Chapter 139 Beautiful Victory! One wears six! The whole audience is boiling!!

May 7, 7:45 p.m.

Mordor Airport.

A small airliner landed slowly.

Then two people stepped off the plane.

A beautiful middle-aged woman in a blue gauze dress.

Although the beautiful woman is old, she can still see the unique style of her youth.

Next to the beautiful woman was a middle-aged man wearing a black trench coat and a Chinese character face.

The appearance of a man is very ordinary, but all those who have seen his appearance cannot forget his appearance.

Because, a man’s eyes are as bright as the stars!

The two men passed through the P channel of the airport and left the airport later.

Soon he was boarded in the Red Flag car prepared by the Dragon Kingdom Elf Alliance.

After getting on the bus, the middle-aged beautiful woman took the lead in opening her mouth.

“Husband, don’t we really go to see Yaoyao now?”

“Tomorrow is the final four, the opponent is Modu University, and you know Lin Xuan’s strength as a child.”

“At this time, Yaoyao needs to rest, we will go to the scene tomorrow to cheer him up.”

The man replied.

The middle-aged beautiful woman and the middle-aged man are Ye Mengyao’s parents.

Ren Manyun.

Ye Hongyi, one of the Four Heavenly Kings of the Dragon Kingdom!

Ren Manyun heard Ye Hongyi’s words, and although he was a little reluctant, he still nodded reluctantly.

May 8.

In the morning, the golden sunlight pierces the night sky and illuminates the entire magic capital.

Gu Yu, who got up early, left the room with the elf ball after washing up.

Considering the large size of many elves, it is impossible to feed in the room.

The Sky Hotel has set aside a conference room of about 500 square meters for each team participating in the National Collegiate Elf League.

Give the contestant a place to feed the elves.

As Gu Yu’s hidden trump card, Pokkis and Terra Ola are both fed by Gu Yu in the room.

Elves such as Kirby Beasts, Menas, and Wind Speed Dogs were taken to the conference room by Gu Yu to be fed.




Just as the elf was eating heavily, Gu Yu heard a series of clicking footsteps.

With a creak, the door to the conference room was pushed open.

It was Ye Mengyao who came.

Ye Mengyao seemed to be a little sleepless, yawning while greeting Gu Yu.

“Good morning! Gu Yu! ”

“Good morning! Mengyao, did you sleep well last night? ”

Ye Mengyao nodded, and then released a fiery roaring tiger, and the fanged land shark and other elves began to feed.

Gu Yu thought that Ye Mengyao was under too much pressure on Battle Demon Capital University, so he comforted him.

“Rest assured, Lin Xuan is up to me to deal with, don’t be too stressed!”

Ye Mengyao was eager to say that her pressure did not come from Lin Xuan, but from her parents who were about to come to watch the battle.

Consider your father’s identity.

Ye Mengyao finally chose silence.

She didn’t want to put pressure on Gu Yu!

When Gu Yu and Ye Mengyao fed the elves, Su Chen and the others also arrived.

When the elves are done.

Everyone simply ate breakfast and sat on the bus to the Heavenly King Arena.

After arriving at the Heavenly King Arena, Gu Yu and the others immediately came to the players’ lounge.

Enter the Players’ Lounge.

The calm expressions of the original crowd instantly became serious.

The whole locker room fell into a dead silence in an instant!

In addition to the sound of brushing through the data, you can only hear the “rumble” outside.

“The sound of footsteps and shouts.”

Even Xia Pengyu, at this time, his expression was unprecedentedly solemn.

He himself was a trainer with a quasi-divine fast dragon.

It is precisely because of this that he is well aware of the horror of quasi-gods.

And Lin Xuan had two quasi-gods!

Even if he knew Gu Yu’s bottom card and had confidence in Gu Yu, he could not avoid a moment of worry at this time.

At this time the sound of the radio broke the silence of the dressing room.

“Team members of both Zhejiang University and Modu University! Please enter now! ”

Gu Yu and the others got up one after another and walked out of the lounge.

Walking to the entrance of the contestant passage, Gu Yu saw many familiar figures.

Yenching University ace Yan Siyu, Sun Yat-sen University ace Su Qingjun, Harbin University ace Qiu Xuefeng…

Although these people are in the team have been eliminated, they still enjoy the privilege of the players and can come to the scene to watch the game.

Obviously, they don’t want to miss this duel either!

Yan Siyu saw Gu Yu and took the initiative to say, “Don’t lose!” ”

Su Qingjun’s face was full of smiles: “Come on! Gu Yu! ”

And then…

Su Qingjun felt himself being watched by a murderous gaze.

Su Qingjun didn’t have to think about it to know that the owner of his gaze was Ye Mengyao.

Gu Yu nodded and immediately walked out of the contestant passage.

Hundreds of cameras at the scene were also aimed at Gu Yu at the same time.

Gu Yu was wearing a black shirt and stood on his shoulders in the figure of a shining Ibu, appearing on the big screen of the scene.

The Heavenly King Arena was instantly filled with applause and cheers!

But the applause and cheers were clearly not as good as in previous days.

Although many of the Tennosan Arena are tourists from out of town, the local audience is also very large.

The contestants had a wonderful performance and the local audience would not skimp on applause.

But they are obviously more supportive of Mordor University!

Nowadays, it is natural not to give Zhejiang University much applause and cheers as an enemy, Gu Yu did not care about this.

At the same time, Ye Hongyi took Ren Manyun to the guest seat together.

Kong Hui, Jia Yuecheng and others sitting in the guest seat stood up one after another to show respect!

All the cameras on the scene were also pointed at the guest seat at this time.

With the heart-rending roar of the on-site commentary, Ye Hongyi’s figure appeared on the big screen of the Heavenly King Arena!

“Ladies of the King Arena! Gentlemen! ”

“Today I have a weight guest!”

“Let us welcome King Ye Hongyi with the warmest applause!”

The Tennoyama Arena first fell into a dead silence.

Countless spectators were momentarily stunned in place, looking at the big screen of the Heavenly King Arena with surprised faces!

After confirming that it was indeed Ye Hongyi himself, the applause and cheers at the scene sounded like a volcanic eruption!

“Oh my God! The Four Heavenly Kings actually came to the scene to watch the battle! How long has this not happened?! ”

“I really didn’t expect to be able to see Ye Tianwang!” This ticket is so worth the money! ”

“No, I’m going to take a picture and send it to my circle of friends!”

Gu Yu on the sidelines, looking at Ye Hongyi on the big screen, was also a little surprised.

Unexpectedly, I met my future father-in-law at the scene today.

Ye Mengyao looked at the parents in the guest seat, took a deep breath, and his eyes were full of determination.

Lin Xuan on the other side was also very surprised to see the figures of Ye Hongyi and Ren Manyun at this time.


Ye Mengyao is his aunt.

Ye Hongyi is also his maternal grandfather, or grandfather.

Ren Manyun is his grandmother.

Coupled with Ye Hongyi’s identity as the Four Heavenly Kings of the Dragon Kingdom…

Thinking of this, Lin Xuan’s eyes flashed a fine light.

Then Lin Xuan took the initiative to open his mouth to Peng Xing’an, the leading teacher of Modu University.

“Teacher, let me be the first to play in the team game!”

“I not only want to win Zhejiang University today, but I want to win beautifully!”

Peng Xing’an was a middle-aged man, his figure was somewhat blessed, his hair was also somewhat thin, he heard Lin Xuan’s words, and his brow first frowned, and then nodded.

“Good! Although this is different from the plan we made before the game, the teacher believes in you. ”

“Go for it! Bring back a beautiful victory! ”

10 a.m.

After the referee determines that both sides of the match are in place, the game is about to begin.

“Both sides of the game are already in place! Draw the playing field immediately! ”

As the referee’s voice dropped, the draw now began on the big screen.

Desert Grounds!


After the results came out, the floor of the Heavenly King Arena cracked in an instant.

Then a playing field of about 1,500 square meters, covered with yellow sand, slowly rises.

“The venue is ready! Now there are players from both sides to enter! ”

As soon as the referee’s voice fell, Lin Xuan got up and walked quickly to the arena.

Xia Pengyu saw Lin Xuan walk onto the arena, and a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes at this time.

“Su Ying, you play!”

Su Ying stood up helplessly.

She knew very well that her role in playing was to be cannon fodder.

But I also had to play hard.

“Both players are already in place! The race starts now! ”

With the referee’s order, Lin Xuan and Su Ying each released their own elves.

Fast Dragon!

Coconut Egg Tree!

Seeing Lin Xuan send out a fast dragon.

Xia Pengyu showed a smile at the corner of his mouth and immediately decided to give up the team game.

The result of the game, there are no surprises.

The fast dragon moved at high speed with the flame fist, directly almost killing the coconut egg tree in one move.

Seeing the coconut egg tree barely getting up, the fast dragon made up a move to speed up.

The coconut egg tree fell directly to the ground.

Then, under Xia Pengyu’s deliberate release of water, Lin Xuan began his own crazy performance!

Defeat the fire-breathing dragon, defeat the giant vine, defeat the rumbling rock, defeat the Blizzard King, defeat the Black Ruga.

Fast Dragon directly completed a wave of one through six!

“Black Ruga fell to the ground! Winner! Lin Xuan! ”

“Congratulations to Mordor University for winning the team competition!”

“The second singles match is about to take place! Please prepare both players! ”

As the referee’s voice fell, the entire Heavenly King Arena instantly boiled, and countless spectators shouted Lin Xuan’s name!

“Lin Xuan!!!”

“Lin Xuan!!!”

“Lin Xuan!!!”

One wears six!

Even if Zhejiang University deliberately releases water, it is amazing enough!!

At the side of the contestants’ passage, Yan Siyu, Su Qingjun and others saw this scene, and although they were a little surprised on their faces, they quickly returned to calm.

They are very clear that this is a deliberate release of water by Zhejiang University.

And the next singles match is the top priority!

Kong Hui, president of Modu University, who was sitting in the guest seat, and others also applauded Lin Xuan’s performance at this time.

Jia Yuecheng applauded while sighing, “Lin Xuan’s strength is really too strong!” Even if there was only one three-headed dragon, Zhejiang University would probably not be able to defeat Lin Xuan! ”

Kong Hui nodded and said confidently, “In addition to Kong Xingyu, Lin Xuan is the strongest trainer of this session!” ”

Listening to the words of the two men, the expression on Ye Hongyi’s face did not change at all.

It seems that Lin Xuan’s performance of wearing six is not worth mentioning at all.

And his gaze had fallen on the figure next to his daughter.

“Is this the successor of Yuan Hanhai?” Interesting! Let me see how strong you are! ”

Thinking of this, Ye Hongyi also had a trace of curiosity in his eyes, as well as a hint of expectation.

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