Chapter 164 The Insider Watches! Exploded barrage!!

Jia Yuecheng has been in the magic capital for many years, whether it is prestige or strength, he is the top of the magic capital.

With the arrival of Jia Yuecheng, the discussion on the roof gradually decreased.

Many of them left Gu Yu’s side and came to the audience seats on both sides.

Jia Yuecheng walked over to Gu Yu with anticipation in his eyes.

“Gu Yu, your performance in the National Collegiate Elf League is outstanding.”

“I will not treat you as a normal trainer, I hope you are mentally prepared!”

Gu Yu nodded and didn’t say anything more.

Originally, Gu Yu was ready to go to Guangdong Province, but considering the tasks on the life script.

When even decided, after playing the Qingkong Daoguan, he would go to train with Ye Mengyao.

So there is this scene.

Before the game starts, the referee announces the rules of the game.

“In this dojo battle, the two sides took a two-on-two approach, and the two elves on either side fell to the ground first, even if it was a failure.”

“Elves on both sides are not allowed to carry props.”

“After the elves appear, within 3 minutes, unless they fall to the ground, they cannot exchange elves.”

“The Dojo battlefield is randomly drawn.”

“If you don’t have doubts about the rules, this Dojo Battle will officially begin!”

The referee’s voice dropped for 1 minute, and he saw that neither side spoke.

“Start pumping the playing field!”

On the computer next to the arena, start extracting the playing field.

Green grass field!


The site was baked and the steel floor on the roof cracked straight away.

A playing field of about 500 square meters, covered with grass, rises slowly.

The power of the Ding elf skill is huge, and ordinary reinforced concrete cannot withstand the fierce battle of the elves.

In order to prevent the aftermath of the battle from posing a danger to ordinary people, the roof of the building was covered with special steel plates by the Harukan Dokan Hall.

The steel plate is up to 80 cm thick and can be compared to the armor of a tank car.

Even if a normal shell hits the top, it will not be able to penetrate it.

Enough to sustain a fierce battle.

Seeing that the arena began to rise, the spectators watching from the sidelines also began to get excited.

“It’s coming! National Collegiate Elf League Champion vs. Dojo Owner! ”

“I don’t know which elf Gu Yu will send?”

“Who do you think can win?” Jia Guan or Gu Yu? ”

“If you don’t use the Divine Beast, I think Jia Guan Lord’s winning side is big, and if he uses it, Gu Yu will win big.”

In the crowd, a small anchor named ‘Fire Elf is the Strongest’ has pointed his mobile phone at the arena.

“Families! The race is about to start! ”

“This showdown is likely to be the most important showdown in this month or even this year!”

The Fire Elf’s strongest voice had just fallen, and the arena was ready.

Released also sent out his own elves.


Flaming Eagle!

The Flaming Eagle is about 1.2 meters long.

The back is red, the abdomen is mostly grayish white, and the wingtips and tail feathers are black.

A closer look reveals the wingtips, the pattern on the back and abdomen and the shape of the flame.

【Flaming Eagle (Fire) (Flight)】



[Trait: Flame body (sometimes makes opponents who touch them burn)]

[Character Talent: Stubbornness (+ Attack, – Special Attack)]

【Individual Qualifications: HP(31), Attack (31), Defense (22), Special Attack (25), Special Defense (31), Speed (31)】

[Skills: Shouting, Sparkling, Pecking, Lightning Flash, Charge Flare, Flash Charge, Swallow Back, Sword Dance, Steel Wing, Acrobatics, Flying, Yuqi, Jet Flame, Flame Vortex, High Speed Movement, Big Character Explosion, High Speed Star, Destruction of Death Light, Sunny Day, Hot Wind, Ghost Fire, Rapid Return, Storm, Self-Motivation, Hard Support, Provocation]

【Carrying: None】

【Potential: Quasi-Heavenly King】

Seeing Pokkis, Jia Yuecheng recalled the scene of Pokékis defeating the three evil dragons, and a trace of solemnity flashed in his eyes.

“Flaming Eagle! Rush over! Charge Fire Attack! ”

[Charge Flame Attack: Cover your body with flames and attack your opponent.] Accumulate strength and increase your speed. 】


The Flaming Arrow Eagle roared and flapped its wings towards Pokkis.

At the same time, red flames began to emerge from the surface of the Flaming Arrow Eagle’s body.

In the blink of an eye, the Flaming Eagle seemed to dissolve into a red flame and went straight to Pokkis in mid-air.

“Pokkis! Dodge! Then cast the air chop! ”

Hearing Gu Yu’s order, Pokkis immediately used to exert divine speed.

In the eyes of everyone, Pokkis disappeared in an instant.

In the next instant, it appeared fifteen meters above the sky.


Pokékés shouted and flapped his wings.

An air blade nearly three meters long went straight to the fierce arrow eagle below.

“Flaming Eagle! Cast an electric flash to dodge! ”

As soon as Jia Yuecheng’s voice fell, the Flaming Arrow Eagle turned into a red streamer, dodging the Air Blade while heading straight for Pokkis in mid-air.


Pokékis disappeared in an instant, dodging the attack of the Flaming Arrow Eagle.

A flash of electricity!

The Flaming Arrow Eagle once again turned into a red streamer and headed straight for the newly appeared Pokkis.


Pokékis disappeared again.

The Flaming Arrow Eagle continued to pursue.

The two elves engage in a fierce speed race in mid-air!

Seeing this scene, the bullet screen of the Fire Elf’s strongest live broadcast room also exploded.

“Is this a battle or is it more than speed?”

“I don’t understand, why does it feel like this battle is not fierce at all?”

“I feel the same way that this battle is not as fierce as the National Collegiate Elf League.”

As the strongest anchor, the fire elf must be different from the audience level in the live broadcast room, and the doubts of seeing the bullet screen are actively explained.

“Elves and elves fighting are not the same,… Neither the Flaming Eagle nor the Pokkis were Banjira, and Bosco Dora was a very resistant elf. ”

“In the battle between two elves, maybe two skills can divide the victory and defeat, so it will create a situation on the scene.”

“So once you get hit, it’s basically a serious injury.”

“The contest between the two sides does not seem to be fierce at all, but the degree of severity in it is not inferior to the competition of various skills!”

After the Fire Elf had finished explaining the strongest one, the barrage exploded again.

“That’s right! So the competition between the two sides is very dangerous? So which side of the anchor has the biggest win? ”

“I feel that this is a high-end game, it looks ordinary, but it is extremely dangerous!”

“Looking at Gu Yu, who is only 19 years old, I suddenly feel that I have lived to the age of a dog!”

“Don’t say it! People are 19 years old, take in the mythical beasts, win the championship, my 22 years old, still playing games in the dormitory! ”

Seeing the question of the barrage, the fire elf thought for a moment and began to answer.

“I think the Flaming Arrow Eagle has a big chance of winning, first of all, Jia Guan’s owner did not simply compete for speed.”

“Interspersed with the use of Charge Flame Strikes when casting an electric flash, this skill increases the speed of the elves.”

“Once you cast a few more Charge Flaming Attacks, the speed of the Flaming Arrow Eagle will completely overwhelm Pokkith.”

“The speed difference between the two sides is not large, and there will be a parity of strength, and once the speed gap is too large, the result will be different.”

The Fire Elf’s strongest voice had just fallen, and Jia Yuecheng’s voice sounded again.

“Flaming Eagle! A flash of electricity! Then cast the steel wings! ”

After several accelerations, the speed of the Flaming Arrow Eagle has been significantly improved compared to the opening.

Hearing Jia Yuecheng’s order, the Flaming Eagle turned into a red streamer of light and headed straight for Pokkis.


Pokékis dodged with divine speed, and the Flaming Eagle flared its wings.

Change direction in mid-air and head straight for Pokékis again.

In the blink of an eye, the Flaming Eagle had already killed Pokkis.

Gu Yu’s cold voice rang out: “Pokkis! Mentally strong! ”

[Mental Strength: Sends powerful thoughts to the opponent to attack.] Sometimes the opponent’s special defense is lowered. 】

An invisible thought emanated from Pokkis.

The Flaming Eagle is fast.

But the huge inertia brought by the speed made the Flaming Arrow Eagle have no time to dodge!


The invisible thought force directly hit the Flaming Arrow Eagle, and the Flaming Arrow Eagle screamed bitterly and fell straight from mid-air.

With a bang, the grass field was directly smashed out of a large pit.

“Pokkis! Wave missiles! ”

The power of the blue waveguide converged in front of Pokkis’s body.

In the next instant, a wave missile the size of a bowling ball went straight to the Flaming Arrow Eagle that had just risen from the ground.

“Flaming Eagle! Cast a big word explosion! ”

“Speed! Mentally strong! ”

The voices of the two sounded almost at the same time.

Red flames condensed in the mouth of the Flaming Arrow Eagle.

In the next instant, a large character shaped flame erupted from the mouth of the wind speed dog and went straight to the flying wave missile.


A loud explosion sounded, and Pokkis also appeared 2 meters away from the Flaming Eagle.

An invisible thought emanated from Pokkis.

Head straight for the Flaming Eagle.

The Flaming Arrow Eagle had no time to dodge.

Directly hit by the spirit of the strong thought flew away, bang, fell to the ground.

The Flaming Arrow Eagle was also originally a partial assassin type elf, plus the special defense was reduced after being hit by the Spirit Strength for the first time.

Naturally, it was impossible to carry Pokkis’s second blow.

【Ding! Pokékis defeats the Flaming Eagle and gains 30,000 experience points! 】

“The Flaming Eagle fell to the ground! Winner! Gu Yu! ”

The referee just announced the results of the game, and the scene instantly fryed!

“The Flaming Eagle just lost?”

“Pokékys is so strong!”

“I don’t know what elves Master Jia will send next?”

In the Fire Elf’s strongest live broadcast room, the barrage had also exploded at this time.

“What’s going on?! Doesn’t it mean that the Flaming Eagle wins big? ”

“Can the anchor explain why Pokékis won?”

“Pokékis defeated the Flaming Eagle completely unharmed, and the anchor’s previous prediction was completely wrong!”

The Fire Elf looked at the bullet screen in the live broadcast room, and his face directly darkened.

“I underestimated Pokkis’s skill pool, and if it were replaced by wave missiles, air chopping these skills that would take a certain amount of time to cast.”

“Pokékis won’t have a chance, but the mental strength is almost instantaneous, giving Pokékis the chance to turn defeat into victory.”

“Because of the poor information, my judgment is wrong, let’s see which elf the Jia Pavilion Master will send!”

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