Chapter 129 Gu Yu appeared! Fight between women!!

After speaking, Gu Yu left directly.

Yan Siyu looked at Gu Yu’s back as he left, and his eyes were full of war intentions!

Once it has been determined that both sides of the match are in place, the game is about to begin.

“Both sides of the game are already in place! Draw the playing field immediately! ”

As the referee’s voice dropped, the draw now began on the big screen.

Green grass field!


After the results came out, the floor of the Heavenly King Arena cracked in an instant.

Then a playing field of about 1,500 square meters, covered with grass, slowly rises.

In the team battle of Zhejiang University, the first person to be sent to the court was Ye Mengyao.

Qiao Wei, the leading teacher of Sun Yat-sen University, saw Ye Mengyao on the field, and the corners of his mouth showed a smile.

“As expected, we’ve won half of it!”

The player who appeared at Sun Yat-sen University was Su Qingjun.

Looking at Su Qingjun with a smile, Ye Mengyao frowned slightly.

Obviously, Ye Mengyao didn’t like Su Qingjun a little.

“The venue is ready! The National Collegiate Elf League Round of 16 has officially begun! ”

With the order of the referee, the game officially began.

Ye Mengyao and Su Qingjun each sent their own elves.

Blazing roars afraid of tigers!

Rose Redo!

Rosredo has a rose-like appearance on the head and leaves on the neck that resemble a cape and emit aroma.

There are red and blue roses on the hands, and a whip with stingers in the hands.

【Roseredo (grass) (poison)】



[Features: Technical master (can be used when attacking, the power of low-power moves is increased)]

【Character Talent: Docile (+ Special Attack, – Defense)】

[Individual Qualifications: HP (31), Attack (31), Defense (26), Special 817 Attack (31), Special Defense (31), Speed (31)]

[Skills: Poison Needle, Suction, Super Suction, Parasitic Seed, Growth, Paralysis Powder, Petal Dance, Poison, Ultimate Suction, Sweet Aroma, Photosynthesis, Rooting, Aromatherapy, Annoyance Seed, Poison Diamond, Venom Trap, Flying Bullet Needle, Scattering Diamond, Sludge Bomb, Hold Up, Hold On, Seed Machine Gun, Poison Strike, Grass Knot, Venom Shock, Strong Whipping]

【Carrying: None】

【Potential: Heavenly King】

Seeing Roseleido’s information, Gu Yu recalled Su Ying’s words and said to himself, “It is indeed a poisonous snake that is good at disguise!” ”

The game on the field has begun.

“Rose Redo! Poison Diamond! ”

[Poison Diamond: Sprinkle poison diamond at the opponent’s feet to poison the opponent’s replacement elf. 】

This is the poison diamond attribute in the game, but in reality this skill is more like a range attack, which is not much different from the game.


Roseredo let out a loud cry, and purple poison flew out of his body.

Then it went into the surrounding area.

In an instant, on the grass field, a large amount of grass began to wither.

As long as they step on these places that are hit by poisonous diamonds, the elves are at risk of poisoning

“Blazing roaring tiger! Bodybuilding! Then cast a jet of flames! ”


The blazing roaring tiger roared, and in an instant the muscles tensed, and the attack and defense increased at the same time.

Fire energy converged in the mouth of the blazing roaring tiger.

In the next instant, red flames erupted from the mouth of the blazing roaring tiger, turning into a sea of flames enveloping the grass and rushing straight away from Rose.

“Rose Redo! Dodge! ”

Hearing Su Qingjun’s order, Rose Redo flashed back away.

The area of the Round of Sixteen arena was too large for the Blazing Roaring Tiger to cover it all with jet flames.

Roseredo dodged the spray flames, but the Poison Ling skill couldn’t dodge it.

It was burned by the high temperature of the jet flame, and the poisonous diamond was extinguished in an instant.

“Red Yan roared and slapped the tiger! Tarzan Top! ”

With Ye Mengyao’s order, the Blazing Roaring Tiger sent out its legs, jumped straight up, and then jumped down from mid-air.

“Rose Redo! Watch out for dodging! ”


The grass was smashed into a large pit by the blazing Tao Howling Tiger, but Roseredo managed to avoid the top of Mount Tai.

“The Blazing Roaring Tiger managed to close the distance with Rose Laby!”

“Twice as weak fire as Roseredo, if hit by the fire skill, I am afraid that it is more fierce and less auspicious!”

The on-site commentary had just fallen Ye Mengyao and Su Qingjun attacked almost at the same time.

“Rose Redo! Poison needles! ”

[Poison Needle: Attacks an opponent by piercing a poisonous needle. Sometimes it can cause the opponent to fall into a state of poisoning. 】

“Blazing roaring tiger! Spray flames! ”

Only the thick purple poison needle of the hair flew out of Rosredo’s body and went straight to the blazing roaring tiger.

Red flames erupted from the mouth of the blazing roaring tiger, turning into a sea of flames, burning the purple poison needle to the ground, and heading straight for Roseredo.

“Rose Redo! Hold on! ”

As soon as Su Qingjun’s voice fell, a huge white shield appeared in front of Roseredo.


The jet flame is blocked by a white shield!

“Great opportunity!”

When Ye Mengyao saw this scene, he immediately ordered, “Blazing Roaring Tiger!” Flame Fist! ”

Both sides are quasi-king-level elves, and neither is a speed elf.

It is basically impossible to defeat the opponent with a ranged attack.

After all, the other party is not blind, and if you pay attention to avoidance, it is difficult for ranged skills to cause damage.

Melee combat is the fastest way!


The red flames covered the right fist of the Blazing Roaring Tiger, and the Blazing Roaring Tiger roared loudly and rushed towards Roseredo.

When Su Qingyun saw this scene, the curvature of the corners of his mouth became even greater!


“Rose Redo! Tie a knot! ”

[Grass knot: Wrap the grass around and trip over the opponent.] The heavier the opponent, the more powerful it is. 】

Knotting grass is a skill that can be dodged, after all, it takes time for grass to appear.

And this time, as long as the elf is fast enough and the reaction is timely enough, it can be dodged.

But the speed of the blazing roaring tiger was obviously not fast enough, and even if it reacted, there was no way to dodge.


The blazing roaring tiger fell heavily to the ground, directly smashing the arena into a big pit.

Ye Mengyao, who realized that it was not good, hurriedly shouted, “Blazing Roaring Tiger! Hurry up! ”

“It’s late! Rose Redo! Venom Trap! ”

[Venom Trap: Splash special venom on your opponent.] For opponents who are poisoned, their attacks, special attacks, and speed are reduced. 】

Purple venom the size of a human head spat out of Roseredo’s mouth.

Go straight to the blazing roaring tiger that has just gotten up!

The Blazing Roaring Tiger had no time to dodge.

Purple venom instantly covered the entire body of the blazing roaring tiger.


Blazing roaring tiger screamed in pain.

“Blazing roaring tiger! Ghost Face! Then cast the Flame Fist! ”

The Blazing Roaring Tiger stared at Rose Redo with a horrible grimace.

A feeling of fear poured out from the bottom of his heart, and Roseredo’s body continued to tremble in place.

When the Blazing Roaring Tiger rushed towards Rose Redo, the red flames once again covered the right fist of the Blazing Roaring Tiger.

“Rose Redo! Venom Shock! Cast hold on! ”

[Venom Shock: Splashes a special venom on the opponent, and the power of the opponent in the poisoned state will be doubled. 】

[Even if attacked: at least 1HP remains.] Continuous use is easy to fail. 】

Purple venom erupted from Roseredo’s mouth and headed straight for the blazing roaring tiger.

The flame fist of the Blazing Roaring Tiger also succeeded in hitting Rose Redo.


The red flames covered Roseredo’s whole body, and Roseredo screamed and was directly knocked out.

With a thud, he fell heavily to the ground.

After hitting Roseredo, the Blazing Roaring Tiger almost flew directly to the ground.

The Blazing Roaring Tiger is in poor condition now.

After being hit by the poison skill continuously, the fur on his body turned purple.

“Rose Redo! Photosynthesis! ”

[Photosynthesis: Restore your own HP.] Depending on the weather, the amount of responses will not change. 】


The pitch-black Rose struggled to get up from the ground, screamed and then performed photosynthesis.

“Blazing roaring tiger! Spray flames to stop Roseredo! ”

Affected by the poisoned state, the Blazing Roaring Tiger sprayed flames released a second late.

It was at this time that Roseredo’s photosynthesis had been performed!

In an instant, the original dark body returned to its original state in an instant.

Rose to life in blood!

Seeing this scene, Gu Yu on the sidelines shook his head helplessly.

Ye Mengyao lost!

The Blazing Roaring Tiger is in a very poor state at the moment, itself a poisoned state.

HP will only get less and less over time.

The only way Ye Mengyao wants to win next is to quickly solve Rose Redo but…

Su Qingjun is not a fool either!

She wouldn’t give Ye Mengyao a chance to quickly settle the battle at all.

The truth was just as Gu Yu thought.

On the field, Su Qingjun commanded Rose Redo to dodge back and forth, just not to give the Blazing Roaring Tiger the opportunity to confront him head-on.

After 2 minutes.

The Blazing Roaring Tiger was consumed alive and slammed into the ground.

“The blazing roaring tiger fell to the ground! Winner! Su Qingjun! ”

As soon as the referee’s voice fell, the entire Heavenly King Arena was filled with cheers in an instant!

Qiao Wei, the leading teacher of Sun Yat-sen University, the smile on his face was even stronger at this time!

“Next, as long as you continue to use Alluredo to race Poison Ling on the field, Zhejiang University’s team game will be lost!”

Kong Hui, the president of Modu University, who was sitting in the guest seat, also nodded when he saw this scene.

“Yes, worthy of being Su Tianhe’s granddaughter, this strength and grasp of battle is indeed better than the Ye family’s little girl!”

Jia Yuecheng, the owner of the Qingkong Daoist Hall of the Flight Department next to him, also echoed: “Yes, the little girl of the Ye family is really a little young, and her experience and elves are lacking.” ”

Xia Pengyu, who was on the sidelines, also frowned at this time.

Obviously thinking about who to send next.

“Teacher Xia, let me play!” No one at Zhejiang University could beat Su Qingjun except me. ”

Hearing Gu Yu’s words, Xia Pengyu nodded.

“Then you play!”

When Gu Yu came on the court, a lost Ye Mengyao had just come down from the field.

“Mengyao, don’t take it to heart, victory or defeat is a common matter for soldiers, see how I can help you solve Su Qingjun!”

Hearing Gu Yu’s comfort, Ye Mengyao barely squeezed out a smile on his lost expression.

“Be careful! That woman is dangerous! ”

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