blew the clothes of countless spectators into a hunting sound.

An incomparably dazzling light enveloped the entire arena!

Wait for the white light to dissipate.

On the thousands of square meters, most of them have turned into dust.

Leave a huge pit with an area of more than 800 square meters and a depth of nearly 10 meters!

The scene instantly fell into a dead silence!

Countless spectators opened their mouths and looked at the center of the arena with shocked faces!

One hit!

Just one hit!

Destroy a country’s arena!

This is the destructive power of the King-level elves!

At this time, the voice of the referee broke the dead silence of the scene.

“The rock field is damaged and the game cannot continue!”

“The match ended in a draw!”

After hearing the results, the scene instantly boiled!

“Oh my God! One hit almost destroyed a race! ”

“The strength of the Cold Pavilion Master is so strong?!” Be able to draw with Lin Yan Heavenly King! ”

“Horrible! It was horrible! Is this the strength of the Heavenly King?! ”


Gu Yu, who was watching the battle, also secretly sighed when he saw this scene.

“Such a power still hasn’t been blessed with skills such as the Dragon Dance and the Sword Dance!”

“And in this game, the two sides have obviously released water.”

“Although the audience saw that it was sleepy, the outcome of the game was already predetermined.”

“Although the Wind Speed Dog is also a king-level elf, there is still a big gap compared to the two elves in the arena.”

At this time, the referee’s voice sounded again.

“Below, please, Gu Yu and the owner of the Cold Pavilion continue the second exhibition match!”

The camera at the scene was also aimed at Gu Yu at this time.

Gu Yu got up and walked to the arena under the gaze of the audience in front of the scene and the TV.

Lin Yan, who had just sat down, saw Gu Yu walking towards the arena, and a trace of curiosity also appeared in his eyes.

“Is this the successor that Old Master Yuan Hanhai personally admitted?”

“Circle meaning! Let me see your strength! ”


The steel site at the scene cracked, and the geotechnical site that had just been damaged by the two men fighting began to fall, and a brand new geotechnical field rose.

At this time, the referee announced the rules.

“In this competition, the two sides take a three-on-three match, and the three elves on either side take the lead and fall to the ground, even if it is a failure.”

“Elves on both sides are not allowed to carry props.”

“After the elves appear, within 3 minutes, unless they fall to the ground, they cannot exchange elves.”

The referee’s voice fell and the court was ready.

Gu Yu and Leng Rushuang each sent their own elves.

A level 36 Emperor Nabo.

Senda Elves!

This was the first time that the fairy spirit had been sent out by Gu Yu to enter the game.


As soon as he appeared, the fairy elves were happy to scream!

But the people who were watching the battle, after seeing a blue fairy elf, instantly fell into a dead silence!

Countless spectators were directly stunned, their mouths were wide open, and their eyes looking at the arena were also shocked, and their faces were full of incredulity!

After a few moments, the scene is instantly frying pan!

“Oh my God! It turned out to be a blue fairy elf! It’s not Gu Yu’s flash Ibu that evolved! ”

“I really didn’t expect that! The white Ibu, after evolving into a fairy elf, turned blue! ”

“So pretty! I really envy Gu Yu! Menas, the Divine Beast, and now there is only one Shining Elf in the world! ”

Countless viewers were shocked by the same, took out their mobile phones to the fairy elves and began to take pictures, record videos, and send them to the circle of friends.

Spectators who were watching the game online almost paralyzed the server with a bullet screen!

“Sleeper! Is it true?! Blue fairy elves! ”

“I’m so envious! Gu Yu is simply a winner in life! Not only the Divine Beasts, but also such a beautiful fairy spirit! ”

“Don’t say it! Jealousy makes my eyes red! I also want a fairy elf! ”

Su Qingjun, Ning Qiyun and others who watched the battle on the sidelines showed envy at the same time.

“This Ibrahimovic is so cute!”

“I really want to hold my sleepy arms and love for it!”

Hearing Su Qingjun’s words, Ning Qiyun nodded at the side.

Although neither of them was a goblin trainer, women were always unable to resist beautiful elves.

Lin Yan, who was sitting in the audience, saw the moment of the fairy Ibu, and there was a trace of surprise in his eyes, as well as a trace of emotion.

“The blue fairy Ibu, the whole world should be like this, and he has also subdued the divine beast Terraora.”

“I thought Fang Jianming’s luck was outrageous enough!”

“Looking at it now, Gu Yu’s luck is only afraid that it is even more outrageous than Fang Jianming!”

On the field.

Looking at the blue fairy elf, the cold frost eyes showed a shocked color, and the face was full of incredulity.

“It’s blue…”

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