Chapter 146 One Wears Six! Bangira is here!!

At this time, there are already many familiar faces on the side of the player’s passage.

Lin Xuan, Su Qingjun, Yan Siyu…

Under the gaze of everyone, Gu Yu walked out of the contestant passage.

Hundreds of cameras at the scene were all aimed at Gu Yu at this moment.

Then Gu Yu’s handsome face appeared on the big screen of the scene along with Ibu.


The applause and cheers of the scene sounded like a tide!

“Gu Yu! Come on! ”

“Defeat the tyrant! Gu Yu, you are the strongest! ”

“Zhejiang Da Chong!”

After the magic university was eliminated, the cheers cheering for Gu Yu also returned to the previous level.

After Gu Yu and the others entered.

All the cameras on the scene were then pointed at the guest seat.

Kong Hui, Jia Yuecheng and others sitting in the guest seat stood up one after another to show respect!

As the heart-rending roar of the on-site commentary sounded, the figures of Yuan Hanhai and Ye Hongyi appeared on the big screen of the Heavenly King Arena!

“Ladies of the King Arena! Gentlemen! ”

“Today I welcomed two weight guests!”

“Let us welcome the Yuanhan Sea Heavenly King with the warmest applause!” Ye Hongyi Heavenly King! ”

The Tennoyama Arena briefly fell into a dead silence!

Countless spectators opened their mouths and looked at the big screen with a surprised face!

The two kings of the Dragon Kingdom!!!

After a brief dead silence, the cheers and shouts of the scene sounded like a volcanic eruption!

“Oh my God! Two Heavenly Kings came to the scene to watch the battle! How many years has this happened? ”

“It turned out to be the Yuanhan Sea Heavenly King!” Did he come here to watch over Yu? ”

“Ye Tianwang and Yuan Tianwang have actually come!” This ticket is so worth the money! ”

Look at the big screen of the scene, the old man with gray hair.

A trace of surprise flashed in Gu Yu’s eyes.

“If Yuan Hanhai is not unexpected, he is deeply involved with the Dragon God Temple, but it is not clear, is he cooperating or is he a member of the Dragon God Temple?”

Guest seat.

After the two kings took their seats.

Ye Hongyi took the lead in speaking, “How come the old master has time to come to the magic capital today?” ”

“If you little boy can come and see his girlfriend, can’t I see my successor?”

While speaking, Yuan Hanhai pointed to Gu Yu on the sidelines.

“How’s it going? Didn’t you watch a game before? How is Gu Yu’s performance? ”

“Nice! Just by looking at the strength and performance on the field, it is difficult to imagine a young man who is only 19 years old. ”

Ye Hongyi replied.

Hearing Ye Hongyi’s answer, the curvature of Yuan Hanhai’s mouth became even greater.

“Old man, my vision is good!”

Listening to the two talking about Gu Yu, Kong Hui, who was sitting behind the two people, his face directly darkened.

Mordor University would have been eliminated if it weren’t for the fact that Mordor University was the organizer.

He needs to come to the scene to hand out medals, he won’t be here today!

He doesn’t care who the champion is now.

It’s not Mordor University anyway.

His only thought now is to hope the game ends soon!

10 a.m.

After the referee determines that both sides of the match are in place, the game is about to begin.

“Both sides of the game are already in place! Draw the playing field immediately! ”

As the referee’s voice dropped, the draw now began on the big screen.

Green grass field!


After the results came out, the floor of the Heavenly King Arena cracked in an instant.

Then a playing field of about 1,500 square meters, covered with grass, slowly rises.

“The venue is ready! Now there are players from both sides to enter! ”

Xia Pengyu thought for a moment and said to Su Chen, “Su Chen, today is up to you…”

At this time, a voice sounded, interrupting Xia Pengyu’s words.

“Teacher Xia, let me fight this battle!”

Xia Pengyu looked at the voice and found that the person who spoke was Gu Yu.

“Are you sure?”

Gu Yu nodded: “After winning the team match, the singles match I will solve Kong Xingyu Hearing Gu Yu’s calm and confident words, Xia Pengyu finally agreed.” ”

“Well, go for it! Law brings back victory! ”

Immediately Gu Yu said no more and stepped towards the arena.

At the Contestant Passage.

When Yan Siyu saw Gu Yu sent by Zhejiang University, he was first stunned, and then his brow frowned slightly.

“What is Zhejiang University going to do?” Or is Gu Yu so confident in his own strength? ”

At this time, everyone’s eyes were also locked on Lin Xuan’s body.

Sensing the gaze of everyone, the smile on Lin Xuan’s face instantly froze.


Lin Xuan really wanted to scold people!

But he was not easy to refute, after all, he was the case of failure.

The leading teacher of Jilin University is a tall and beautiful female teacher named Jiang Yue.

Jiang Yue saw that the first player on the Zhejiang University Party was Gu Yu, and a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

“Interestingly, Zhejiang University is very confident in Gu Yu’s strength!”

“Since that’s the case, then I’ll also study Zhejiang University once!”

While thinking, Jiang Yue said, “Zhao Peng, you play!” ”


Zhao Peng, who was called by Jiang Yue’s name, was stunned at first, and his eyes were full of surprise.

Then he reacted quickly and nodded.

“I see! Teacher Jiang! ”

After speaking, Zhao Peng walked to the arena.

Zhao Peng came to the arena and looked at Gu Yu on the other side.

The corners of his mouth revealed a bitter smile, and a trace of helplessness flashed in his eyes.

“Although I am only cannon fodder, the feeling of losing the game is still very bad!”

“Both players are already in place! The race starts now! ”

With the referee’s order, Gu Yu and Zhao Peng each released their own elves.

Wind speed dog!

A level 35 dumb hippopotamus!

Although Zhao Peng knew that he was cannon fodder, he had not yet given up the game.

“Dumb hippopotamus! Gun! ”


The dumb hippopotamus let out a loud cry, and a column of water with the thickness of the mouth of the bowl spewed out.

“Wind speed dog! Quickly! Cast Lightning Teeth! ”

In the next instant, under the gaze of nearly 100,000 people in the Heavenly King Arena.

The wind-speed dog disappears directly from the spot.


When it appeared, it had come to the dumb hippopotamus.

The light of the thunder and lightning in the mouth of the bloody mouth flickered, biting down on the dumb hippopotamus.


Attacked by electric attribute moves, the dumb hippopotamus with twice the weak electricity kept screaming in pain.

After a few moments, the dumb hippopotamus slammed to the ground and could no longer continue fighting.

【Ding! Wind Speed Dog defeats the Dumb Hippopotamus and gains 3500 experience points! 】

“Dumb hippopotamus fell to the ground! Winner! Gu Yu! ”

As the referee announced the results of the match, there was another round of applause and cheers!

After Zhao Peng withdrew the dumb hippopotamus, he glanced at Gu Yu.

A bitter smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he immediately walked off the field.

He had already prepared for this result, but after it really happened, his heart was still uncomfortable.

Jilin University then sent a female player named Zhou Yinyun.

Zhou Yinyun sent out a giant vine of level 36.

Facing the wind speed dog of the fire system, send out the giant vines of the grass system.

It can be said that Zhou Yinyun almost wrote the actor’s two words on his face.

And Gu Yu was also very cooperative in letting the wind speed dog use a big character explosion to send the giant vine and Zhou Yinyun to leave the arena together.

“The giant vine fell to the ground! Winner! Gu Yu! ”

“The Pangolin King fell to the ground! Winner! Gu Yu! ”

“The Overlord Flower fell to the ground! Winner! Gu Yu! ”

“Black Ruga fell to the ground! Winner! Gu Yu! ”

“The giant pincer mantis fell to the ground! Winner! Gu Yu! ”

“Congratulations to Zhejiang University for winning the team competition!”

“The second singles match is about to take place! Please prepare both players! ”

As the referee’s voice fell, the entire Heavenly King Arena instantly boiled, and countless spectators shouted Gu Yu’s name!

“Gu Yu!!!”

“Gu Yu!!!”

“Gu Yu!!!”

One case of six!

Even if it’s a one-and-one wear under the opponent’s water!

The visual impact on the audience is also enormous!

On the field.

Wind speed dogs also bark happily.

After Gu Yu revealed a smile at the corner of his mouth, his face returned to calm again.

Because, he knows it.

Next is the hardest enemy to deal with!

‘Tyrant’ Kong Xingyu!

At the Contestant Passage.

Su Qingjun, Yan Siyu and others were also looking at the arena with a look of anticipation at this time.

This time the final of the National Collegiate Elf League is about to begin!

The cameras at the scene were also aimed at Kong Xingyu on the sidelines at this time.

Kong Xingyu slowly got up and walked towards the arena with a serious face, with a hint of expectation in his eyes.

“What kind of hole cards does Gu Yu have?”

While thinking, Kong Xingyu walked to the top of the arena.

After the referee determines that both sides of the match are in place, the game is about to begin.

“Both sides of the game are already in place! Draw the playing field immediately! ”

As the referee’s voice dropped, the draw now began on the big screen.

Geotechnical venues!


After the results came out, the floor of the Heavenly King Arena cracked in an instant.

Then a competition field of about 1500 square meters, made up of rock and soil, slowly rises.

“The venue is ready! The singles tournament has officially begun! ”

As the referee’s voice fell, Kong Xingyu took the lead in dispatching his own elf Banjira!

The ultimate evolutionary type of Baby Kiras.

Kong Xingyu’s Bangira is nearly 2.5 meters tall.

Covered in an armor-like green shell.

Several spikes of different sizes protrude from the back of the head, neck and shoulders.

There is also a ring of smaller spikes at the end of the tail.

The shell is flanked by the chest, with two triangular holes in the center of the back and two knees in both legs, the inside of which is black, and a diamond-shaped notch on the abdomen and the lower part of the back.

【Banjara (Banjaras) (Rock) (Evil)】



[Features: Yangsha (when it appears, it will turn the weather into a sandstorm)]

【Character Talent: Naughty (+ Defense, – Special Attack)】

[Individual Qualifications: HP(31), Attack (31), Defense (31), Special Attack (27), Special Defense (31), Speed (31)]

[Skills: Impact, Glare, Falling Rock, Iron Wall, Lightning Tooth, Frozen Tooth, Flame Tooth, Bite, Rock Collapse, Stomp Foot, Bite, Piercing, Earthquake, Sharp Stone Attack, Sandstorm, Destruction of Dead Light, Big Fight, Ultimate Impact, Dragon Dance, Flame Fist, Lightning Fist, Frozen Fist, Tarzan Pressure Top, Frozen Beam, 100,000 Volts, Digging Holes, Big Character Explosion, Holding, Holding, Holding, Iron Tail, Splitting Tiles, Dragon Claw, Earth Force, Iron Head, Dragon Wave, Wide Area Destruction]

【Carrying: None】

【Potential: Champion】

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